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Everything posted by Qwent

  1. According to the official migration guide from n8n, the webhook tunnel variable should be `WEBHOOK_URL`. Am I missing something?
  2. I recently updated my Unraid machine, and found it stuck when booting - no access to web UI (connection refused), has access to default SSH port (not the custom port), nginx not running, etc. After some force-shutdown and rebooting to investigate, I found out it's this plugin. And i think there's some potential optimization here. We all know that Unraid OS sits on the USB drive, it contains system files, plugins, configuration files and more. When the OS boots up from the USB drive, Unraid load the filesystem into the RAM, during this process it re-installs all the plugins - from USB drive to the RAM filesystem. And when re-installing the Rclone plugin, it will trigger an update check back to rclone.org, if there's a new release then it will try to download the latest ZIP file and replace the rclone binary executable. Well, the thing is, in some region of the world, you cannot access rclone.org without using a proxy (or at least at a usable speed). So the curl command just keep downloading at a speed of around 100B/s, preventing the OS from continue to boot up. Once I figured out what's going on, I manually downloaded the latest ZIP file and put it into the USB drive (via SSH), and used `kill -SIGINT` to interrupt the curl process, so the rclone plugin updated the binary executable (from the ZIP file I provided) and the OS continued to boot up fully operational. So how did I install the rclone in the first place, if I cannot access rclone.org without a network proxy? I installed ProxyEditor plugin, and set a system-wide proxy for my Unraid machine. So after a reboot (after the ProxyEditor plugin was re-installed and loaded its configuration file during OS boot), all system components is using the network proxy I configured (by injecting HTTP_PROXY environment variables, I guess). At this time I installed Rclone plugin via CA, so there's no problem. When the OS is booting up, however, it would be doing all the plugin re-installation without HTTP_PROXY and other environment variables (since the ProxyEditor plugin has not yet been re-installed), so the network request to rclone.org is really slow, effectively blocking the OS from further booting up. The workaround is pretty easy - just like what I did - when it's downloading the file, manually uploading the latest ZIP file to the USB drive and interrupt the curl process.
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