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  1. This is not helpful, but I just wanted to confirm that I'm having the exact same error.
  2. Great plugin! I see there is already a request / on the roadmap for custom scripts per-container. That does sound useful, but I was hoping for just enhancements to the scripting in general for the monitoring use-case. It would be nice if I could paste a script "curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null https://some-ping-site-here" into the custom scripts box, instead of just script files. Since a common use-case I expect would be using the scripts to monitor if a job has succeeded or not (and report if not) it would be good to be able to have a "success" and "errored" script, rather than just a "completed" script. Or, be able to pass update metadata (like backup folder location, job success/failure etc) into the scripts as parameters. Thanks again.
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