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  1. Hi all - I've tried searching for this, but because this text shows up in so many troubleshooting logs, it's hard to find the explanation of what this warning means. The docker image in question isn't actually causing me any problems, but it does show up in 'fix common problems' and I'd like to see if I can find these 'moderator comments' somewhere to understand what the potential problems are with this docker container (which is Seafile). Thank you.
  2. Thank you for creating this script. I've tried searching the history here and saw a couple of very old posts saying that the -e command for excluding directories won't work on subdirectories. Is that still the case? I have a couple of subdirectories with hundreds of thousands of small files that I really don't want to include in the scanning and am not sure if putting them in the user defined options like this will have any effect when /mnt/user/backup is an included directory? -a '-e /mnt/user/backup/directory-to-avoide -e /mnt/user/backup/another-directory-to-avoid' Thank you.
  3. Re: your last question.... Veeam can be set up two ways. 1) with a veeam server that makes calls to the vm on other systems and initiates backup this way. 2) with a local veeam application running on the vm that writes backups to a shared path (NFS or SMB) available from inside the VM. With #2, you'd be susceptible to the issue you raise in your previous post. With #1, you wouldn't have the same exposure.
  4. @Fallen94, amazing, thank you very much for the reply and video. makes complete sense now!
  5. Adding myself to the list. Sonarr ,Radarr, Bazarr are all corrupted regularly. I wonder if this has something to do with the daily appdata backup script shutting them down for backups? That's a complete guess, but since I have nothing else to go on, I'm going to try disabling those backups for awhile and see if the corruption stops.
  6. For anyone else googling this in the future, I have successfully set up Veeam Community edition agents on a number of windows and linux vms running on my Unraid box. The key benefit of Veeam vs. other solutions I looked at is that it will backup a running VM without stopping it. The backups need to be written to an unRAID directory shared to a path within the VM. The backups occur automatically per the you schedule you set up inside the agent and only write incremental changes, so backups after the first one are very quick.
  7. Thank you for creating this script! I'm very interested in getting this working. Can you please provide a bit more info for how to get this up and running? I'm not familiar with xdotool and cannot find a way to install it on unraid. Every google search I run for the combination of xdotool and unraid lands me on this post or one of your other ones where you were figuring it out. A video of you using this script would probably be worth 1,000 words as well as it's not totally clear how/where this script is run even once it's installed (or I'm just a neophyte and need a bit more spoon feeding than you originally planned for) :). I'd love to get it working, thanks in advance for the pointers!
  8. Thanks for creating this container. Is there a way to adjust how the container runs so that it can access folders owned by root? Right now, any folders owned by root are highlighted in red and cannot be analyzed. I tried running in privileged mode and also changing the PUID & PGID to zero, but neither helped. Thanks! Thank you.
  9. @swamiforlife, did you ever test this out? Curious what you found if you did please. Cheers.
  10. New unraid user here and i am considering something similar. Sorry I don’t have more to contribute now but I wanted to reply and follow along. My use case is I am migrating a large storage pool off of VMware into a new unraid server , after which I’m trying to decide if I fully dump VMware and move all VMs to unraid or if I spin up Proxmox on the original server once all data and apps are moved and then virtualize unraid (I could also keep them both running separate on dedicated hardware but don’t think I need that much horsepower/ electrical usage). looking forward to input from others.
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