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  1. Sorry im confused.. i just bought the sandisk because it was mentioned as one of the best (yes a bit Old post) i was not able to create the usb drive directly with the app. However the manual process seems to have worked. And currently running on the trails version. So should I be ok? Or can I still have issues when I try to activate it?
  2. I just installed unraid 3 days ago, and of course i had to play with docker and mineOs - what could go wrong... Well apparently a lot.. During the installation of MineOs i was really missing the nice guide for dummies.. Reading through this topic, i found the video where it explaind and show how to install a server, would be nice to have it somewhere in the start or a link to it as part of the docker link - There might be a link but i did not find it .. When trying to configure my first server of course i ran into the issue that the permissions where wrong an i had to run the chmod -R 777 /config Would be cool if that would be mentioned "early" some where, could have saved me some frustrations. When i tried to configure the server Broadcast to LAN and entered an IP -> Crash [Server thread/WARN]: **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT! Finally.. As so many other people i wanted to install some mods on the server for the kids.. Yes they can be somewhat persuasive.. The mod in quesion is Valhelsia-6-6.1.0, i can download it.. I can run the installer and copy everything to the folder on binhex-mineos-node\mineos\games\servers\Valhelsia But how do i actualy make it use the mods? Im pretty sure i missed something obvious, but since this obiosly is my first rodeo.. Mayby a hit somewhere would be cool Hope i can get some help and finally get it up and running with the mod.