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Everything posted by MissEmma

  1. Crash after installing Nvidia Driver?! I had a server up and running since the beginning of 2024 and all was well until a few weeks ago when I came home to find it crashed and repeatedly rebooting when I attempted to start it back up. Since then I have had nothing but further issues and crashes, so today I decided to try starting fresh. At this point I've narrowed it down to something going on with my Nvidia 3060Ti. On my most recent attempt, I booted into a fresh unraid OS from a brand new thumb drive. Started up a 30 day trial, and went directly to Apps. Installed CA and then installed Nvidia driver plugin. Went to settings and when pressing the Nvidia icon to check on the driver, the server instantly reboots. This is reproducable. My 3060Ti is only a few months old and was working very well in Plex, Tdarr, Stable Diffusion, and others before the crash a few weeks ago. Does anyone have any idea where I should start with trying to solve this? I've done okay up until this point but I am far from being an Unraid expert. Edit to add: I have this issue on 6.10.13 and 7.0 beta 2, makes no difference. The server was originally running 6.10.13 before the initial crash. Edit 2: I just tried swapping in my old 980Ti and am now able to see the Nvidia Plugin options after clicking on it. Did my 3060Ti crap out?? This keeps getting stranger. 😵 TLDR; Unraid server in new config crashes immediately after installing Nvidia driver and trying to access Settings/Nvidia
  2. This cheat sheet has everything you need to know when deciding on an Nvidia GPU for encoding HEVC. I would not recommend worrying too much about single vs dual encoders so much. Look at the columns for NVENC capabilities, they're listed in total FPS(@1080p) and total streams. This tells you how many FPS in total you will be able to encode with a given card, in something like Tdarr. For Plex, Jellyfin, etc take a look at the Transcoder Limits column. That will tell you approximately how many simultaneous transcodes you could be doing for all of those Plex users that won't fix their damn remote streaming settings lol I currently run Plex/Tdarr/Steam-headless using my old 980ti and the metrics given at the below link line up very well with what I'm seeing on my server. For my price/performance/power efficiency needs and based on the info I got from this link, I'm probably going to go with a 3060 12GB. Good power efficiency, a decent DLSS, raytracing, etc bump for the very little steam gaming I do using steam-headless, and a huge bump to both encoding performance and quality. Also keep in mind that the new the generation on GPU, the better quality the video encoders are going to output. Newer cards are also going to be way more compatible with certain files like 4:2:2, 10-bit, HDR etc. NVENC will fail on a lot of these files when trying to use older cards, like my 980ti. https://www.elpamsoft.com/?p=Plex-Hardware-Transcoding Hope this helps! -Emma
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