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Everything posted by anotherdud3

  1. Well I feel stupid for not noticing that when creating the container, thanks though appreciate your help
  2. I'm using Unassigned Devices plugin already, but freefilesync still can't see the remote share, remotes in the unraid file manager is there and see the shares but they're not visible in freefilesync, checked multiple places.
  3. Thanks, I was aware of rsync etc but wasn't sure if it could see smb shares on a remote device, freefilesync couldn't so had to go sftp and go that way, now chugging along. Guessing you can do it with rsync I'm just clueless on how to do it, freefilesync works with sftp, only a one time sync so will leave it at that.
  4. I don't fully trust this now, I'll have to go a different way to transfer data, don't have the time to be checking terrabytes worth of data to see if it all copied over correctly and possibly adding duplicates I can't see too. Just for further info, I did upgrade, rebooted, disk checked the effected disk, still the same, missing files and folders that I done as a mass copy with other files and folders in one go, not individually.
  5. Could somebody just clarify, I've seen a few comments saying the data is still there on the drive and did reappear when rolling back, I've now updated to 6.12.10-rc1 but the data isn't there, files and folders still missing, unable to tell if they're there and hidden or not Feel like I'm going to be wasting another few hours checking to see if a full transfer has happened.
  6. Also seeing this too, brand new install, first time unraid user, copying from smb to unraid smb, have missing files and folders, thought I was going crazy at first, annoying as I was making a move from another pc to this unraid one
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