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Everything posted by RickInHouston

  1. I went to MicroCenter and bought a new USB3 external hard drive dock. I figured I'd be wasting my money so I unpackaged it very carefully. Not ONE problem copying files back ever since. There's no reason why two older docks shouldn't work and this one does. I can only imagine, somehow, there's a limiter on the size of the hard drive or on the NAS end of it. We're talking only 6TB. AND the really sad thing was, all because a couple of movies weren't playing correctly. KODI playback configuration needed a change and everything plays as it should. I went completely stupid TWICE.
  2. Back to not working, again. I'm shutting it all down and walking away from it. I can't find a work-around to rebuilding my unraid server from my backups. I'm done with this. Very frustrating.
  3. This is quite a problem. I can't rebuild my server from my backups because of copy issues. Don't know what I'm going to do at this point...
  4. Well, it fixed it, it seems. I went by my office and got a different external USB case (not really a case, but hard drive drop in). I could not get the backup drive to be recognized. My Windows 10 computer would ding but no explorer window opening the drive. I moved the drive to a different USB port on my Razer laptop. BOOM. Drive found. Copies like before. No IO errors with windows copy. Will re-download Teracopy to see if I get the createiocompletionport error (but I doubt I will). So to whoever is getting this error. Check every part of your connection. Mine was the USB dock AND USB port it was plugged into.
  5. Is happening with a different computer. Next, could be the USB external hard drive enclosure (one i use doesnt even show up, one shows up but i get the error often and the third was used in the oast and is at my office). Is this doesnt work, will move to router swap.
  6. I, too, am getting this error all the sudden. I upsized a disk, overpopulated and found stuttery performance. I deleted all files and am now copying back over from my good backup. Failure errors abound. Can't figure out why. I'm wondering if it's the router. Had a short in my home wiring and it tripped a breaker. Not sure, but internet has been slightly won't. Have been watching The Crown from unfair and never a glitch. How can I tell my router needs replacing? They are so expensive, now.
  7. Long and short of it. I've swapped 3 3TB drives for 6TB drives over the past ?year?. I watch mostly the newer movies I add to the array, but when I went to watch an old movie (that was re-populated through parity rebuild) it was stuttering. I realized more that one movie didn't play smoothly. I, now, don't feel comfortable that unraid repopulated the data correctly (maybe not true, but...). Decided it wasn't worth troubleshooting since I have a full backup of each disk. So, now, I'm deleting a disk, one at a time, and copying the movies back onto the drive. Since I have backups, I've decided to un-assign parity (speed isn't that much faster, so in hindsight I would not recommend doing that nor would I have done it). Question - my parity drive, when I re-assign it back into the array, will flip out some things have changed while others have stayed the same. Should I just let it go through a party check and fix it all or should I delete all the parity data (through pre-clear utility, I guess) and let unraid rebuild from scratch??? I don't know why the array seems screwed up, a bit, but putting fresh copies of everything seems like the best move, at this point.
  8. Will I need to let the'change format' run each time? I can't remember if that is a long process, it not...
  9. I Had a 3TB drive in my array. I replaced it with a 6TB drive. After adding a few movies on it I realized the drive was bad (movie files wouldn't play or would act finicky). I replaced the drive and did a rebuilt. I'm realizing the bad files were now merely copied to the new drive as bad files. I do have a separate backup of these movies. So, do I... Simply select all the files in the drive and delete them. Then copy my backup drives data to the empty drive? Seems like this really clutters things. Is there a better way of wiping this drive clean and starting over? Thank you for any help you can provide, Rick
  10. Thank you, Baby Jesus, for this! I used to dread having to add a drive to my unraid. I've wait and wait until it was absolutely necessary. I'd have to re-read how to do it (because I'd forget between pre-clears). It was always a pain in my butt. This plugin is a dream come true! Thank you, thank you, thank you...
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