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Posts posted by Whaler_99

  1. I have four 3x5 SATA drive cages I am no longer using.


    1 - One x iStarUSA - Model - BPU-350SATA-BLACK - $80

    2 - One x Icy Dock - Similar to the MB155SP-B unit, except this is an older model, uses 3 x Molex power connectors. - $80

    3 - Two x Supermicro - Model - CSE-M35T-1B - $100 each


    Each units includes all their drive sleds, screws for the hard drives and mounting screws.


    I am willing to ship, I'm on the west coast of BC, buyer pays shipping. If you want all four I will ship for free.





  2. I added a 2.5Gb NIC to the server today. I switch Eth0 (onboard) and Eth1 (new one) so the 2.5 would be primary, setup DNS and then port down on the onboard as that is now unplugged.


    Now when I go into VM Manager, my one Win 10 VM has no networking options. They are gone and when started, has no networking. Hopefully someone can help sort out what happened here and how I can add the NIC back into the VM.



    tower-diagnostics-20230716-2348.zip Win10XML.txt

  3. 5 hours ago, gnollo said:

    Well I am back in the thread. My setup is still working well with temperatures apart from summer.

    I have to stick a fan in front of the server to keep it cool, which is ok but not ideal, expecially when going away. 

    I get a lot of drives going above 45C without the fan trick.
    I am tempted to replace the two big fans at the back, but I only want them to go full speed in summer, so I guess I am looking for a manual speed regulator instead of a fan that senses case temperature. 
    Any suggestions?

    Fan control, I'd recommend https://getfancontrol.com/ as a good way to control fans and ramp them up when needed based on temps. Here is a video on how to do a lot fo the setup and config - 



  4. I have 4 of these units I no longer need. All 4 are the red version. One unit has what I believe from my limited testing, a single drive slot dead. But, it may work, I didn't do a lot of testing. You can see it marked in one of the pictures.


    I've included a little baggy in each that has the mounting screws I used.




    Price is $140 CAD each, $115 CAD for the unit with one bad slot. If you buy all 4, I'll do $475 CAD. I'm located near Barrie, Ontario, Canada for local meetup, but can ship. Contact me to work out logistics.







  5. 21 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Do you have another you could replace it with? Then you could try preclearing it again to see if those pending sectors would get reallocated.


    Yes I do, so do the normal routine to replace the drive. After replacement drive rebuilds and array back to normal, I add it back in, anything special I need to do considering it would have been part of the array previously?


  6. Recently replaced a 3TB with 8TB drive. Drive was precleared, all good. After rebuild, I started moving data from another small drive onto it and errors re: Current Pending Sector and Offline Uncorrectable popped up.

    I stopped the disk copy, ran a smart extended disk test which came up ok. Started copying some data again, no errors but seems very slow. Wondering if this disk is going?


    1	Raw read error rate	0x000f	083	064	006	Pre-fail	Always	Never	220584408
    3	Spin up time	0x0003	092	092	000	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    4	Start stop count	0x0032	099	099	020	Old age	Always	Never	1936
    5	Reallocated sector count	0x0033	100	100	010	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    7	Seek error rate	0x000f	083	060	045	Pre-fail	Always	Never	194565708
    9	Power on hours	0x0032	072	072	000	Old age	Always	Never	24975h+44m+59.718s
    10	Spin retry count	0x0013	100	100	097	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
    12	Power cycle count	0x0032	100	100	020	Old age	Always	Never	104
    183	Runtime bad block	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    184	End-to-end error	0x0032	100	100	099	Old age	Always	Never	0
    187	Reported uncorrect	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    188	Command timeout	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0 0 0
    189	High fly writes	0x003a	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    190	Airflow temperature cel	0x0022	067	057	040	Old age	Always	Never	33 (min/max 28/35)
    191	G-sense error rate	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    192	Power-off retract count	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	37
    193	Load cycle count	0x0032	095	095	000	Old age	Always	Never	10495
    194	Temperature celsius	0x0022	033	043	000	Old age	Always	Never	33 (0 17 0 0 0)
    195	Hardware ECC recovered	0x001a	083	064	000	Old age	Always	Never	220584408
    197	Current pending sector	0x0012	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	16
    198	Offline uncorrectable	0x0010	100	100	000	Old age	Offline	Never	16
    199	UDMA CRC error count	0x003e	200	200	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
    240	Head flying hours	0x0000	100	253	000	Old age	Offline	Never	3579h+07m+24.507s
    241	Total lbas written	0x0000	100	253	000	Old age	Offline	Never	86117390702
    242	Total lbas read	0x0000	100	253	000	Old age	Offline	Never	508513967238


    If someone could take a look and let me know. Anything to worry about with those to options sitting at 16? Don't seem to be increasing.



  7. Just a question on moving all the folders from one disk to another. I saw another post on the intelligence of File Manager, wanting to move like directories between disks, keep things the same. I've gone into Disk17, selected all the root folders and then click Move. Target, I choose Disk1 and it's automatically adding in "backups" to the path, the first folder from Disk17, which also is one Disk1. 

    I assume at this point I need to manually edit this and remove the "backups/" portion to copy everything to the root, otherwise it would copy everything from Disk17 to the "backups" folder on Disk1. Or... is it just not displaying properly and all the root folders on Disk17 will be copied to the root of Disk1? It's just showing me "backups" as that is first folder?


  8. Was helping my son design and 3D print an external drive cage solution for some testing and no longer need the hardware. I have 2 x LSI 9201-16E cards. These are 4 port, 16 drive drive cards for external connection, in IT mode. I bought 2 to have one spare. :) Also have 4 x of the cable connecters, SFF-8088 (mini sas) to 4 x SATA. Cards and cables worked fine.

    Can ship if willing to cover.

    Looking for $250 for everything.





  9. 8 hours ago, DaveHavok said:

    Has anyone tried the newer iStar ISTAR BPN-DE350HD 5-in-3 cages yet? 
    I'm curious on the build quality and if the fans needs to be replaced.

    Appreciate any feedback before buying 4 of these.
    I've been using Icy Dock for YEARS now, but wanted to try something new (more silent, better cooling, etc.)


    I have used that one, similar to all the others, good build quality. I just not a big fan of trayless as the drives are a bit loose in the cage. I've had more drive issues with trayless cages than any others.

    As for the fan, unfortunately I cannot recall if you can swap it. There is a speed selector for it and it is a standard 80mm size, so there is that. You might just have to solder if it's a custom connector on the PCB.


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