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  1. Okay does anyone actually have a remedy with the WD drives? I have a similar issue with 52TB across 13 drives in mixed environment of 7200 and 5400 speeds. Is it possible to go around the parity/data rebuild from a failed drive? Can these checks be done separately and what method of order if so.
  2. Hello Jorge, It took a day but last night I started to see folders show back up. This morning things look back to normal finally. Thank you for your information.
  3. Ran the check file system through the GUI with out and - tags and with the -L I think there is something I am still missing. ruinfocus-diagnostics-20240424-1830.zip
  4. Added the diagnostics, my music folder shares are starting to show up in the shares tab. But not on the network as of today. ruinfocus-diagnostics-20240424-0531.zip
  5. I followed the steps in the restart process which said it needed to fix the array? I believe.
  6. Version 6.9.2 raid with 13 x 4TB drives. I recently found a bad drive and replaced it once I was able to. It could have been 6 days total but before parity validation. First two days could not find shares on network. After two small size files started to show up. Two of the bigger files shares are not showing any files. shows as directory is empty on my network. Is this normal or is there something missing?
  7. I think I aligned everything correctly Don't seem to be seeing any issues at this time.
  8. Hello, again. It looks like everything is lined up with the array. Going to add back in the Parity and Cache disc and roll. Looked through a few of my shares and played a few movies on and off with no errors. Music and photos same
  9. Hello, I got the new Pass key. I have aligned my disc to what I believe is correct disc to the array. On the parity disc and cache disc. It says all data will be wiped. Should I be worry or ?
  10. I went into the area were the Key is suppose to be added and requested an Update? It said 1 - 2 days before reply?
  11. cool, reading up again. Waiting on an updated serial validation at this point.
  12. Hello, I hate to chime in. But I just had this issue happen to me. One of those Micro 32gig usbs just died after reboot from an update. I have an old backup of the original configuration on the unraid setup. I added most of the files from the old drive, lined up the disc to the correct spots. Waiting on new license, but I have the parity and cache drive saying in red. "the information on this disc will be overwritten once array is started". Is this something to worry about or are the files I copied over not laid out correctly for the died configuration. The files below were copied over to the new drive, I left out the: drift, go, random, shadow and super. Am I going down the right path or will I lose my data? I have about 27tb of data on a 32tb setup. Any words of advice
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