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  1. Guys, I just had a "Lost connection to UPS" notification on Unraid. Then I put the USB cable from a 3.2 port to a 3.1 port. The connection has been reestablished afterwards. Also, the battery charge went from 99% to 100%, and I am not getting the "Battery have failed..." notification anymore (Got them like 10 times a day). Additionally, the NUMXFERS count stays at 0 now, it went up beyond the 1000s before. Please try switching the USB cable to a different or lower USB port. Maybe that will work for you guys too @ilpixelmatto@tommyb10@Vr2Io@zsoltsuhajda@LSL1337@ogr@RZR911
  2. any updates? getting the same errors lol
  3. Hey, danke für deine Antwort und deine Tips, bin erst jetzt dazu gekommen es auszutauschen und bis jetzt scheint alles problemlos zu funktionieren. Hab jetzt alle 12 Platten über die Karte verbunden und hab unter eben dieser einen Lüfter hingelegt, der jetzt direkt auf den Kühler bläst. Also Laie muss ich noch fragen, was diese Aussage von dir bedeuten soll "Daß es Deine C-States fast komplett verhagelt sollte Dir ja schon mit dem 8i aufgefallen sein" Was hätte mir da auffallen sollen bzw. auf was soll ich in zukunft achten?
  4. Hi Leute, hab jetzt meine LSI 9300-16i Card bekommen, um sie mit der LSI 9217-8i zu ersetzten. Kann ich die einfach so austauschen oder muss ich da vorher irgendetwas konfigurieren? Welches Kabel ich an welche Platte dann anstecke, ist meines Wissens ja wurscht. Zusatzfrage: Hat es irgendwelche Vor- oder Nachteile, wenn ich jetzt alle Platten nur über den HBA anschließe und die 6 vorhandenen SATA Anschlüsse am Mainboard vorerst nicht verwende? Vielen Dank im Vorraus
  5. Hello, on the "source disk" side in scatter, it doesn't show the correct free space anymore. It's been a week now, I checked it every other day, refreshed a lot, but it still shows the incorrect available space. Either that or the unraid shows the incorrect free space. Is there anything I can do to fix that?
  6. Hello Mister jbrodriguez, is it possible to change the blue color of the font in the scatter section in dark mode? Since my eyes were made wrong, I have problems seeing blue and red letters, all they do is jiggle around a little bit, and it is very tedious for me to read them, unless I move my head very close to the monitor. I couldn't find anything in the settings, so I was wondering if it is even possible for me to change the color of the font?
  7. jo, das war das Problem, vielen Dank. Ich war halt der festen Überzeugung, dass root der Anmeldename war, so wies bei der Unraid Benutzeroberfläche ist.
  8. Hallo, habe gerade Windows neu installiert und dann versucht die Unraid Shares zu verbinden übern Explorer, bekomme aber jedes Mal die Meldung, dass der Zugriff verweigert wird. Die Servereinstellungen sind nach wie vor dieselben Wenn ich in den Einstellungen die Dingens hier verändere und Read/Write beibehalte, dann habe ich zwar Zugriff, kann aber nichts machen (kopieren, löschen, etc.). Weiß vielleicht irgendwer, woran das liegen kann bzw. was ich falsch gemacht habe? Seit einer Stunde suche ich nach Lösungen hier und auf Reddit, bin aber leider keinen Deut schlauer geworden.
  9. Hello unraid community, first of all, please excuse my ignorance on that issue and my wording, but I had the following thought, and I was wondering if it is possible: I have my unraid server in my basement and my desktop pc in my room, both connected via a 1G ethernet cable. I use my unraid server only for plex and nothing else, and it is running 24/7. I recently upgraded all the hardware, and now it is more powerful than my desktop pc. Since I don't use my desktop pc for gaming any more, I removed the 2080ti (power consumption and noise) and have been using the i9's onboard graphic since then. All the stuff I do on my pc now, my unraid server could easily handle. So my idea was to remove my desktop pc completely, maybe put some hardware like the GPU in the server and then somehow do all my desktop stuff via my server, but it should look like Windows 10 on my monitor then. Is that a good idea, and is that even possible? How would I connect mouse, keyboard and monitor, if there is only an ethernet connection between the basement and my room, which is 2 levels above? Maybe there is some kind of fancy docking station that connects USB devices via lan? If it is possible, I would appreciate if you guys could tell me some issues or keywords, so I know where I have to start my research. Thanks in advance
  10. Hi, stupid question, what does it mean that your logs are filling up, what effects does it have, and how do I check if mine are too? Are we talking about Tools → System Log ?
  11. Hello, I am having the same problem that FCP is stuck in scanning mode
  12. hi, I keep getting that error message too now all of a sudden. Does your RAM stat also look like this?
  13. Hey man, have you found a solution yet? I have the same issues for the last few days and I have no idea how to solve it