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Posts posted by CyberMew

  1. The shortcut tabs in the webpage seems to be broken on Chrome.. I see 2 setting tabs, and they dont redirect me anywhere, same for scheduler. Not a big issue but just wanted to bring it to your attention.

    I tried Chromium on my laptop and Chrome on a Windows 7 VM both worked fine.  Try Ctrl-F5 to refresh your browser cache. If that doesn't work, right click in Chrome and select Inspect then Console then click on the tabs and see what the error is.


    Edit: could be cookie related too if they are blocked. But then other cookies wouldn't work like chart display, filter or type.


    This is what I see in the console:

    SpeedtestTools:215 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token )

    jquery.speedtest.js:53 Uncaught ReferenceError: Units is not defined

    http://tower/plugins/ipmi/icons/settings.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (File not found)


    I'm also getting slower speeds than normal compared to my normal desktop overall, esp upload is lower than download

  2. I just did some search on reddit/google (steamos black screen), looks like it's some issue with SteamOS from 2 years ago. I've read up and one have suggested to use uefi instead. However the one provided by Steam is in the form of a .zip file (which we are supposed to extract to a bootable fat32 drive). However the ui in VM Manager only accepts ISO, how can we fix/use this .zip file or read from the extracted folder?

  3. During installation it was fine, able to load into the desktop and updating. However after loading some app automatically (steam I guess) in fullscreen, the screen just flickers like every 5 second with a big mouse icon. This happens on both gpu passthrough and VNC. I'm using the latest steamOS iso, with 20 GB and 2GB ram allocated. Since the first install/update, it always boots straight into Steam (Big picture mode?), and alt+tab/win key doesn't do anything..


    Update: Created another VM, after installation and everything, sometimes I see the darken steam os logo screen (it doesn't animate) but the final thing I see is a DARK SCREEN, and if I move my mouse, I see a BIG BORDERED BLACK CURSOR. Sometimes no mouse cursor appears, and if I try to click or move the mouse the screen keep resizing for whatever reason. Is this normal?


    Photo here: pqCRSPx.png?1

  4. Yea I'm currently using the .cron file method.


    For the alternative, won't editing/etc/cron.hourly just be removed after each restart? And where can I view the scheduler? Is it in \\tower\? I'm not familiar where the GUI is, sorry!

    within your go file (/boot/config/go) you would add something like


    cp /boot/myScript.sh /etc/cron.hourly/myScript.sh


    Using the .cron method is probably preferable, but tossing scripts via go into cron.hourly / daily/ weekly / monthly does allow you to easily adjust the time of execution fast (albeit for all of them at a time)


    And once you have the schedules plugin installed, under settings / schedules there will be a new tab called Fixed Schedules


    Thank you very much! Ah now I get it..so that's what you meant by copying the script. Also it is under Settings / Scheduler / Fixed Schedules (the naming for Dynamix Schedules threw me off). You guys should put it in the first posts under the Schedule section, it would help newcomers too. Appreciate your help :)

  5. You don't access the port with a web browser.  You need to download the Quassel client to use on your machine and configure the Unraid server component.


    Ah got it, I downloaded the windows client and installed only the -client, but I'm not sure what to enter for the Add Core Account. It is asking for Account Name, hostname, port, User, Password. Any idea what I should be entering into the fields? It won't let me in with just the hostname:port


    edit: nvm I entered admin for the username and it let me through


    edit2: I looked at the ip supplied, 64443, and it seems like it's for quasselweb, which they removed because it was unstabled. The description should be updated.

  6. Yea I'm currently using the .cron file method.


    For the alternative, won't editing/etc/cron.hourly just be removed after each restart? And where can I view the scheduler? Is it in \\tower\? I'm not familiar where the GUI is, sorry!

  7. That seems good, but do they have a version that unraid can run on? My network is slow so I have to access the files directly on the server, and it's much faster too.. Besides I have some smb permissions that doesn't allow some of my folders to be directly accessible outside




    the -R didn't work, I ended up doing this instead


    find . -type f -name "*.srt" -exec rename .srt .en.srt {} \;

  8. I searched online, and i type this:

    rename -v .srt .en.srt **/*.srt


    I was trying to rename .srt to .en.srt, but now i realise that the folders below is not affected




    /shows/showB etc lots of folders


    after execution the above rename command at "shows" level, it becomes becomes:



    /shows/showA/somefolder/filenameE02.srt (this remains unaffected)

    /shows/showB etc lots of folders


    any idea how I can fix this? i cannot use the same command again because the current .en.srt files will become .en.en.srt




    Hi, this is awesome, finally a plugin for it. Just wondering, where is the log file stored at? It won't be delete after every reboot right?


    Also, I think it would be great if you can make it show (in the results table) which server it speedtest from, because in my location there are a few, and some of them are ISPs servers, and it would be great to see the speeds to which server. Otherwise if the auto selects another server then the speed tests will be like comparing apples to oranges - both nice fruits but different


    edit: another minor thing, the datetime is show as Sun Dec 22 15:14:51 2015, is it possible to change it to Sun Dec 22 2015, 15:14:51 instead?


    Thanks for making this plugin!


    I'll add the speedtest host into the table. It'll only work for new tests though. The date and time is formatted based on your display settings for dynamix.


    Thanks. As for the date time, my format is current this: Current date and time:

    Tue 29 Dec 2015 02:30:26 PM HKT. Which is quite different than the one shown above.

    Anyone knows where can I adjust the settings?

    If you go to Settings/Display what is your Date Format set to?


    It shows up as System Default for me. Am I suppose to change that?



    Hi, this is awesome, finally a plugin for it. Just wondering, where is the log file stored at? It won't be delete after every reboot right?


    Also, I think it would be great if you can make it show (in the results table) which server it speedtest from, because in my location there are a few, and some of them are ISPs servers, and it would be great to see the speeds to which server. Otherwise if the auto selects another server then the speed tests will be like comparing apples to oranges - both nice fruits but different


    edit: another minor thing, the datetime is show as Sun Dec 22 15:14:51 2015, is it possible to change it to Sun Dec 22 2015, 15:14:51 instead?


    Thanks for making this plugin!


    I'll add the speedtest host into the table. It'll only work for new tests though. The date and time is formatted based on your display settings for dynamix.


    Thanks. As for the date time, my format is current this: Current date and time:

    Tue 29 Dec 2015 02:30:26 PM HKT. Which is quite different than the one shown above.

    Anyone knows where can I adjust the settings?

  11. Hi, this is awesome, finally a plugin for it. Just wondering, where is the log file stored at? It won't be delete after every reboot right?


    Also, I think it would be great if you can make it show (in the results table) which server it speedtest from, because in my location there are a few, and some of them are ISPs servers, and it would be great to see the speeds to which server. Otherwise if the auto selects another server then the speed tests will be like comparing apples to oranges - both nice fruits but different


    edit: another minor thing, the datetime is show as Sun Dec 22 15:14:51 2015, is it possible to change it to Sun Dec 22 2015, 15:14:51 instead?


    Thanks for making this plugin!

  12. Yes it is my first time trying out dockers.. I am using the Airvideo Server, and it doesn't seems to let me configure it. I can see a file inside the application directory, however edits will just be overwritten when the docker starts. Apparently I am not alone, on the docker's website someone posted the same question as well..


    I have tried to install needo's PlexWatch(Web) docker without much changes, however I'm getting a unable to access Plex Media Server error message in it - I'm assuming the app is unable to access outside of it's own container and hence "localhost" nor "myserverip" will not work? My PlexMediaServer is from Phaze's plugin (not docker)


    edit: OH didn't realise that there's a advanced view, now I got it!

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