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Posts posted by bobbintb

  1. I know on the user side there are mechanisms to avoid port conflicts in Docker containers but is there anything for developers? What I mean by that is is there some kind of list or registry of Docker ports used by templates in Community Apps? If I make a Docker container and submit it to be included in Community Apps, I would like the default port to not already be in use by some other app available in Community Apps. I know unRaid will warn the user when installing but I'm just wondering if there is anything in place for developers to pre-empt it.

  2. Menu="Utilities"
    Title="Fan Auto Control"
    <!doctype html>
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
        <script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anhr/resizer/master/Common.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anhr/resizer/master/resizer.js"></script>
    		        border: 1px solid #999999;
                    border-radius: 4px;
                    margin: 5px;
                    padding: 5px;
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function onresize() {
                var element1 = document.getElementById("element1");
                var element2 = document.getElementById("element2");
                var element3 = document.getElementById("element3");
                var ResizerY = document.getElementById("resizerY");
                ResizerY.style.top = element3.offsetTop - 15 + "px";
                var topElements = document.getElementById("topElements");
                topElements.style.height = ResizerY.offsetTop - 20 + "px";
                var height = topElements.clientHeight - 32;
                if (height <?='<'?> 0)
                    height = 0;
                height += 'px';
                element1.style.height = height;
                element2.style.height = height;
            function resizeX(x) {
                var element2 = document.getElementById("element2");
                element2.style.width =
                    + document.getElementById('rezizeArea').offsetLeft
                    - x
                    + 'px';
            function resizeY(y) {
                var element3 = document.getElementById("element3");
                var height =
                    + document.getElementById('rezizeArea').offsetTop
                    - y
                if ((height + 100) > element3.parentElement.clientHeight)
                element3.style.height = height + 'px';
            var emailSubject = "Resizer example error";
        <div id="rezizeArea" style="width:1000px; height:250px; overflow:auto; position: relative;" class="element">
            <div id="topElements" class="element" style="overflow:auto; position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right:0;">
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                    Element 2
                    <div id="resizerXY" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: blue; position:absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0;"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        resizerXY("resizerXY", function (e) {
                                resizeX(e.pageX + 10);
                                resizeY(e.pageY + 50);
                <div id="resizerX" style="width: 10px; height:100%; background: red; float: right;"></div>
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    resizerX("resizerX", function (e) {
                        resizeX(e.pageX + 25);
                <div id="element1" class="element" style="height:10px; overflow:auto;">Element 1</div>
            <div id="resizerY" style="height:10px; position:absolute; left: 0; right:0; background: green;"></div>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                resizerY("resizerY", function (e) {
                    resizeY(e.pageY + 25);
            <div id="element3" class="element" style="height:100px; position:absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; right:0;">Element 3</div>
        <script type="text/javascript">

    Line 29 is the problem area.

  3. I am working on a plugin. I have some HTML in the page file and some Javascript between some `script` tags. PHP converts `if (height < 0)` to `if (height &lt; 0)` for some reason and it breaks things. If I use PHP tags and echo it, it will work but that's really a work around. Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it? The page file doesn't even contain any PHP, it's strictly HTML.

  4. On 8/17/2021 at 10:14 PM, Hammerfest said:


    Not ISO's, just files, would like a simple "create dummy fake USB 1GB" that can be mounted, sounds like its not possible, all well, guess will use local PC


    I guess I will put it in feature requests, such a simple and yet probably heavily used feature if it existed, throw some files on a virtual USB, "plug" it into any VM, no network access needed, no totally different VM needed

    I know I'm a little late with the reply but there are two ways to do that. As mentioned, qemu/kvm can emulate a USB device. You can also do it natively in Linux but it has to be enabled in the kernel and that would require recompiling the kernel. But there are better ways to accomplish what you were trying to do that have been mentioned.

  5. On 1/30/2024 at 11:06 AM, RichardU said:

    Has anyone had experience with adding the environment variables required for Baserow to send emails?


    No but here's what the documentation says:

      -e EMAIL_SMTP=True \
      -e EMAIL_SMTP_USE_TLS= \


  6. On 3/3/2024 at 4:18 PM, bland328 said:

    @bobbintb, did you happen to use any particular guide to accomplish this? Or have one in mind that you recommend? I'm also in need of auditd support, and though I have many years of Linux experience, I have yet to build a custom kernel. Thanks for any advice!

    I did use a guide, or a least part of one. It will be included in version 6.13, as mentioned. I do have a compiled version on github:
    But fair warning, I haven't looked at it in a while so I am not sure how out of date it is.

  7. I am working on a plugin and while I am testing I need to recompile the kernel. I had automation all set up for this but something has changed and now I cannot download the latest UnRAID automatically. Previously I would get the latest version from a link like this:
    I would just programmatically change the name of the zip file. Older versions still download but I can't get newer version. Any idea how I can resolve this? The download links on the website have some sort of long hash string in the URL so that won't work either.

  8. On 12/29/2023 at 12:34 PM, Vetteman said:


    I was interested in using an SSD with Windows 10 already installed that I pulled out of my Windows 10 computer as I am installing a trial version of Unraid and was wondering if I could use the SSD with the Windows 10 install as a vm. I found this thread and got excited (but not as excited as the St Louis Blues win over Dallas Stars the other night) only to find the wiki link no longer works.






    I think there are still some things that need to be cleaned up from the old wiki. Try the Wayback Machine:


  9. I know this is an old topic but I think it's still relevant. I was recently looking at improving my process. I was looking at pre-commit (https://pre-commit.com/) but it's a little more complex than I want at the moment. Currently, I use github and have a master branch and a release branch. I set up a github action so that when I make a commit to the master branch, it will automatically package the txz, get the hash, and update it in the plg file, along with the version number and appending the commit message as the change log. It then pushes to the release branch. I had to make another branch to avoid an infinite loop scenario. The other issue is that if I need to make changes to the plg file, I need to make them on the release branch. But it saves a lot of time. Using pre-commit would solve that minor issue but it's just not the time setting it up at the moment.

  10. I managed to enable the Linux Audit Framework for unRAID but unfortunately it requires rebuilding the kernel. It's a simple flag in the .config file when building and I don't think there is really any downside or performance hit to having it available since the package would still need to be installed to use it. I think it would be beneficial to enable this for unRAID as it open the door for a more community development. I'm working on one right now that would benefit greatly from being able to track file system changes.

    • Thanks 1
    • Upvote 2
  11. I've got this function in my page file that runs a python script using the built-in `StartCommand.php` from the webui:

    function scan(cmd,title,plg,func,start=0,button=0) {
      // start  = 0 : run command only when not already running (default)
      // start  = 1 : run command unconditionally
      // button = 0 : show CLOSE button (default)
      // button = 1 : hide CLOSE button
      $('#scan-button').prop('disabled', true);
      $('#scanDir').prop('disabled', true);
      $('#dbDir').prop('disabled', true);
      $.post('/webGui/include/StartCommand.php',{cmd:cmd+' nchan',start:start},function(pid) {
        if (pid==0) {
        swal({title:title,text:"<pre id='swaltext'></pre><hr>",html:true,animation:'none',showConfirmButton:button==0,confirmButtonText:"<?=_('Close')?>"},function(close){
          setTimeout(function(){bannerAlert("<?=_('Attention - scanning continues in background')?> ["+pid.toString().padStart(8,'0')+"]<i class='fa fa-bomb fa-fw abortOps' title=\"<?=_('Abort background process')?>\" onclick='abortScan("+pid+")'></i>",cmd,plg,func,start);});

    When I run the python script in the terminal during development, everything looks great.
    But when I test it in UnRAID in the webui, there are all kinds of character encoding issues. I don't really know how to deal with that in the webui side of things as I'm still kind of new at web development. Instead of the neatly displayed progress bars (2), I get something like this:

    0%|�[34m �[0m| (30.4G
    0%|�[34m �[0m| 0.00/11.9G�[
    1%|�[34m▍ �[0m| 122M/11.9G�[A 0%|�[34m▏ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    2%|�[34m▉ �[0m| 244M/11.9G�[A 1%|�[34m▍ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    3%|�[34m█▍ �[0m| 366M/11.9G�[A 1%|�[34m▋ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    4%|�[34m█▉ �[0m| 488M/11.9G�[A 2%|�[34m▊ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    5%|�[34m██▍ �[0m| 609M/11.9G�[A 2%|�[34m█ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    6%|�[34m██▉ �[0m| 731M/11.9G�[A 3%|�[34m█▎ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    7%|�[34m███▍ �[0m| 853M/11.9G�[A 3%|�[34m█▍ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    8%|�[34m███▉ �[0m| 975M/11.9G�[A 3%|�[34m█▋ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    9%|�[34m████▍ �[0m| 1.07G/11.9G�[A 4%|�[34m█▉ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    10%|�[34m████▉ �[0m| 1.19G/11.9G�[A 4%|�[34m██ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    11%|�[34m█████▍ �[0m| 1.31G/11.9G�[A 5%|�[34m██▎ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    12%|�[34m█████▉ �[0m| 1.43G/11.9G�[A 5%|�[34m██▌ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    13%|�[34m██████▍ �[0m| 1.55G/11.9G�[A 5%|�[34m██▋ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    14%|�[34m██████▉ �[0m| 1.67G/11.9G�[A 6%|�[34m██▉ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    15%|�[34m███████▍ �[0m| 1.79G/11.9G�[A 6%|�[34m███▏ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    16%|�[34m███████▉ �[0m| 1.90G/11.9G�[A 7%|�[34m███▎ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    17%|�[34m████████▍ �[0m| 2.02G/11.9G�[A 7%|�[34m███▌ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    18%|�[34m████████▉ �[0m| 2.14G/11.9G�[A 8%|�[34m███▊ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    19%|�[34m█████████▍ �[0m| 2.26G/11.9G�[A 8%|�[34m███▉ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    20%|�[34m█████████▉ �[0m| 2.38G/11.9G�[A 8%|�[34m████▏ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    21%|�[34m██████████▍ �[0m| 2.50G/11.9G�[A 9%|�[34m████▍ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    22%|�[34m██████████▉ �[0m| 2.62G/11.9G�[A 9%|�[34m████▋ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    23%|�[34m███████████▍ �[0m| 2.74G/11.9G�[A 10%|�[34m████▊ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    24%|�[34m███████████▉ �[0m| 2.86G/11.9G�[A 10%|�[34m█████ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    25%|�[34m████████████▍ �[0m| 2.98G/11.9G�[A 11%|�[34m█████▎ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G
    26%|�[34m████████████▉ �[0m| 3.09G/11.9G�[A 11%|�[34m█████▍ �[0m|, 0/116 (30.4G

    It looks like this normally:

      5%|██▌                                               |, 0/116 (30.4G)
     12%|█████▉                                            | 1.43G/11.9G

    I'm sure it has to do with the ANSI characters or something and I know it's probably just a simple thing for someone who knows what they are doing to just specify the correct encoding. Even after spending a few hours on it, I just don't know where to begin looking. Any Ideas?

  12. Dieses Plugin ist völlig fehlerhaft. Der Support-Link führt nicht zur richtigen Webseite. Die Einstellungsseite ist leer und sperrt die Webbenutzeroberfläche. Die Deinstallation funktioniert nicht. Es sollte nicht einmal in der Beta-Phase sein. Es gibt keine Support-Seite.

  13. On 9/9/2023 at 7:53 AM, beasthouse said:

    What’s the chances of an Unraid install and config guide in the docs?

    I found it pretty easy to use with the Docker Compose plugin:

    version: '3.3'
    # The Firefly III Data Importer will ask you for the Firefly III URL and a "Client ID".
    # You can generate the Client ID at http://localhost/profile (after registering)
    # The Firefly III URL is: http://app:8080
    # Other URL's will give 500 | Server Error
        image: fireflyiii/core:latest
        hostname: app
        container_name: firefly_iii_core
          - firefly_iii
        restart: always
          - firefly_iii_upload:/var/www/html/storage/upload
        env_file: .env
          - '8365:8080'
          - db
        image: mariadb
        hostname: db
        container_name: firefly_iii_db
          - firefly_iii
        restart: always
        env_file: .db.env
          - firefly_iii_db:/var/lib/mysql
        image: fireflyiii/data-importer:latest
        hostname: importer
        restart: always
        container_name: firefly_iii_importer
          - firefly_iii
          - '8366:8080'
          - app
        env_file: .importer.env
        # To make this work, set STATIC_CRON_TOKEN in your .env file or as an environment variable and replace REPLACEME below
        # The STATIC_CRON_TOKEN must be *exactly* 32 characters long
        image: alpine
        container_name: firefly_iii_cron
        restart: always
        command: sh -c "echo \"0 3 * * * wget -qO- http://app:8365/api/v1/cron/REPLACEME\" | crontab - && crond -f -L /dev/stdout"
          - firefly_iii
        driver: bridge


    # You can leave this on "local". If you change it to production most console commands will ask for extra confirmation.
    # Never set it to "testing".
    # Set to true if you want to see debug information in error screens.
    # This should be your email address.
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by using SITE_OWNER_FILE
    # The variable is used in some errors shown to users who aren't admin.
    [email protected]
    # The encryption key for your sessions. Keep this very secure.
    # Change it to a string of exactly 32 chars or use something like `php artisan key:generate` to generate it.
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by using APP_KEY_FILE
    # Avoid the "#" character in your APP_KEY, it may break things.
    # Firefly III will launch using this language (for new users and unauthenticated visitors)
    # For a list of available languages: https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/tree/main/resources/lang
    # If text is still in English, remember that not everything may have been translated.
    # The locale defines how numbers are formatted.
    # by default this value is the same as whatever the language is.
    # Change this value to your preferred time zone.
    # Example: Europe/Amsterdam
    # For a list of supported time zones, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
    # TRUSTED_PROXIES is a useful variable when using Docker and/or a reverse proxy.
    # Set it to ** and reverse proxies work just fine.
    # The log channel defines where your log entries go to.
    # Several other options exist. You can use 'single' for one big fat error log (not recommended).
    # Also available are 'syslog', 'errorlog' and 'stdout' which will log to the system itself.
    # A rotating log option is 'daily', creates 5 files that (surprise) rotate.
    # A cool option is 'papertrail' for cloud logging
    # Default setting 'stack' will log to 'daily' and to 'stdout' at the same time.
    # Used when logging to papertrail:
    # Log level. You can set this from least severe to most severe:
    # debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
    # If you set it to debug your logs will grow large, and fast. If you set it to emergency probably
    # nothing will get logged, ever.
    # Audit log level.
    # Set this to "emergency" if you dont want to store audit logs, leave on info otherwise.
    # Database credentials. Make sure the database exists. I recommend a dedicated user for Firefly III
    # For other database types, please see the FAQ: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/faq/self-hosted/#i-want-to-use-sqlite
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
    # Use "pgsql" for PostgreSQL
    # Use "mysql" for MySQL and MariaDB.
    # Use "sqlite" for SQLite.
    # leave empty or omit when not using a socket connection
    # MySQL supports SSL. You can configure it here.
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
    # You need to set at least of these options
    # PostgreSQL supports SSL. You can configure it here.
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
    # more PostgreSQL settings
    # If you're looking for performance improvements, you could install memcached or redis
    # If you set either of the options above to 'redis', you might want to update these settings too
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set REDIS_HOST_FILE, REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE or
    # REDIS_PORT_FILE to set the value from a file instead of from an environment variable
    # can be tcp, unix or http
    # use only when using 'unix' for REDIS_SCHEME. Leave empty otherwise.
    # use only when using 'tcp' or 'http' for REDIS_SCHEME. Leave empty otherwise.
    # Use only with Redis 6+ with proper ACL set. Leave empty otherwise.
    # always use quotes and make sure redis db "0" and "1" exists. Otherwise change accordingly.
    # Cookie settings. Should not be necessary to change these.
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set COOKIE_DOMAIN_FILE to set
    # the value from a file instead of from an environment variable
    # Setting samesite to "strict" may give you trouble logging in.
    # If you want Firefly III to email you, update these settings
    # For instructions, see: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/advanced-installation/email/#email
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
    [email protected]
    # Other mail drivers:
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
    # If you are on EU region in mailgun, use api.eu.mailgun.net, otherwise use api.mailgun.net
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set this variable from a file by appending it with _FILE
    # If you use Docker or similar, you can set these variables from a file by appending them with _FILE
    # Firefly III can send you the following messages.
    # These messages contain (sensitive) transaction information:
    # Set this value to true if you want to set the location of certain things, like transactions.
    # Since this involves an external service, it's optional and disabled by default.
    # Set this value to true if you want Firefly III to download currency exchange rates
    # from the internet. These rates are hosted by the creator of Firefly III inside
    # an Azure Storage Container.
    # Not all currencies may be available. Rates may be wrong.
    # The map will default to this location:
    # Firefly III authentication settings
    # Firefly III supports a few authentication methods:
    # - 'web' (default, uses built in DB)
    # - 'remote_user_guard' for Authelia etc
    # Read more about these settings in the documentation.
    # https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/advanced-installation/authentication
    # LDAP is no longer supported :(
    # Remote user guard settings
    # Firefly III generates a basic keypair for your OAuth tokens.
    # If you want, you can overrule the key with your own (secure) value.
    # if you're using Docker secrets or similar solutions for secret management
    # Extra authentication settings
    # You can disable the X-Frame-Options header if it interferes with tools like
    # Organizr. This is at your own risk. Applications running in frames run the risk
    # of leaking information to their parent frame.
    # You can disable the Content Security Policy header when you're using an ancient browser
    # or any version of Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer (which amounts to the same thing really)
    # This leaves you with the risk of not being able to stop XSS bugs should they ever surface.
    # This is at your own risk.
    # If you wish to track your own behavior over Firefly III, set valid analytics tracker information here.
    # Nobody uses this except for me on the demo site. But hey, feel free to use this if you want to.
    # Do not prepend the TRACKER_URL with http:// or https://
    # The only tracker supported is Matomo.
    # You can set the following variables from a file by appending them with _FILE:
    # Firefly III supports webhooks. These are security sensitive and must be enabled manually first.
    # The static cron job token can be useful when you use Docker and wish to manage cron jobs.
    # 1. Set this token to any 32-character value (this is important!).
    # 2. Use this token in the cron URL instead of a user's command line token that you can find in /profile
    # For more info: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/firefly-iii/advanced-installation/cron/
    # You can set this variable from a file by appending it with _FILE
    # You can fine tune the start-up of a Docker container by editing these environment variables.
    # Use this at your own risk. Disabling certain checks and features may result in lots of inconsistent data.
    # However if you know what you're doing you can significantly speed up container start times.
    # Set each value to true to enable, or false to disable.
    # Set this to true to build all locales supported by Firefly III.
    # This may take quite some time (several minutes) and is generally not recommended.
    # If you wish to change or alter the list of locales, start your Docker container with
    # `docker run -v locale.gen:/etc/locale.gen -e DKR_BUILD_LOCALE=true`
    # and make sure your preferred locales are in your own locale.gen.
    # Check if the SQLite database exists. Can be skipped if you're not using SQLite.
    # Won't significantly speed up things.
    # Run database creation and migration commands. Disable this only if you're 100% sure the DB exists
    # and is up to date.
    # Run database upgrade commands. Disable this only when you're 100% sure your DB is up-to-date
    # with the latest fixes (outside of migrations!)
    # Verify database integrity. Includes all data checks and verifications.
    # Disabling this makes Firefly III assume your DB is intact.
    # Run database reporting commands. When disabled, Firefly III won't go over your data to report current state.
    # Disabling this should have no impact on data integrity or safety but it won't warn you of possible issues.
    # Generate OAuth2 keys.
    # When disabled, Firefly III won't attempt to generate OAuth2 Passport keys. This won't be an issue, IFF (if and only if)
    # you had previously generated keys already and they're stored in your database for restoration.
    # Leave the following configuration vars as is.
    # Unless you like to tinker and know what you're doing.
    # If you have trouble configuring your Firefly III installation, DON'T BOTHER setting this variable.
    # It won't work. It doesn't do ANYTHING. Don't believe the lies you read online. I'm not joking.
    # This configuration value WILL NOT HELP.
    # Notable exception to this rule is Synology, which, according to some users, will use APP_URL to rewrite stuff.
    # This variable is ONLY used in some of the emails Firefly III sends around. Nowhere else.
    # So when configuring anything WEB related this variable doesn't do anything. Nothing
    # If you're stuck I understand you get desperate but look SOMEWHERE ELSE.


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