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Posts posted by bobbintb

  1. When I go to preclear a drive it will pop up the preclear options page. I leave the defaults and click start. It pauses for quite a long time and then goes pack to the page with the list of drives and the drive says "starting" indefinitely. When I click on the preview button I get this:


    /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -c 1 /dev/sdh 2>/tmp/preclear.log
    root@Tower:/usr/local/emhttp# /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -c 1 /dev/sdh 2>/tmp/preclear.log
    Sorry: Device /dev/sdh is busy.: 1


    I've tried rebooting several times. No idea what could be keeping it busy.

  2. I can't seem to figure out how to get my drive to mount as R/W. Every time I try to do something I end up with a "Read-only file system" message. It's an ntfs drive.


    Look at the UD log.  A Windows ntfs drive will not mount r/w under some circumstances.  The log will show the mount error before it is mounted r/o.


    ah, ok. I didn't realize it had a log.


    Apr 07 09:34:29 Mount failed with error: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
    Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
    Failed to mount '/dev/sdh2': Operation not permitted
    The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown
    Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume
    read-only with the 'ro' mount option.
    Apr 07 09:34:29 Mount ntfs drive read only.


    Which is exactly why I'm transferring the files off of there in the first place. Thanks.

  3. I use the Krusader docker:



    This will give you a "regular" file explorer and works well IMO.  There is one (major) problem at the moment and that is that docker won't see any drives mounted, so you'll need to restart the docker service so that you can access any attached drives mounted through Unassigned Devices.  Of course, if you just want to move things around the regular unraid drives, this is no problem.


    Also take a look at Dolphin, offers a similar experience.


    Thanks, that's more like what I'm looking for and it seems that I shouldn't need to restart Docker if I am using the latest beta.

  4. There are about 29 pages to this. I didn't read them all so sorry if it was already asked. My main reason for going with btrfs was for the hashing protection against data rot, even though I've heard the recovery tools for it aren't as mature as XFS. So how does using this with XFS compare to using btrfs in UnRAID?


    This plugin only detects bit corruption, it can't repair it. You would still need backups.


    Apart from not being able to repair it, how does it compare? Can btrfs export file hashes to a file? Is the blake2 hashing in this plugin faster or more efficient than the btrfs hashing? Would there be any issue or reason to use this plugin with btrfs?


    edit: also, I just found this:


    So, unless this has changed, it seems like UnRAID currently cannot repair bitrot anyway. Is that correct?

  5. Is there some kind of GUI way to copy files with this or some other method? I can use this to mount a drive but in order to copy files from a drive to an array I have to use the terminal which does not show progress and even if I used another tool to copy that does show progress, I can't check on it from the webUI.

    Midnight Commander is builtin and it shows progress.


    Oh, right, I forgot. But is there a webui plugin for it or is it just through the terminal? I can deal if there isn't. It will just be easier to monitor remotely if there is.

  6. There are about 29 pages to this. I didn't read them all so sorry if it was already asked. My main reason for going with btrfs was for the hashing protection against data rot, even though I've heard the recovery tools for it aren't as mature as XFS. So how does using this with XFS compare to using btrfs in UnRAID?

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