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Posts posted by bobbintb

  1. I read the instructions on the rclone site but I am still feeling pretty stupid. I was able to authenticate using the rclone tool on my windows machine, and I get to the point of configuring my config file using the command in the OP. I tried to paste in the entire command with {"access_token":"xxxx}


    It looks like it goes through, but I am getting errors now about not being able to create folders.


    2016/09/29 21:00:00 Failed to create file system for "acd:/": didn't find section in config file



    I have my docker set up like this:



    destination acd



    I am just trying to get data unecrypted onto my amazon cloud drive. Thanks for the help.  8)


    What command did you use to run the config? I had issues with this as well. I don't remember the details but rclone was looking for the config in the wrong place, even though I specified where to look. I had to copy the cfg from one folder to another from within the docker to get it to work.


    To get a terminal in the docker:

    docker exec -it Rclone sh


    "Rclone" is whatever the name of your image is but I left mine as default.

  2. I installed fuse in the Docker container yesterday, and tried to use the rclone mount function, to mount the remotely encrypted ACD content. It worked fine inside the docker, but when I tried to mount the encrypted content inside a docker volume (to be able to see it outside docker / other dockers) the folder was empty outside the docker. I think this is a limitation in Docker itself. I had to run the docker with the --privileged flag to be able to use fuse mounts.


    When you say, you tried to mount the encrypted content inside a docker volume you mean doing to the Docker config page and adding a path the share between Docker and host right? I'm not familiar with all the Docker terminology.


    If anyone has an idea of how this could be implemented or hacked, this would indeed make it very interesting. You could have unlimited space on your server for a flatrate (low) price, while not having to worry about anyone seeing your data, as it would be encrypted on the remote storage.


    Yeah, I'm not sure it can be done with Docker. I'm no expert but conceptually, I can't see anything. I think it would have to be a plug-in for that part to work.

  3. This docker is certainly not for advanced scenarios like mounting cloud FUSE volumes (at the moment at least...). If you want to use a homemade rclone script instead, i suggest you take a look at the User Scripts plugin. It will allow you to run the script at predefined intervals.


    What I am trying to do is store encrypted data in Amazon Cloud Drive and remotely mount it (no local copy) for UnRAID to ba able to access. Is it even technically possible to mount ACD within this docker so Unraid can access it? I'm not sure of Docker's abilities in that regard. If not it only does half of what a need it to, which if fine, I'd just like to know one way or the other so I don't waste my time trying to make something work that just isn't possible.

  4. One other question. I am thinking about using this and testing it with Plex, encrypting my data and storing it remotely for Plex to stream. However I am not sure if this is possible because this is a docker image. Is there any way to mount the remote drive unencrypted for the Plex docker to see?


    once I've got the encryption working, I'm going to have a crack at this:




    I just tested the mount function and it works for encrypted remotes. However I can only see the mounted content within the container, outside the container I cannot see it. What could that be?


    That's what I was concerned about. Try adding the mount drive as another path. Not sure if it will work though. I appreciate the work done with this but honestly, I'm thinking this kind of app would be better done as a plugin instead of a docker. Being CLI, it would be much easier for the user to configure via the plugin page and there wouldn't be any issues trying to get a share mounted in the docker visible to unraid.

  5. How do I get through in the browser to authorize rclone with ACD?  stuck at:

    If your browser doesn't open automatically go to the following link:
    Log in and authorize rclone for access
    Waiting for code...


    I've swapped out the IP for the server's, and the docker is set to bridge mode and still nothing.  It's probably obvious I'm just not seeing it.


    Yeah, it is obvious you missed it. Chose the option where it says "Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine".

    too trigger happy I guess.  Thanks!


    No sweat, we all do it. I tried the same way you did even though I knew it was headless, thinking I can just substitute the IP. You'll need to do the auth part on another non-headless machine with rclone though. Easy enough and there is a Windows version.

  6. How do I get through in the browser to authorize rclone with ACD?  stuck at:

    If your browser doesn't open automatically go to the following link:
    Log in and authorize rclone for access
    Waiting for code...


    I've swapped out the IP for the server's, and the docker is set to bridge mode and still nothing.  It's probably obvious I'm just not seeing it.


    Yeah, it is obvious you missed it. We all do from time to time. Chose the option where it says "Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine".

  7. One other question. I am thinking about using this and testing it with Plex, encrypting my data and storing it remotely for Plex to stream. However I am not sure if this is possible because this is a docker image. Is there any way to mount the remote drive unencrypted for the Plex docker to see?


    once I've got the encryption working, I'm going to have a crack at this:




    Yeah but what I'm trying to wrap my head around is will that mount in the docker be available to Unraid, and if so, will it see it decrypted? I'm sure the mount can be seen but it's the second part I'm concerned about.

  8. One other question. I am thinking about using this and testing it with Plex, encrypting my data and storing it remotely for Plex to stream. However I am not sure if this is possible because this is a docker image. Is there any way to mount the remote drive unencrypted for the Plex docker to see?

  9. apologies for monopolising this thread, but this is confusing the hell out of me.


    I have the following remotes created:


    Current remotes:
    Name                 Type
    ====                 ====
    acd                  amazon cloud drive
    secret               crypt


    After installing and setting up remotes,


    - if I put 'acd' in the docker sync destination field, my files upload unencrypted to the root folder of Amazon

    - if I put 'secret' in, the files get encrypted but saved in /mnt/user/appdata/Rclone/acd and not uploaded!!


    How do I get encrypted files synced to Amazon?  Thanks


    I'm having this issue as well but I don't know if the encrypted file is getting saved anywhere. When I copy unencrypted it takes a few seconds and completes fine and is there but if I try it encrypted it immediately completes successfully but nothing actually happens.

  10. Is the config wrong by default? It won't run because it cannot find /root/.rclone.conf but the docker image default this directory to /config

    Is that just me?


    Read op and in particular this section:

    Creating the initial config file (.rclone.conf)

    docker exec -it Rclone rclone --config="/config/.rclone.conf" config


    I'd be pretty nice though if the container could automagically find out your prefered Cloud Service, username and password  ;)


    I didn't really look at the command but that's what I copied and pasted. It still gave me the error. I think it was a fluke though. Worked when I reinstalled.

  11. I'm confused how to set this up with Amazon Cloud Drive.


    I'm assuming I would want Amazon to be the sync destination but how would I add it? I mean, it's not mounted yet.


    Everything you need appears to be in the OP -  the link to the rclone docs (which then provides a breakdown of how to configure each cloud service) and then the command to execute to write the config file.


    I'll take another look. It was 1AM when I was looking at it.

  12. Well, I disagree with case 2.  Simply because 2 files have the exact same hash does not mean that they are dupes.  Will you ever see that? Who knows but it is entirely possible


    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


    That's pretty paranoid. The likelihood of of two of your files having a hash collision with blake2 is astronomical.

  13. I went to watch something on Plex and it's not working. Getting a a lot of thiss:


    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'soci::soci_error'
    what(): Cannot convert data to std::tm.
    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/2d15c503-2d8e-62f2-54d8d5ce-5fc87754-v-
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'soci::soci_error'
    what(): Cannot convert data to std::tm.
    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/1227a217-938d-96ad-2156f3e9-75c68b41-v-
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'soci::soci_error'
    what(): Cannot convert data to std::tm.
    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/2643600f-0d71-d95c-18415bf5-03c6c46c-v-
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'soci::soci_error'
    what(): Cannot convert data to std::tm.
    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/2643600f-0d71-d95c-18415bf5-03c6c46c-v-
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'soci::soci_error'
    what(): Cannot convert data to std::tm.
    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/0b9596ef-52b3-2fde-6510fd22-198eb954-v-
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support


    I tried reinstalling. I deleted the lock and pid. I found this though:




    Not sure if it's useful. I recently updated unraid 6.2 rc2. Maybe it has something to do with the hard link option I enabled. I removed the docker image. It didn't help.


    edit: for some reason, it seems to be the database. An older backup fixed the issue.

  14. I am having an issue where when Sonarr sends a magnet link to rutorrent, once the magent link downloads the .torrent file, the torrent is stopped and the label is removed. I have not found anyone or found any other mention of similar issues and can't find a cause. So I'm wondering if it is specific to this docker. Anyone else find similar issues?


    Edit: It looks like an issue that should have been fixed. What version does this docker use?


    also, not all my apps were under "previously installed apps". it didn't have captinsano's rutorrent. good thing i took a screenshot.

    Because they were both named the same (my-rutorrent).  Nothing I can do about that as that's a dockerMan thing.  It keeps track of the last rutorent that you've loaded.  If you were running multiple containers, you should have them named differently


    This can definitely screw things up, I know, been there, got the t-shirt..


    I can see how it would screw that part up, although i assumed it would use the image id as a unique identifier instead of a name. but would that have any bearing on the issues i've been having? regardless, i'll make sure and give them unique names. to be honest i never paid attention to that portion.

  16. well, i deleted docker.img and it's working for now but i'm not confident it will stay that way.


    as a side note, i was running captinsano's version of rutorrent. i am switching over since his version is out of date and missing a bugfix i need. i also can't get the scripting to work. i never run the versions at the same time but i switch back and forth to do testing before i transition completely. might that cause an issue? maybe there is bleed over between version somehow. but again, i thought the whole point of docker was that they are isolated from each other.


    Were you keeping the appdata shared between the two version or a different copy of appdata for each one?  Because sharing could definitely cause issues....


    No, I had one in /mnt/cache/Docker/ruTorrent and the other in /mnt/cache/Docker/rutorrenttest.


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