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Posts posted by bobbintb

  1. Also another question: who wants to take ownership of this?


    I mean, this thread was started by thomast_88 for the docker he created which we have since found out isn't really as useful as a plugin is because of the limitations of docker. Also, correct me if I am wrong but it seemed more like it was just an experimental proof of concept he created for himself and shared and never really intended to make into a project and fully support it. The plugin was created by aschamberger, whose only post was creating the plugin so I don't think he is really invested in it. Waseh, improved and updated the plugin but understandably doesn't feel able or want to commit to it. Plus there are a bunch of disparate threads all pertaining to rclone or encfs/acd_cli implementations. There are a number of people contributing to this in one way or another but no one seems to want or have the time to own it. This has all been a sort of nebulous work in progress so far but it seems to be at the point where we have a solid product. It just needs someone willing to take it from this point on, bring it all under one thread, and send it off to community apps and be willing to maintain it.

  2. That was me beeing sleepy when i edited the code yesterday it seems :D

    I updated my previous post with at fix :)


    Ah, ok, that's what I figured. I looked at it but it was late for me as well and my bash skills are only mediocre but I thought the mkdir command looked out of place since it was creating a log file. I'm waiting to test this setup before I commit to it but my test file upload is taking forever. Ugh.


    As far as improving the plugin, can anyone think of anything that can be done? It would be nice to have it a little more polished and user friendly but to be honest, I don't see how, since rclone it self can be fairly technical. Really, once the plugin is configured you don't ever really have to go back into it. It would be nice to have a webui to make configuration easier for the less technical but I don't know a feasible way to do it and it might be simpler to just provide well written documentation.

  3. I'm getting the following:


    /usr/sbin/myrclone: line 18: -p: command not found 


    It looks to be just a cosmetic error. Everything works fine except the error is stopping the log file from being created. This is the line in the plugin causing the error:


    logfile=mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs/rclone-$(date "+%Y%m%d").log


    It's in the "myrclone" script.

  4. @DZMM


    Can you try to mount an encrypted share from ACD and then see if this share can be mounted inside a docker? I've tried many solutions, and this is neither possible with docker or VM's.


    I had a quick go last night without really knowing what I was doing, which failed. 


    I've gone back to using duplication as decline went bonkers with CPU usage maxing my CPU out at 100% constantly, which takes some doing.  I also find the GUI handy as I can track progress easily.


    Ok, so you're not going to test this?


    I'm really curious whether this will work.


    So i modified the original plugin by aschamberger a bit to use the latest beta of rclone, as well as some other minor modifications.

    With this im able to mount an encrypted share (From Google Drive) and have it shared on samba as well as available to my dockers. The beta allows seeking as well as more mount options which makes this a possibility. Im getting very good speeds and can easily stream any media i got.

    I do believe the plugin is the way to go if one wants the mount feature.


    Just to make sure I am understanding this correctly, you have an encrypted network share mounted from Google Drive (no files cached locally) and all your files that show up on Google Drive are encrypted but the local mount shows them unencrypted and you can stream them ok? How are you streaming them, just with the UnRAID Plex docker? What is your test file and how big is it?

  5. Hey Again,


    So I have been testing and tested first just on my desktop with rClone and not the docker.  Was able to get it working with an encrypted file to ACD.  I am a bit confused how I get started using the docker?  When using it on my desktop I was using the command interface to create the config file, not sure how to get to that command line with the docker or if that is needed with a docker?


    This will give you access to the docker command line:


    docker exec -it Rclone bash


    The "Rclone" part will be whatever the name of your container is.


  6. Very interesting input, Wob76, thank you.


    I initially saw a write up on using encfs and acd-cli but decided to try rclone first as it seemed more efficient to have one program rather than two but that doesn't seem to be the case. I just tried mounting the encrypted share via the plugin and yes, it does work and yes, docker containers can see this but when uploaded a movie, added the share to Plex, and scanned the library, the file dit not get added to the library. I have verified that the file does exist in the folder and it can be accessed in the Plex docker. I suspect the limitation of not being able to seek through files might have something to do with it. Maybe it is trying to read the metadata and essentially needs to download the whole file before it can do so. It's the only explanation I can think of. I was aware of this limitation to begin with but figured it was good enough to test as a proof of concept for now and hoped it would be resolved in the future. But it looks like the acd-cli/encfs route might be the way to go for my situation. Good to hear some feedback on it too.

  7. OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?



    How did you mount the remote?


    Just how it says in the documentation.



    rclone mount remote:path/to/files /path/to/local/mount &



    so do you create a new share say 'acd' and then do  to mount remote 'secret'



    rclone mount secret:path/to/files /mnt/user/acd &


    I'm not sure what you mean.


    I created a regular share. Then I created an encrypted share. Then I mounted the encrypted share.

  8. OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?



    How did you mount the remote?


    Just how it says in the documentation.



    rclone mount remote:path/to/files /path/to/local/mount &

  9. OK! So using the plugin version, I was able to successfully add an encrypted Amazon share as well add a mount point. I haven't tested it with another program like Plex but I don't see any reason it won't work. Although throughput might be an issue. The problem I am having though is I cannot find a way to make the mount point accessible as a network share. Not super critical, but it would be nice. Anybody else had a chance to mess with this?

  10. Ummm, what do you mean, it doesnt give you a pretty GUI, but it does everything its suppose to, it installs it, makes a cron file for you to edit to setup your jobs that you want to sync.  What else you want it to do?



    Installed plugin with ease and did test manual sync which worked - thanks!


    Question from a non-technical person, what's the right format for entries in the cron file?




    # daily backup of test folder to blackblaze b2 mytest bucket (with log option)
    #0 0 * * * /boot/config/plugins/rclone/rclone_helper --log sync /mnt/user/Public/test b2:mytest &> /dev/null


    is this correct?


    0 0 * * * /boot/config/plugins/rclone/rclone_helper --log sync /mnt/user/Public secret:Public &> /dev/null
    0 0 * * * /boot/config/plugins/rclone/rclone_helper --log sync /mnt/user/Music secret:Music &> /dev/null


    Maybe this will help:




    or this:



  11. Ummm, what do you mean, it doesnt give you a pretty GUI, but it does everything its suppose to, it installs it, makes a cron file for you to edit to setup your jobs that you want to sync.  What else you want it to do?


    If you want to "Mount" the drives, then I would suggest you put that command in your "GO" file so it gets executed on start up, or make a cron entry to check if the mount is there, if not start it.


    Well, I don't have a problem with that but for the less technical, or just to make it more cohesive with the rest of unraid, I might make a config page so others that aren't comfortable in the CLI  don't have to mess with it or the GO file.

  12. PlugIn:  Here is the code if you want to make this a plugin instead.  I found this code in another post on UnRaid, I just made a couple of tweaks to make it work.  Just call it "Rclone.plg" and put it on your Flash Drive, then install the plugin from the directory that you copied the file from.


    <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
    <!ENTITY name      "rclone">
    <!ENTITY author    "aschamberger">
    <!ENTITY version   "2016.09.25">
    <!ENTITY pluginURL "&name;.plg">
    <PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" version="&version;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;">
    - add .cron file template for daily backup (use 'update_cron' to reload changes and 'cat /etc/cron.d/root' to see current config)
    - update rclone to v1.33
    - add myrclone with config + transfers parameter 
    - add log dir for --log option of myrclone
    - initial version
    This plugin installs Rclone on unRAID systems.
    Thanks to stignz for his great guide: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46663.0
    <FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="install">
    # version could be 'current' also
    if [ -d /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name; ]; then
      rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;
    mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/
    if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt ]; then
      rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt
    curl -o /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bagder/ca-bundle/master/ca-bundle.crt
    if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip ]; then
      rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip
    wget http://downloads.rclone.org/$rclonefile -O /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/$rclonefile
    if [ -d /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/ ]; then
      rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/
    unzip /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/$rclonefile -d /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/
    cp /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/rclone /usr/sbin/
    chown root:root /usr/sbin/rclone
    chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rclone
    mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs/
    cp /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
    if [ ! -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf ]; then
      touch /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf;
    mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs;
    echo ""
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
    echo " &name; has been installed."
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
    echo ""
    <FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="remove">
    rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install
    rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;
    rm -f /usr/sbin/rclone;
    rm -f /usr/sbin/myrclone;
    rm -f /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/~daily_backup.cron
    # we keep config and logs
    #rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf;
    #rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs;
    echo ""
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
    echo " &name; has been uninstalled."
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
    echo ""
    <FILE Name="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/&name;.png" Type="base64">
    <FILE Name="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/README.md">
    **&name; Plugin**
    The plugin installs Rclone. Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from
    * Google Drive
    * Amazon S3
    * Openstack Swift / Rackspace cloud files / Memset Memstore
    * Dropbox
    * Google Cloud Storage
    * Amazon Drive
    * Microsoft One Drive
    * Hubic
    * Backblaze B2
    * Yandex Disk
    * The local filesystem
    Go to http://rclone.org/ for more information.
    <FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/&name;/~daily_backup.cron">
    # daily backup of test folder to blackblaze b2 mytest bucket (with log option)
    #0 0 * * * /boot/config/plugins/&name;/rclone_helper --log sync /mnt/user/Public/test b2:mytest &> /dev/null
    <FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/&name;/rclone_helper" Mode="0755">
    for i in "$@" ; do
        if [[ $i = "--log" ]] ; then
        if [[ $i = "-l" ]] ; then
    logfile=/boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs/rclone-$(date "+%Y%m%d").log
    if [ "$log" = true ] && [ ${#args[@]} -ge 1 ]; then
    rclone --config $config "${args[@]}" >> $logfile 2>&1
    rclone --config $config "$@";


    I did see that and installed it. Haven't messed with it yet. I don't think they have rclone in nerdtools. If it did this plugin wouldn't be necessary since all it does is install it. I may take a stab at making the plugin more user friendly but I doubt I'll have the time.

  13. Duplicati is free, has a docker, webUI (used in a VM and it's very easy to use) and encrypts backups if anyone wants to help try an alternative to rclone




    I eliminated that from consideration for one reason or another. I don't remember without my comparison list. I think it's because it doesn't encrypt file names.


    Edit: Just your your comment on the other thread that I made about it a while ago. It encrypts file names now? Wouldn't this have the same issue as rclone though, not being able to mount the share outside of the Docker?


    It encrypts (breaks files down into chunks e.g. 50MB and then encrypts).


    It doesn't mount.  But, it's a lot easier to use than Rclone as it has a GUI and a few people including me can't get the Rclone docker to encrypt files.  I'm not really sure how much I need Rclone to mount as my server is pretty much on 24x7, so mounting would be a luxury.


    Do you get any errors with file/folder -names encryption? Works fine here.


    Could you maybe do a more detailed step-by-step? A few of us have been following the documentation and still can't get it. I wasn't getting an error personally. I was probably doing something wrong though. I uploaded a small document unencrypted first and it took a few seconds but worked. Then I got encryption set up and I uploaded it and completed with no delay at all, a tell-tale sign that it didn't work. And I confirmed nothing actually happened.

  14. Duplicati is free, has a docker, webUI (used in a VM and it's very easy to use) and encrypts backups if anyone wants to help try an alternative to rclone




    I eliminated that from consideration for one reason or another. I don't remember without my comparison list. I think it's because it doesn't encrypt file names.


    Edit: Just your your comment on the other thread that I made about it a while ago. It encrypts file names now? Wouldn't this have the same issue as rclone though, not being able to mount the share outside of the Docker?

  15. It seemed like it went OK. I did notice that I see no files under the appdata folder, is that correct? When I try to edit the config I can see my "acd" connection.


    Yeah I had a similar issue but I wasn't sure if it was something I messed up or lost track of or what. Copying it inside the Docker fixed it though.

  16. I read the instructions on the rclone site but I am still feeling pretty stupid. I was able to authenticate using the rclone tool on my windows machine, and I get to the point of configuring my config file using the command in the OP. I tried to paste in the entire command with {"access_token":"xxxx}


    It looks like it goes through, but I am getting errors now about not being able to create folders.


    2016/09/29 21:00:00 Failed to create file system for "acd:/": didn't find section in config file



    I have my docker set up like this:



    destination acd



    I am just trying to get data unecrypted onto my amazon cloud drive. Thanks for the help.  8)


    What command did you use to run the config? I had issues with this as well. I don't remember the details but rclone was looking for the config in the wrong place, even though I specified where to look. I had to copy the cfg from one folder to another from within the docker to get it to work.


    To get a terminal in the docker:

    docker exec -it Rclone sh


    "Rclone" is whatever the name of your image is but I left mine as default.

  17. I installed fuse in the Docker container yesterday, and tried to use the rclone mount function, to mount the remotely encrypted ACD content. It worked fine inside the docker, but when I tried to mount the encrypted content inside a docker volume (to be able to see it outside docker / other dockers) the folder was empty outside the docker. I think this is a limitation in Docker itself. I had to run the docker with the --privileged flag to be able to use fuse mounts.


    When you say, you tried to mount the encrypted content inside a docker volume you mean doing to the Docker config page and adding a path the share between Docker and host right? I'm not familiar with all the Docker terminology.


    If anyone has an idea of how this could be implemented or hacked, this would indeed make it very interesting. You could have unlimited space on your server for a flatrate (low) price, while not having to worry about anyone seeing your data, as it would be encrypted on the remote storage.


    Yeah, I'm not sure it can be done with Docker. I'm no expert but conceptually, I can't see anything. I think it would have to be a plug-in for that part to work.

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