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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. That would be an option to rsync right ?
  2. Regarding the permissions warning, this is what I'm planning to do (mostly based on gfjardim's suggestion) if the file uid == user uid -> is perm "u" != 6 ? -> if it is, raise a flag else if the file gid == user gid _> is perm "g" != 6 ? -> if it is, raise a flag else is perm "o" != 6 ? -> if it is, raise a flag Squid, what are the permissions set by Fix Common Problems / Docker Safe New Permissions ? At the end of the day, I should check that the files/folders have the same permissions as those set by that plugin
  3. I'll open a feature request for consideration, when I have given more thought to this matter
  4. That's ok If you remove the slow server, does it behave as expected ? PM sent.
  5. Thanks gridrunner ! As for your comments: 1- Separate vm / docker page Yes. It's possible to have separate pages: one for dockers and one for vms. I'd have to remove the shares page though, to make it all fit. I've added two ideas for this on the feedback forum. l'll implement the highest voted 2/3- Bigger icons What can be done is have two rows for each app: the first row with icon, status, name and some other data; the second row would hold the available actions. Same as previous, it's up for voting in the forum. 4 - Edit settings Right, I left it there more as a quick check. 5 - User permissions I'll look into this later on. 6 - Android TV What I've seen is Android TV is based on Android 5.0, so the app should run there. But it will definitively won't be optimized for such a big screen.
  6. Ok, published 1.2.1 - Fixed IP address validation (it allows zeros in the segments now) - Fixed crash when editing a running container Thanks for the report CHBMB. saarg, I'll get in touch with you to figure out what's going on with that slow server.
  7. Thanks CHBMB, I was able to reproduce it. Fix is coming.
  8. Oh no ! I've made some tests with a 10s timeout and it does time out. Are you still on beta23 or have you upgraded to rc1 ? I think there's some issue with the bridge setting. In any case, I'll look at the new networking variables, see if that helps. I'll get in touch.
  9. Thanks a lot for your words CHBMB ! I've fixed the error you're getting while adding a server. Turns out I didn't account for zeros being valid in the ip address I think the end state for this validation will be to check it's a private ipv4 address. About the crash, what unRAID version are you running ? Let me know and I'll dig a bit.
  10. Hi, I've published v1.2.0 to the Play Store (normal roll out times apply). The new features are: - Support for Dockers and VMs: start, stop, remove, edit and view web ui - Remove the requirement for some permissions - Improve banner caching mechanism - Fix issue where the refresh interval setting wasn't being saved - Fix sorting of servers in main page - Bug fixes and improvements Some additional details: Docker/VMs: I've tested the functionality in unRAID versions: 6.1.4, 6.1.8, 6.2.0-beta21, 6.2.0-beta23 and 6.2.0-rc1. It should work fine with other versions, but should you find something odd, let me know about it. Permissions I've dropped the requirement for "Photos / Media / Files" and "Device ID & call information". Instead of device id, I use a combination of other device elements, then hash them (sha256) into an identifier for the crash report library. Now, the personal information remains private. As for photos/media/files, I was able to drop it without issues.
  11. Right, they're in the same permission group. I think I've found a way to work around this. I'll be doing some testing, before declaring success
  12. Mmmm, that would mean some kind of user/permissions configuration (at the app level) I'll look into it after I've completed the current feature requests.
  13. Hello gridrunner, I value privacy a lot, so the questions you ask are totally fine with me. With regards to Android TV, I'm not really sure, since I don't know if Android TV runs a sub-set or a different version of Android. I will check this. Now on to the permissions: - Photos / Media / Files Actually, I think I can improve that. I cache the server banner locally (and in the future docker/vms logos), so I'm using the device images folder to store them. But I think I can drop the external storage requirement, just need to check it doesn't break any other code. - Wi-Fi connection information Right - Device ID & call information I'm using the device id as the user identifier for the crash reporting library embedded in the app (it's Fabric/Crashlytics by Twitter). I think I could md5 the device id, before it leaves the app, to keep it private. As for call information, I'm not really using that. To be honest I didn't know the app requests access to the phone number, active calls and remote number The only permissions currently set are INTERNET, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW. I'll investigate how to drop the call information requirement.
  14. Great to know it's working for you now saarg and Kewjoe ! Thanks a lot to saarg, for his support in troubleshooting this issue
  15. Hi newoski, You need to select which shares/folders you want to move. Move your mouse over the unRAID Shares Explorer at the bottom, it will display the red add button next to a folder. Choose the ones you want, then you should be good to go.
  16. Hi, I've released v1.1.5 on the Play Store (normal roll out times apply) I've set the following default timeouts, when detecting a new server: Manual mode: 10 seconds (10000 ms) Automatic mode: 0.5 seconds (500 ms) Both values are configurable and should be expressed in milliseconds.
  17. Kewjoe, I've been discussing with saarg an issue he had adding one of his servers. We seem to agree that it's due to the timeout I've set to wait for a server's answer. It's currently set at half a second. If the server doesn't answer before that half a second, then the app thinks it's down. I believe this is what happening to you too. I've been thinking about how to manage this and what I'll do is increase the timeout for Manual mode (I'll set it to 10 seconds) and leave the timeout at half a second for Automatic mode, but it will be customizable in the Settings. I'll release an update soon.
  18. Hi, I just pushed 1.1.4 (takes a while to roll out on the Play store) I made a fix to the ip/port validation routine (when adding servers). The ip should be entered without http://, just the ip number. Kewjoe, do you have bridge enabled on your server ?
  19. saarg, the same question ... you are on your internal wifi right ? In the manual tab, is an ip address pre-populated or is it blank ?
  20. Hi Kewjoe, Currently, it's supposed to work from inside the lan network (internal wifi). One question .. when you go to the manual tab, does it show an ip address or the field appears blank ? Let me know.
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