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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. Thanks CHBMB ! Yes, I'll set up a confirmation for the ops (set in the prefs, default on)
  2. Thanks bungee91 ! One of my priorities will be adding VM/Docker/Plugins management (start/stop/etc). As for remote access, for the time being I'm letting VPN do the bulk of the work here. But I will consider eventually having a plugin installed to help with some features.
  3. ControlR works from inside your local network and assists you in managing your unRAID servers. Features: - Manage multiple servers from a beautiful user interface - Manage dockers and virtual machines (start, stop, remove and more) - System theme support (light and dark mode) - Power on/off a server - Start/Stop an array - Spin down/up a disk - Show the banner for a server (including custom banners) - Automatic server discovery (in a lan environment) - User confirmation for sensitive operations (configurable) - And more ! Read the Privacy Policy before purchasing Purchase at https://www.apertoire.com/controlr/ IMPORTANT NOTE If you access your server via SSL (https), the app will only connect to the `*.myunraid.net` URL, which is backed by a certificate provisioned via Let's Encrypt (certificate_bundle) or a certificate created by a trusted authority Frequently Asked Questions Request Features / Provide feedback Screenshots
  4. Hi naturalcarr, I'll take a look at the log
  5. Hi Sean M., Are you running unbalance with the nobody user ? What does ls -al /mnt/disk show ?
  6. Published v1.5.1 to add the trailing slash to the destination folder in the rsync command
  7. I think this is the problem: I: 2016/05/22 18:25:32 core.go:780: cmd(rsync -avX --partial "/mnt/disk2/TVShows/NCIS/NCIS 04x17 - Skeletons.avi" "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS") The rsync is copying the file to "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS" which is a file and not and not "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS/" which would be the directory. You're right One question ... what did you specify as folders in settings ... just TVShows or TVShows/NCIS ?
  8. No I didnt change any parameters from the defaults. Where is the unbalance log file located so that I can take a look in them because im not seeing it in /var/log? It's /boot/logs/unbalance.log
  9. There's a slash missing /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/scripts/stop If you just copy/pasted, it's strange that it would be missing. Not sure either why it's unraid login the one complaining.
  10. Hi Ryland, did you change any rsync params ? Is the log showing anything unusual ?
  11. I just wanted to say thanks, and to let you know that I appreciate the work that you have done. Thank you Morpheus ! Good to know it's working for you.
  12. Hi, I've updated the app to v1.5 Let me know of any issues. 2016-05-21 - v1.5.0 - Allow rsync flags to be customized - Handle better the case where source share/folder is empty or does not exist
  13. Not sure what the problem might be. Can you install it via the community app? - Go to the Apps tab - Click on the Plugins button (the last one) - Look for unBALANCE - Click Install If that doesn't work either, can you check if there are any errors in the Chrome console (click on View > Developer > Javascript console) ?
  14. Hi ivanavich, does it happen with any other plugin or just unBALANCE ? Can you try with another browser, just to make sure ?
  15. Hi rmeaux, there have been previous reports about issues with Apple files (such as your iTunes library). If you have your unbalance log (/boot/logs/unbalance.log), pls send them over (pm if you want).
  16. Thanks dlandon, I will look into it.
  17. Zonediver, yes I have an update planned, the idea is to provide custom rsync params and add some logging. I'm working on another project right now, so I'm a bit tied up in terms of time.
  18. That's very good to know tyrindor !
  19. I mentioned browsers because the app is using some features that require browser support. I've mostly baked support directly into the app, but it seems some browsers are more finicky about it Generally, Chrome has been the most compliant, that's why I suggested to use it. But, if it's still not working for you, can you try Chrome, open the dev tools and see what, if any, errors are showing up in the console ?
  20. Hi David, in the log, before the lines that you posted, there are the calculate lines which show linux permissions. Can you post them here or send a pm if you like ?
  21. I thought it could be something like that. I'll look into it.
  22. Which browser are you using ? Can you try from a different one ? (I haven't had any problems with Chrome)
  23. Sorry to hear that tyrindor. I'll take a look at your log and check for anything unusual. EDIT: Took a look, but I don't see any invocation of the Calculate command. Unless you have trimmed the log, there should be a line similar to this I: 2016/02/27 12:02:49 core.go:299: Running calculate operation ... I: 2016/02/27 12:02:49 core.go:332: calculateBestFit:Begin:srcDisk(/mnt/disk19); dstDisks(18)
  24. Thanks for the comments tyrindor ! It doesn't follow share rules, since it writes directly to disks ("/mnt/disk1/films") rather than shares ("/mnt/user/films"). It's not possible to stop it right now, other than killing it from the command line (kill unbalance and rsync processes). Including an option to stop it wouldn't be that difficult, but it wouldn't be _too_ different than killing it.
  25. Thank you for the comments Drift King ! That's a lot of data movement
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