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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. You are seeing the effects of Linux caching disk writes. Install the Tips and Tweaks plugin and adjust the disk caching to have disk writes commit faster. Click on the 'Help' icon in the upper right of the GUI when in the Tweaks page and if will explain the disk caching.
  2. All that for 69GB out of a 10TB disk? Not sure that is a good use of your time.
  3. The database, and events and images have to match. You removed the database, so the events and images are not known to Zoneminder. They are tracked in the database.
  4. Not really. The lazy unmount is used if the remote NFS server is offline, which is the case in your situation. The unmount will time out after 30 seconds if the NFS server is off-line, or 10 seconds if it is on-line. Post your diagnostics so I can have a look.
  5. There were changes in the latest release of Linux regarding the cpu governors on Intel processors.
  6. This plugin is maintained. Tips and tweaks sets the cpu governor, but has no control over how it operates. It is the governor that is operating the way you describe. The power save governor saves power; it does not provide the highest performance. It is recommended that you use the Performance governor for best power savings and performance.
  7. Yes, that's what I am trying to address. It looks like the messages stopped after the UD update.
  8. Update UD and then unmount and remount your NFS shares. If it doesn't clear things up, reboot your server. I've added a NFS mount option to not cache directory attributes that might help with this issue.
  9. It's only the /TV mount? What is the remote server? Look at the /etc/exports file on the remote server and see what the fileid parameter shows.
  10. There are a lot of posts here and it's becoming very hard for me to keep up with who is having what issues. What is your specific issue? I see some fileid issues with your NFS mounts early in the log, but they stopped. What is dropping?
  11. Are the files showing up in the recycle bin log? If not then you still don't have the recycle bin working.
  12. If your cache is a SSD, cache dirs is not really necessary for cache only shares. Cache dirs is intended for spinning disks. The idea is to not spin up a disk when accessing directories - like browsing a share. This keeps disks from spinning up unnecessarily and you don't have a delay while waiting for a disk to spin up.
  13. Any entries in the smb-extras.conf file are global and apply to all shares. The 'vfs objects =' entry removes the vfs recycle bin added to the individual shares. Talk with Spaceinvader about why that entry is added to the smb extras. I don't think it is necessary. It will also affect other vfs objects added by Unraid. You go to the recycle bin by browsing to it: //tower/share/.Recycle.Bin.
  14. Just include the shares you want cache_dirs to handle, all others are then excluded. No need to specify the excluded shares.
  15. Remove these lines in the smb-extra.conf and try again: [rootshare] path = /mnt/user comment = browseable = yes valid users = *** write list = *** vfs objects = You'll have to restart the recycle bin. I suspect the problem line is the 'vfs objects ='. The recycle bin is a vfs object and I think that line is negating the recycle bin vfs object.
  16. After updating UD, unmount and remount all your remote smb shares. The UD change relates to the mounting of the smb devices and won't take effect until you mount the shares.
  17. New release of UD. I've implemented a CIFS mount option called 'cache=none' that disables oplocks that may be the cause of some of the issues some of you have been seeing with CIFS mounts. Please update and see if it helps with any remote SMB.
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