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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. If the file in Share B is being replaced, the Share B file will go to the recycle bin.
  2. In basic view, the UI is a bit messy:
  3. You need to modify your script to also include .tgz. I use a zipped file that I unzip into the proper plugin location. I don't create a package.
  4. I found this after doing some research: https://linuxreviews.org/Linux_Kernel_5.5_Will_Not_Fix_The_Frequent_Intel_GPU_Hangs_In_Recent_Kernels The reason the i915 driver is working in 6.8 is because of the older Linux kernel. Doesn't look good for using Intel i915 driver in 6.9. This isn't something LT has any control over. I'll be removing the driver from my system and go back to the CPU based transcoding.
  5. In the Zoneminder Docker I maintain, we had to add a script that is run when the docker is started to set the ownership of /dev/dri properly for Zoneminder. It appears that the issue may be permissions inside the Docker container.
  6. You are using the /dev/dri driver in Plex? Who's Plex?
  7. If someone wants to do some experimenting, change your go file to: modprobe i915 chown -R nobody:users /dev/dri chmod -R 777 /dev/dri This is the way I do it. The owner permission may have something to do with it.
  8. I tried to use transcoding in dockers in the past. One docker crashed consistently. The interesting thing is I am using this currently in the official Plex docker with no issues. If this is really the problem, I'm not sure you'll find it's an Unraid issue. I would be suspicious of the docker that is trying to use it.
  9. There is a common thing in all the diagnostics I see posted here. Everyone of them has the Intel hardware transcoding setup in the go file: #Setup drivers for hardware transcoding in Plex modprobe i915 chmod -R 777 /dev/dri Try removing or commenting those lines out in the go file and see if the crashes stop. Of course any docker using the hardware transcoding device /dev/dri will have to have it removed.
  10. UD sets a disk standby timer of 15 minutes. Not all disks respect this command. Read the first post.
  11. Exclude the share. Not necessary and too prone to confusion. Al shares are included unless excluded. Seems pretty simple to me.
  12. No. That was one of the issues with the legacy docker. It's time for us to move on.
  13. I see the issue here. Unraid spun down the disk because there was no read or write activity. You can confirm this by changing the display to reads and writes and not the read and write speeds. The reads and writes do not increment. Because Unraid thinks the disk is spun down, it is not showing the temperature. The disk status showing spun up is a UD issue because UD assumes a preclearing disk is always spun up. In this case a bad assumption. I'm correcting UD to actually show the disk status based on what Unraid reports, and not the assumption that a preclearing disk is always spun up. I'm working with LT on a fix to this situation.
  14. You don't want to do that. The Unraid spin down control will not understand the standby status of the disk then. To properly spin down a UD disk, use the UD cli command and Unraid will keep the disk status up to date. Click the 'Help' icon to see the command, I have found the contrary situation on my server. I cannot spin down a disk without a file system. I'm looking into this. The temperature display might be a UD issue, At a terminal type this command: cat /usr/local/emhttp/state/devs.ini This shows information on UD devices from Unraid's perspective. See it the temperature is shown and let me know if it is, but not shown on the UD page.
  15. I'd say the issue is that Unraid does not recognize preclear disk activity as disk file read and write activity.
  16. Let's move this discussion to the feature request: I found an add-on that will have to be done on Unraid core side,
  17. Looks like this is the necessary add-on for font control: https://www.npmjs.com/package/xterm-webfont
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