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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. When the config/opencv/open_cv file contents is 'no', the non GPU opencv is compiled. When it is 'yes' the opencv.sh script is executed to compile opencv with gpu support.
  2. Please keep ownCloud updated. This is a routine issue that I don’t have much control over.
  3. I'm building the legacy docker with php 7.2 now.
  4. I have updated the docker to ES 6.0.5 and opencv to 4.3. The first run of the hook processing will compile opencv from source. This can take a long time. Zoneminder will not be available until it completes.
  5. I've updated the docker to opencv 4.3. When you first run the docker, and INSTALL_HOOK is set to '1', opencv 4.3 will compile. This can take a while before ZM starts working.
  6. I've updated the docker for ES 6.0.5. I'd be interested in some feedback before I update the the stable docker.
  7. Remove the docker then edit the docker template and change the repository to dlandon/owncloud-legacy. You will install a version with php 7.1. Then update ownCloud and change the repository back to dlandon/owncloud. Don't stay on the legacy version, it is not supported. Please stay up with the latest version of ownCloud so this doesn't happen again. Because ownCloud is exposed to the Internet, it is important to update for security reasons. ownCloud 10.5 was released on August 3, 2020. That's more then enough time to update your ownCloud.
  8. If you want to hide a particular UD share on Unraid, you can append a '$' to the mount point and it will not show in the UD shares. It can still be browsed by entering the share name manually. There is a UD setting to hide all UD shares, but this trick allows you to hide individual shares.
  9. I don't do any Windows sharing, so I didn't know about the smb share hiding with the '$'. I've pushed a fix for this issue I think. I've got to do some testing.
  10. Just for a test I created a hidden share on a Windows 10 computer and successfully mounted it with UD. The share did not have a '$' in the share name. Why are you using a '$'? The C drive will show with a '$' sign, but you shouldn't mount the full C drive anyway for security reasons.
  11. From the UD change log: 2016.04.17 - Fix: Block mounting smb shares with a '$' in the share path name. It's been that way for a long time. No one has made an issue of it until now. It looks to be an edge case to me. Try to find a work around, like securing the share and not hiding it.
  12. I can appreciate your enthusiasm, but it is not as simple as that. It is not as much a CIFS issue as a php issue. The '$' is a reserved character in php. I did some testing with your proposed fixes and there were many issues. I remember now why I implemented the block of the '$' character. In my testing, the '$' character in the mount point caused the ping of the server for online status to fail, and when I removed the remote share with a '$' in the mount point, all the remote shares I had defined were deleted. The '$' in the mount point is a edge case and not something care to resolve. EDIT: It isn't the mount point that's the issue, it's the share name.
  13. Here is the problem. Oct 17 14:16:07 iBstorage unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/mapper/UD_SSD'... Oct 17 14:16:10 iBstorage kernel: BTRFS: device fsid e3a85b22-09ae-4d31-a525-5782f992e1b0 devid 1 transid 5640954 /dev/dm-11 Oct 17 14:16:10 iBstorage unassigned.devices: luksOpen error: WARNING: Locking directory /run/cryptsetup is missing! Oct 17 14:16:10 iBstorage unassigned.devices: Partition 'TOSHIBA_THNSNK128GVN8_M.2_2280_128GB_871B53DKKLNU' could not be mounted. I have no idea why this happened. Post this on the 6.8.3 support and see if Limetech has a solution.
  14. I am updating the docker to php 7.4. You will need to update ownCloud to 10.5 before updating the docker. If you don't, you'll get an error message about php compatibility and ownCloud won't run.
  15. I have updated the docker with ES 6.0.4. This will get rid of the compatibility message on the latest version of ZmNinja, but you have to make changes to the objectconfig.ini if you are using hook processing. Read the note at the bottom of the first post about how to update objectconfig.ini. If you are not using hook processing, there is nothing you need to do after the update.
  16. You can't. When the docker is started, it installs the latest version from the ZM repository. The docker is not built with a specific version of ZM.
  17. I've updated the docker for ES 6.0.4. Please see the notes in the first post about the objectconfig.ini file changes. You'll need to make changes to the onjectconfig.ini file for the hook processing to work properly.
  18. I've updated the docker to ES 6. I'd appreciate some feedback before updating the 1.34 docker.
  19. If you assign a UD disk to the array, UD will report it as a missing UD disk. It is the correct operation. Just delete the historical device.
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