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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. That folder stays there. Don't delete it. It is used for disk mounts. That setting in UD is only to not add remote share mount symlinks to the /mnt/disks/ folder.
  2. You are getting a permission denied. That's normally from a credentials problem. Watch for special characters in the password. Keep it simple with letters and numbers.
  3. Turn off auto mount for the disk, reboot the server, then change the mount point without the //mnt/disks/. I'll look into blocking this in the future.
  4. The latest version of UD maps the remote shares to /mnt/remotes/. You are encouraged to change your Docker Container and VM mappings to the new mount point. If you can't do that, go the UD settings and set 'Legacy Mount Point Compatibility?' to 'Yes'. Then unmount and re-mount the remote shares. There will be symlinks created at /mnt/disks/ to the remote shares mounted at /mnt/remotes/. You won't have to change any Docker Container or VM mappings.
  5. dlandon

    VM FAQ

    Why do my remote share mappings fail after I updated UD? The latest version of UD maps the remote shares to /mnt/remotes/. You are encouraged to change your VM mappings to the new mount point. If you can't do that, go the UD settings and set 'Legacy Mount Point Compatibility?' to 'Yes'. Then unmount and re-mount the remote shares. There will be symlinks created at /mnt/disks/ to the remote shares mounted at /mnt/remotes/.
  6. dlandon

    Docker FAQ

    Why do my remote share mappings fail after I updated UD? The latest version of UD maps the remote shares to /mnt/remotes/. You are encouraged to change your Docker Container mappings to the new mount point. If you can't do that, go the UD settings and set 'Legacy Mount Point Compatibility?' to 'Yes'. Then unmount and re-mount the remote shares. There will be symlinks created at /mnt/disks/ to the remote shares mounted at /mnt/remotes/.
  7. I've added a configuration setting to turn off the symlinks if not needed/wanted.
  8. The way the new mount points work is physical disks are mounted to /mnt/disks/ as before. Remote shares are mounted to /mnt/remotes/ and a symlink created at /mnt/disks/. Any existing mappings to /mnt/disks/ for remote share should work with no changes. I do encourage you to do any new VM or Docker Container mappings of remote shares to /mnt/remotes/, and convert any existing mappings of remote shares to /mnt/remotes/ as you can. Currently this is only applicable to 6.9. Once I am comfortable that it is working properly, I'll apply this to the older versions of Unraid so rolling back versions of Unraid will not be a problem.
  9. Unmount the share and then remount it. It is browsing the symlink at /mnt/disks. The actual mount point is at /mnt/remotes
  10. I need more information. What version of Unraid? Where are you seeing the directory listings and files not appearing? Show a screen shot.
  11. Is there an event in user scripts that will run a script before the VMs and Dockers are stopped?
  12. New release 2020.112.04. One major feature is that starting with 6. Beta 38 (this was an internal test version), UD disk temperatures and disk spin down is handled by Unraid. The spin down delay of UD disks is now set by the Settings->DIsk Settings->Default Spin Down Delay. The disk temperature thresholds are set just the same as with an array disk. Versions earlier that 6.9 Beta 38 will have the spin down delay set by UD. Release Notes: All versions - Issue with samba config file when a remote share has parenthesis in the share name. The mount was not shared properly because of the parenthesis in the share name. - Php errors when UD disks, samba shares, or iso shares configuration parsing fails and an array is not created. Legacy Unraid - The 'Spin Down Disks?' setting in the UD settings was not being used. - Encrypted disks not checked properly for spin down status. Startig with Unraid 6.9 Beta 38 - Unraid will manage temperature monitoring and spin down control. - You can view and change disk attributes (temperature thresholds) per disk. - Mount remote shares at /mnt/remotes with symlinks in /mnt/disks for backwards compatibility. - Number of reads and writes per disk are displayed. Earlier versions will show all zeros. If you map remote shares in VMs or Docker Containers, symlinks to the remote shares at /mnt/remotes are created at /mnt/disks so you shouldn't have to make any changes to your mappings. One word of caution though is you may have to map a share and be sure there is a trialing '/'. If you mapped /mnt/disks/RemoteShare, you may need to change it to /mnt/disks/RemoteShare/ so the symlink will appear as a directory and not a file. This is dependent on how the VM or Docker treats the mapping.
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