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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Install the UD plugin and mark them as passed through. See if that doesn't help.
  2. A new release of UD is available with the following changes: You can now format a xfs or btrfs encrypted disk with UD that is compatible with the array. The disk is created with the array password/passphrase. Unraid 6.8 and greater only. A disk encrypted with a different password than the array can be mounted with a disk password set in the UD settings. All disks partitioned with a format other than xfs and btrfs will be partitioned gpt, regardless of the size. A lot of cleanup in the UI removing unnecessary code. Consider the encrypted disk format feature experimental until some users give it a try. I do not have an encrypted array to test so my testig is a bit limited.
  3. I'm not a fan of the dark theme for that reason. Not enough contrast for those of us with color vision issues.
  4. Yes you do. Click the X just to the rght of the 'Mount' button in the 'Remove' column.
  5. UD has been updated with better prompts and dialogs that are now more consistent with the rest of Unraid. Thanks to @gfjardim for his help.
  6. UD has limited format capabilities. UD will not format multiple partitions. The best answer is to do as you did and format it on another machine.
  7. It's hard to help you when you are not keeping your server up to date: Mar 1 04:30:01 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems Version 2020.02.06 Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application booksonic has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application calibre has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application calibre-web has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application H265ize has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application habridge has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application MakeMKV has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application mariadb has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application nextcloud has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application openvpn-as has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application piwigo has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application plex has an update available for it Mar 1 04:30:10 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application Redis has an update available for it Mar 1 04:32:22 dringenet-MS root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker application tt-rss has moderator comments listed Your UD is dated 1/13/20. The latest is 2/9/20. You also have an issue with the disk you are discussing here: Mar 1 16:13:38 dringenet-MS kernel: sd 14:0:0:0: [sdp] 61049646 4096-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/233 GiB) Mar 1 16:13:38 dringenet-MS kernel: sd 14:0:0:0: [sdp] Write Protect is off Mar 1 16:13:38 dringenet-MS kernel: sd 14:0:0:0: [sdp] Mode Sense: 2f 00 00 00 Mar 1 16:13:38 dringenet-MS kernel: sd 14:0:0:0: [sdp] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA Mar 1 16:13:38 dringenet-MS kernel: sd 14:0:0:0: [sdp] Attached SCSI disk It looks like it keeps going off-line and preclear rc.diskinfo has to refresh. It's almost impossible to troubleshoot older versions of plugins. The first rule of asking for help is to be sure your server is current with all up to date plugins. Update all plugins and dockers and reboot your server. See if the issue clears up. If not post diagnostics again.
  8. Uninstall the preclear plugin. Post dagnostics if the same thing happens.
  9. Zoneminder supports hardware acceleration in the new version. I have been able to add the '-hwaccel auto' parameter to the ffmpeg options and I've not have any problems. When I try to add the vaapi hardware acceleration to the cameras Unraid locks up and has to be hard reset. When I use the 'ffmpeg -hwaccels' command in the docker, it says vaapi is available as a device to use for acceleration. I have an Intel GPU in my server so I believe qemu and libvirt are picking that up. For the time being, I would recommend caution with the hardware acceleration feature on the cameras. I have read that the vaapi driver has had issues with later Linux kernels, but those posts are a bit old. Just a heads up.
  10. Works for me. Be sure your cron file is in Linux format - line feed only.
  11. I haven't looked at that in a while. I'll take a look. Many changes have been happening lately and it's possible that a new problem has occured. Thanks for the donation.
  12. I believe it will work with preclear plugin removed. There is a known issue in some circumstances. If that doesn't solve it, we will pursue it until a solution is found. The command line is a poor choice for dong things like removing disk partitions. The Unraid GUI is made to be easy to use and will generally prevent things being done to lose data.
  13. While that works, it's not recommended. It's way too easy to make a mistake and clear the wrong drive. Why bother with the GUI if you think the command prompt is better?
  14. You don't have to do that. Click on the X next to the partition to remove it. Then you can reformat the drive.
  15. The server name is converted to upper case just like Windows does. The shares are mixed case.
  16. The SMB passwords are now encrypted. You probably just updated UD and that breaks the SMB mounts. You will have to remove them and recreate them. You also need to be careful of passwords with special characters.
  17. I'm not sure, but I think you removed the drive when it was mounted with the old name, then added it back, renamed it and then tried to unmount? Or something along those lines. Best thing to do is reboot.
  18. It calls the lib.php module to get information about UD devices, so yes that's it.
  19. It calls the lib.php module to get information about UD devices, so yes that's it.
  20. Probably. UD is definitely not being installed. The only process that calls lib.php is UD.
  21. Looks like you have a login somewhere that has cached UD. Be sure all devices and applications are logged out of Unraid.
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