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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. You can mount a server's shares, but you cannot mount the 'server'. Windows has a network browser that shows the server that allows you to then browse the server's shares. UD does not have that capability.
  2. You are wasting your time doing this over and over. Remove the UD plugin and then delete the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/ folder using Windows. Then re-install UD and start over with UD device configuration. Somehow you have a disk or disks assigned as SMB Remote Mounts. Also, don't set a mount point to 'disks'. Each device should have a unique mount point name. It should not be 'disks'. Take it slow and do one thing at a time and sort out any issues before going to the next. Go to UD settings to setup how the UD devices are shared with SMB. i.e. Who has what permissions on UD shares.
  3. My CPU temperature is showing a negative value at the bottom of the screen.
  4. There has been a change to UD where passwords are now encrypted. Remove the SMB shares and re-create them.
  5. Be sure you are using the latest docker. Remove the docker and then re-install.
  6. The only way I could get discovery working properly on all devices was to enable Netbios and WSD.
  7. The latest version of Samba seems to have issues with discovery. Turn on Netbios so Unraid can see the Tower device. Or, use the Tower IP address.
  8. This is more of an issue wth the Dynamix SSD TRIM plugin than with UD. The SSD trim plugin thinks the disk is an SSD.
  9. I don't think I am getting my point across. UD does NOT have access to ANY Unraid passwords, therefore it cannot store them anywhere. The exception is if you manually enter the array password as a disk password - this is highly discouraged. The only passwords UD stores are the passwords used for specific disks and SMB shares entered by the user. You don't have to use the UD password store feature. You can enter the disk password each time the disk needs to be mounted, then delete it after the disk is mounted. When there is no disk password entered, UD will do a call to Unraid to use the array password to mount the disk.
  10. A random key is created when you first use UD encryption and is used to unencrypt UD disk and remote SMB passwords. UD does not have access to the array or root password. I'm not sure where you are going with this questioning or your concern.
  11. Not quite that way. There is a setting in UD settings that allows you to set a per disk password. If this password is not set, the array password is used. If this password is set, it is used for the specified disk only. It is encrypted and saved on the flash. UD does not manage or control any array passwords in any way.
  12. The array password is managed by Unraid. UD does a call to Unraid to mount and format disks. The individual disk passwords are stored on the flash and are encrypted.
  13. You don't want UD to mount a disk that is also passed through to a VM or Docker. I'm not an expert on passing through disks to VM's and Dockers, but you can't pass it through to multiple systems. Only one should manage the disk directly. I think your best bet is to either pass it through to the VM and then SMB share it to the Dockers, or have UD mount it and share it SMB to all. Maybe be a bit more specific on the VM and Dockers. Windows VM, what Dockers?
  14. Your disk in mounting read only: Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o rw,auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd1' '/mnt/disks/Storage' Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server ntfs-3g[13565]: Version 2017.3.23 integrated FUSE 27 Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server ntfs-3g[13565]: Mounted /dev/sdd1 (Read-Only, label "Storage", NTFS 3.1) Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server ntfs-3g[13565]: Cmdline options: rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server ntfs-3g[13565]: Mount options: rw,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,allow_other,nonempty,noatime,ro,default_permissions,fsname=/dev/sdd1,blkdev,blksize=4096 Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server ntfs-3g[13565]: Global ownership and permissions enforced, configuration type 1 Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server unassigned.devices: Mount warning: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.) Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '/dev/sdd1' on '/mnt/disks/Storage'. Mar 20 07:51:13 iPenguin-Server unassigned.devices: Adding SMB share 'Storage'.' It can't be written to.
  15. It's possible. Remember both plugins are working with the same unassigned devices. Preclear gives UD the disk status from a background task running called rc.diskinfo when it is installed to keep UD from interfering with the preclear by probing the disk for information. There can be issues from that interaction.
  16. Click on the Rescan icon (double arrows) and see if UD will pick up the disk:
  17. Do as it says. Click on the Linux or Windows Icon to choose the protocol to use. Once you click on the Icon, it will show color to indicate it is selected.
  18. Post diagnostics once more so I can review it for issues. Other than that, you should be good to go.
  19. Update UD again. I needed to make a change in two places and only got one. I don't have any way to test nvme drives, so I have to do the best I can based on feedback.
  20. Update UD and try again on the HDD. Also reboot. The nvme failure might have messed some things up. Then post diagnostics. I couldn't see the issue in the log.
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