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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I don't use NFS sharing, so I don't exactly know how to set up permissions, but there are settings in Settings->Unassigned Devices for NFS sharing and how you want to share - 'Public', or 'Private'. You enter parameters in 'Rule' for Private sharing. Someone more familiar with NFS sharing can offer you some help on how to set the 'Rule'.
  2. Zoneminder 1.34 has been released. I am building the docker for 1.34. All you have to do is update the docker and 1.34 will be installed and your database converted. Everything should work without any problems. You will have to set your time zone in the Options->System.
  3. I've made a change in the latest UD release so more complicated passwords can be entered. You'll have to re-create your password enabled SMB mounts.
  4. UD uses Linux commands to get the status on UD mounted devices. SMB remote mounts cause some commands to hang up even when not related to a SMB mount. The commands now time out in UD to prevent a total hang, but the time outs are long enough that UD appears to hang at times. There has to be a compromise between giving enough time to accomplish the task and timing out so UD doesn't appear to hang.
  5. Thanks to @gfjardim, the NFS server search can now be done without Nmap. UD+ will no longer install the Nmap package. He also came up with a method of searching for SMB servers on the latest samba release. Because of security concerns, SMB1 is being phased out. SMB1 uses NetBIOS and without NetBIOS, server lookup has changed. The smbtree command in samba is no longer working. This new method has a few issues. Any Unraid server on your LAN will be found by IP address, but not server name if NetBios is disabled on that server. Windows 10 computers do appear in the list. I can't say how other servers with samba enabled will show up. You can always enter the server name manually. Be aware that manually entered SMB server names will be converted to upper case. These changes should be compatible with older versions of Unraid.
  6. I don't see any remote mounts. I don't see anything going on with the SSD. What are you using the SSD disk for? The lsof command is used to show the open files on the SSD. It is not really a problem, it just doesn't show the number of open files.
  7. It's probably not related to your SSD. This is most times caused by remote mounts having issues causing problems with lsof. Post diagnostics.
  8. Time outs have been added to UD unmounts so the array doesn't hang when shutting down. It appears that your rsync command was not finished writing to the disk so the unmount timed out. Add the following command to your script before the unmount: sync -f $MOUNTPOINT This will flush all disk buffers before you unmount the disk. In your case: sync -f /mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup/
  9. See if you don't get better reliability on UBS2. That can tell you a lot. Are you using a USB Hub?
  10. Sort of. UD manages the mounting/unmounting. The issues with the drive itself would cause your whole system to 'hang'. If you go to the UD webpage, UD will struggle trying to get the status on the disks, so it will appear to 'hang' up also. I'm not a USB expert, but the USB3 may be an issue. Try USB2. I've heard people having issues with USB3 on Unraid. Not Unraid's issue though. It seems to be Linux USB3 drivers.
  11. You have a USB device failing: Jan 13 12:55:41 AIVAS kernel: usb 10-4: reset SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1 TIMES] ### Jan 13 12:55:57 AIVAS php-fpm[7449]: [WARNING] [pool www] server reached max_children setting (50), consider raising it Jan 13 12:56:12 AIVAS kernel: usb 10-4: reset SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 56 TIMES] ### Jan 13 13:14:25 AIVAS kernel: program smartctl is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO Jan 13 13:14:40 AIVAS kernel: usb 10-4: reset SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 3 TIMES] ### Jan 13 13:16:11 AIVAS kernel: program smartctl is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO Jan 13 13:16:27 AIVAS kernel: usb 10-4: reset SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 18 TIMES] ### Jan 13 13:43:05 AIVAS kernel: program smartctl is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO Jan 13 13:44:06 AIVAS kernel: usb 10-4: reset SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1 TIMES] ### Jan 13 13:45:08 AIVAS kernel: program smartctl is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO Jan 13 13:46:09 AIVAS kernel: usb 10-4: reset SuperSpeed Gen 1 USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
  12. That means UD thinks the remote server is off-line. The remote server must respond to a ping to be considered on-line.
  13. No. Give it a few minutes and update again. I've removed the Nmap and libnl packages.
  14. There is a new version of UD available. SMB share passwords are now encrypted when stored in the config file. You will need to remove any SMB shares using passwords and re-create them. They will not mount after the latest update until you re-create them.
  15. I believe those are part of the Nmap package. Nmap is used to search for NFS servers on the LAN when setting up a NFS share. There is a setting in UD to remove this package if you don't want to use it.
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