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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Yes. I want to see if the UD plugin is going to be installed, not already installed so the order doesn't matter.
  2. UD+ is an addon to UD and enables additional UD features. It is not a virus. The Nmap package you are referring to is used to scan for NFS servers on your network. Some people are nervous about Nmap security, so it can be removed by a UD setting.
  3. I've updated UD and added a 'Read Only' switch for physical drives so you can mount the drive read only. This can be helpful if you have an array drive you'd like to mount and look at but don't wan't anything written to the disk that would break parity.
  4. I've updated ES to the latest version (5.4). There are a lot of changes in this version. Please read the documentation here on configuration. When you update the docker, the ES will not work properly with the old .ini.
  5. The package for exFAT was moved to the UD+ plugin, but the previous UD had the package installation still included. When UD updates, the packages are not removed, but left installed. After a reboot the updated UD will not re-install the exFAT package. You would have to then install UD+ to re-install the exFAT package. An exFAT disk will not mount without the package from UD+ being installed. It was probably the previous UD version that left the package installed. This confusion added to what looks like a disk issue at the same time. Why exFAT on a disk that size?
  6. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. There are a lot of background changes. You should go ahead and install version 1.33. It's still under development, but I am using it and it works very well. It has the latest ES installed.
  7. You should not mount /mnt/user this way. Find another way.
  8. ownCloud documentation: https://doc.owncloud.com/server/10.2/admin_manual/installation/apps/mediaviewer/
  9. Your best bet at this point is to head over to the Zonemnder forums and ask for some help there.
  10. You are way over analyzing. The ZM cert mapping is /etc/apache2/ssl/ inside the docker. Because I want to have the cert survive an update, they are physically placed in /appdata/Zoneminder/keys/. Inside the docker there is a symlink from /etc/apache2/ssl/ to /config/keys/. All the references you see all point to the same cert files in /appdata/Zoneminder/keys. Stop worrying about the cert right now. You can get events to work with the self signed cert. If you can see the live video on your device, the cert is working. The next step is to forward port 9000 and get events to trigger on your device. Start out by using the default zmeventserver.ini. Don't change anything until the events are being triggered on your device. Once that is done, you can move towards getting a proper certificate.
  11. Based on what I've read, it won't be an option after March 2020.
  12. Several things going on here. Remove these lines from smb-extra.conf: [global] min protocol = SMB2 client min protocol = SMB2 client max protocol = SMB3 Go to Settings->SMB and disable NetBIOS. It will do the same thing. [rootshare] path = /mnt/user browseable = yes valid users = user1, user2 write list = user1, user2 I don't know what you are trying to do here, but sharing the /mnt/user is not the thing to do. This is probably conflicting with the array and UD share settings. Go to Settings->Unassigned Devices and set up your SMB UD shares there. Set up the array shares in the Shares tab. The best practice is to not make any changes to smb-extra.conf.
  13. TLSv1 is being obsoleted this Spring and TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 should be removed from nginx.conf: ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; Major browsers are committed to supporting TLSv1.2 so there should be minimal issues.
  14. ZM and ES can use the same cert. The self signed cert works. You don't need different certs. Make sure you forward port 9000 to the ZM docker. That's the port used for ES alerts. Once it is set up properly, you'll see the token in he tokens file.
  15. Remove the files from the /keys folder and restart ZM. The self signed cert wlll be recreated. Get ZM and the event server working properly without the proxy then work on generating your cert and adding the proxy. Don't start off with the proxy and your own cert. You won't be able to tell what is not working.
  16. Go to Settings->Recycle Bin and click on 'Shares', then click on the folder with the magnifying glass and you can browse the share Recycle Bin. To navigate to the Recycle Bin in Windows enter '//Tower/share/.Recycle.Bin' in the browser bar of the navigator. Replace 'Tower' with your server name.
  17. You only need one certificate for Zonemider and the event server (ES). The secrets.ini file tells the ES where the certs are located. Leave it at the default settings. Replace the cert in the /keys folder with the ones you want to use. Be sure the crt and key file have the same names as the default. One is the certs fie and the other is a key file. Both are needed, I don't recommend you use port 80 outside your lan. You need to enable the installation and configuring of hook processing with the hook environment variables. See the first post for details. Check the docker log to see if there are any errors.
  18. I've added a setting so you can set how many lines to display in the log. Default is 1000.
  19. There has been a feature added to make updates to ownlCoud so added apps will be maintained across versions. Add the following to your config.php: array ( 0 => array ( 'path' => '/config/www/owncloud/apps', 'url' => '/apps', 'writable' => false, ), 1 => array ( 'path' => '/config/www/owncloud/apps-external', 'url' => '/apps-external', 'writable' => true, ), ), This will set up an /apps-external directory where your apps will be installed. This is where you would want to install any manually installed apps. When ownCloud updates, the standard ownCloud apps are installed in the /apps directory and the /apps-external apps are left alone.
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