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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Shares were not displaying when "Log Deleted Files" was set to "No". This has been fixed in the latest version.
  2. As far as I know LMS does not write to the music folder.
  3. All of the updates to the docker are me trying to get to the goal of an in-place Zoneminder update. I hate the idea that each new version of Zoneminder requires a complete setup from scratch. I am working on getting the docker build script to that point. Every time I make a change and push it to Github, a new docker is automatically built. Zoneminder is not being updated in any of these new docker builds. You can do a docker update without causing any problems.
  4. A playlists folder is created in the appdata/LogitechMediaServer folder which is where LMS can put the playlists. You don't have to use that location. Keep a copy of your playlists and put them in the appdata/LogitechMediaServer folder and then tell LMS in the setup that is where your playlists are, or setup LMS to where you keep your playlists. I would have a backup copy though. I think I broke my playlists because I set something up wrong. LMS couldn't find the music for the playlist. I just started over because my playlists were not complicated. I would keep your current LMS appdata configuration and just install this version and not start from scratch. I think that's where I created my problems with playlists. The udgrade is for OS patches and security updates. I will have to re-build the docker whenever there is an LMS update. It is not automatic.
  5. Just remove his docker and install this one. My docker is based on his work, so they are very much the same. The appdata mapping is the same and the database is the same. I lost my playlists, but that may have just been me. I am going to try to keep the docker current with the latest LMS, even though I think the development has slowed down a lot. The thing I added though is the updates to the OS to keep patches applied and apply security updates each time the docker is started.
  6. It works for me. I exported an event without issues.
  7. The updated Zoneminder docker now updates on every restart. The updates are Linux patches and security fixes. This will keep the docker OS up to date.
  8. I always thought it made sense to have those settings configured to start with. Ended up to just be some initial database settings that are set when the Docker is built. A lot more convenient for sure and is less prone to errors. I had some trouble setting up my cameras initially. I had to set them up as 'Monitor' and stop and start Zoneminder before they would stream video. It seemed to be a little harder to get them going with the 1.30.2 version.
  9. The latest Zoneminder Docker has the options settings pre-configured on initial installation so they don't have to be changed after installation. You can just start out configuring your cameras.
  10. There is a zm.conf file in appdata/Zoneminder where the database is setup. Look for ZM_DB_HOST=localhost. You should be able to set that for the ip address of your mysql server. Enter the name of your database, and there are two additional lines where you set your credentials for the database. The zm.conf file will persistent and will not be removed if you update or uninstall Zoneminder.
  11. The appdata/LogitechMediaServer/playlist folder is now created when LMS is installed.
  12. It appears from the log that Zoneminder can't get the jpeg images from the phone. Go back to the OP and verify all the settings have been made as suggested. Be sure you have set the PATH_ZMS properly. I found when setting up my cameras, it worked best to set them up as a 'Monitor' first and I had to restart Zoneminder after adding each camera. Zoneminder recommends using ffmpeg for the source type. Try using that setup. You might also click on the link to the Zoneminder documentation and review the camera setup section.
  13. I have updated Zoneminder to 1.30.2 and changed the Docker template to accommodate setting a version to use. Zoneminder does not update in place, so you have to start a fresh configuration when updating. If you want to update to the newest version read the instructions in the OP. You can stay on the current version you have installed. The Docker manager will never show an "Update Ready" that would change versions. Any "Update Ready" notation will update the current version you have installed. Caution: Changing versions will render Zoneminder inoperative. You have delete the Zoneminder appdata folder and start a fresh configuration.
  14. I've done some work on this, but I am not sure I have the right answer. The ulimit setting is a per user file open limit. I don't think that will accomplish what we need. I'm working with fs.file.max that is the system max limit that I think might be the right parameter. sysctl fs.file-max
  15. I have created an updated LMS Docker that is updated to the latest LMS - 7.9.1 and includes OS updates. There isn't much development activity on LMS these days, but because this Docker is a server, I want to at least keep the Linux patches and security updates applied. Use CA to find and install the LogitechMediaServer. Note: Be sure to remove any previous LogitechMediaServer Dockers. A appdata/LogitechMediaServer/Playlist folder is created. You can use this location for your playlists, or choose another location if your playlists are stored elsewhere. An update is performed on every startup to keep patches and security updates applied to Linux. LMS is not updated. A new docker has to be built to update LMS. Recommended Settings Change the scanner performance setting - 'Settings->Advanced->Performance->Database Memory Config' to maximum. This should speed up scanning of libraries, especially large libraries. Command Line Interface LMS has a command line interface at port 9090. A description of the CLI is here. You access the CLI using telnet at Tower:9090. First Startup Issue When you instal LMS for the first time, it will get into a loop of continual stopping and restarting of LMS. When you first install LMS, watch the log and when it looks like LMS has entered this endless loop, stop and the restart the LMS docker container. It should fix itself and allow you to get to the GUI. If it still doesn't start and allow access to the GUI, remove the docker and the appdata/LogitechMediaServer folder and re-install.
  16. I ended up making my own docker to do some updates to the OS and add a missing package. Wait until you see CA offer the version that is authored by me and then install it.
  17. You'd have to go in the docker and change the mysql settings. I'm no expert on mysql, so I can't say how to do it.
  18. This is an update of the Zoneminder Docker initially created by aptalca to the latest version of Zoneminder. You can do an in place update of this Docker and your current configuration will be kept and the database updated. Note: This Docker has settings pre-configured so all you have to do is install your cameras and make your particular adjustments. Changes can be made as necessary for special needs after installation. If you need help with Zoneminder click here for the documentation and here for the forum. Search for Zoneminder in CA and install it. The Zoneminder WebUI can be accessed by left clicking on the Zoneminder Docker and selecting WebUI. The URL shown in the browser address bar is how you access Zoneminder. Any changes made to the port or networking setup can change this URL. A self signed ssl certificate is generated when the Docker starts if it does not exist and it is stored at appdata/Zoneminder/keys. This certificate is used for https access to Zoneminder and for the zmNinja Event Notification Server. You can supply your own certificate and replace the auto generated certificate if you'd like. Only secure access is allowed. An update is performed on every startup of the Zoneminder Docker to keep patches and updates applied to Linux. Zoneminder minor updates are applied automatically. Zoneminder major updates are not applied so I can test and verify them before being applied to the Docker. Major updates normally require changes to the Docker to work properly. PTZ Control Scripts: If you have a PTZ camera that has a custom script, put it in the '/appdata/Zoneminder/control/' folder and whenever the Zoneminder docker is started, it will copy the script to the '/usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control' folder in the docker image. Change Databases: You can change to an external database by overwriting the default zm.config database settings. Change the following settings for your particular needs and put them in the file "99-mysql.conf' in the /appdata/Zoneminder/conf/ folder. Your settings will be installed when the docker is started. # ZoneMinder database hostname or ip address ZM_DB_HOST=localhost # ZoneMinder database name ZM_DB_NAME=zm # ZoneMinder database user ZM_DB_USER=zmuser # ZoneMinder database password ZM_DB_PASS=zmpass Set up eMail Notifications: Follow the guide here. The ssmtp configuration files are at appdata/Zoneminder/ssmtp/. Note: Be sure to set up a filter for emails. These changes are kept if Zoneminder is updated or removed and re-installed. Set up zmNinja Event Norifications: The zmNinja Event Notification Server is included in the Docker. The zmNinja Notification Server pushes events to your iOS and Android devices. Enable the 'Event Server' on your iOS or Andriod device and the server will automatically connect. Be sure to forward port 9000 on your router to the Zoneminder Docker. The server is configured to run with security with the self signed certificate generated on installation of Zoneminder. The zmNinja event server is not enabled by default. Enable it in Options->System->OPT_USE_EVENTNOTIFICATION. You can configure the zmnotificationserver.pl to run with or without security. Modify the 'appdata/Zoneminder/zmeventnotification.ini' file to turn off ssl and configure other parameters like the port to listen on for events. If you change the port, you'll need to modify the port in the docker configuration. Restart the Docker after you've made changes to the zmeventnotification.ini file. You can set up multiple ports for the notification server by defining two environment variables. MULTI_PORT_START="(start port number)" and MULTI_PORT_END="(end port number)" to configure apache2 for multi-port operation. Refer to the guide here. Here is a guide on the notification server. crontab Zoneminder has the ability to change states so you can have different operation of your cameras based on the time of day and/or day of the week. To set up cron events, create a file called 'cron; and place it in the appdata/Zoneminnder/ folder. The 'cron' file contents should be the crontab entries you want created. When the Zoneminder Docker is started it will put your 'cron' file entries into the root crontab. Example 'cron' file: # Daytime camera operation 0 8 * * * /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl Daytime # Nightime camera operation 0 20 * * * /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl Nighttime Note: The default purge 'Filter' is set for 50% of the disk where the Zoneminder data is stored. On Unraid this is not a good way to manage the growth of the events. I recommend setting up a purge filter based on the age of the events. This is the way to set up a filter to purge events by age: This filter purges events older than 30 days. You can set the 'days ago' to a value that makes sense for you. User Script You can enable a custom user script. Edit the docker template xml and add a variable: ADVANCED_SCRIPT with a value of 1. This will enable your script. Put your script in the appdata/Zoneminder/ folder and name it userscript.sh. The script will be executed each time the Docker is started before Zoneminder is started. Be sure to chmod +x userscript.sh so the script is executable. Troubleshooting when the container fails If you have a situation where the container fails to start, you can set NO_START_ZM="1" as an environment variable - this will spin up the container but will not automatically start the MySql and Zoneminder processes. This way, you can get into a command line in the container (docker exec -it Zoneminder /bin/bash) and troubleshoot your issue by using the following commands to start MySql and Zoneminder and fix any errors/problems with them starting. service mysql start service zoneminder start
  19. At least add the update feature in the latest 1_29 to keep linux security patches up to date. I don't care that much about Zoneminder 1.30.
  20. Any chance you could update the Zoneminder Docker to the latest version?
  21. Boot in safe mode without plugins and see if it stops. If it does, then remove all plugins and add them back one at a time to determine which one is causing the issue, There are a lot more file events that Open Files can collect, but I didn't enable those events because it would overwhelm the logging. Maybe I could set a switch to include more of the file events with the understanding that logging will be massive. Open Files does limit the log length so it will not blow up the log space, but the Open Files logging might bog down unRAID with this switch turned on. Let me ponder it for a bit.
  22. HFS+ is supported. It looks like your UD configuration is corrupted. Uninstall UD and delete /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/ directory. Then re-install UD and start over.
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