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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. It would be better to emulatorpin 0/8. Linux prefers the lower numbered cpu. I'm not sure what your VM is doing, but assigning CPUs 6/14 may help. This gives the VM two cores and 4 threads.
  2. Thanks that works. I figured you picked up on UD and excluded the /mnt/disks. Already had a poster think there was a disaster pending because of the RecycleBin folder message in FCP. Why would apps store folders/files in /mnt/? I really didn't want to do it for the Recycle Bin, but could not get the browse to work any other way because the browser branches from /mnt/.
  3. You need to ignore the /mnt/RecycleBin directory when checking the /mnt/ directories. I maintain it for the Recycle Bin plugin. It is a directory of symlinks so I can use the built in browser to browse the files from /mnt/RecycleBin. Why are you looking for directories there anyway? What is the concern with directories at /mnt/?
  4. The RecycleBin at /mnt/ is a directory of symlinks to the .Recycle.Bin shares so it can be browsed by the built in file browser at /mnt/. It updates every second to keep current with the .Recycle.Bin share directories. FCP should ignore this directory.
  5. Update and try again. 2017.02.23. Had to make a change in another place.
  6. The plugin author sets the max and min version levels, CA doesn't do that.
  7. I've just modified the plugin and the File Activity xml on CA. File Activity needs at least 6.3.0. The inotify package was installed in the released version starting with 6.3.0. Try 6.3.2. I believe the kernel panics were solved with the version of Linux in 6.3.2.
  8. Go to a command line and enter: whereis inotifywait it looks like you are missing inotifywait.
  9. Go to a command line and run this command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/file.activity/scripts/inotify.file.activity See if you get any errors. If it looks like the program is hanging, then it is running. Ctrl-C to stop the program. Let me know the results.
  10. Set Max User Watches to whatever works for you system. Start with the default and if that doesn't work, try doubling it. I can't get any information on who is accessing the file from inotify.
  11. Update to 2017.02.22 and try again. The inotify errors are now logged to the syslog and you should be able to see why it is not starting.
  12. I think the issue that several of you have run into is the number of max_user_watches value being too low. I'm working on an update that will adjust that value when the plugin is installed or updated. I also will change the list of disks to be read from a file and not on the command line. With a large array, the command line could be too long for Linux to handle.
  13. inotify did not start. Look in your syslog and on the console and see if there is an error message about inotify not starting. Also try to stop and re-start and see if it is then shown in the processes. How many disks are in your array?
  14. You may not have any shares on the cache, but that doesn't mean the files aren't temporarily on the cache until moved at night by the mover. Go to the Tools->Processes and look for a line that starts like this: inotifywait -m -r -q -e open,attrib,move,create,delete --excludei appdata/... Copy the complete line and post it here so I can verify inotify is running as it should on your system. Also tell me how many disks you have in your system.
  15. You turned off the cache and that is probably where your files are located. Turin it on and try again. Be sure the file activity shows as running.
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