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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. You are running an older version of the plugin. Please update to the latest.
  2. That should work. Don't enter the /mnt/disks. Just the name and press enter.
  3. You will have to turn on destructive mode to format the drive. The "Please wait..." is a preclear message and not UD.
  4. I guess I don't see the issue here. The formatting of a new disk in unRAID is determined by the setting in the Settings->Disk Settings, so there is not necessarily a standard format. unRAID also needs the signature that it creates when it formats, or a by running a script like preclear. Formatting a disk with UD is not the way to add disks to the array. The format in UD is only to support disks used in UD. Why would someone format a disk in UD and then decide to add it to the array? If they wanted to keep the format, they would have to do a 'New Config' and that's another set of problems in the making. UD uses parted to partition the disk and uses the '-a optimal' switch so the disk partition is created with starting sector at 64 it the disk is an Advanced Format disk. From the parted manual: "optimal Use optimum alignment as given by the disk topology information. This aligns to a multiple of the physical block size in a way that guarantees optimal performance." I'd rather favor disk performance than generically setting all disk partition sectors to start at 64 just so someone can stuff a UD formatted disk into the array. EDIT: After thinking about this some more, why would unRAID not accept a disk formatted either way? The format is optimized for the disk, not unRAID. It affects the performance of the disk, not whether or not unRAID can accept the disk.
  5. The auto mount switches have been removed from the partitions in the latest version. The auto mount applies to the drive, and not to the partitions. This should eliminate the confusion.
  6. You can set the auto-mount switch off for a partition you don't want mounted.
  7. I added the inotify max_user_watches setting so it can be adjusted as needed when there aren't enough inofity watches.
  8. I have moved the max_user_watches setting to the Tips and Tweaks plugin because the issue of not enough inotify watches affects more that just this plugin and it doesn't make sense to install this plugin just for that setting.
  9. I think I will go ahead and move it to Tips and Tweaks. It is designed to show the current setting and allow changes.
  10. With the issues I see with max user watches, I'm thinking this would be a setting that would go better in Tips and Tweaks so a person doesn't have to have the Files Activity plugin installed to set it. Still thinking about it.
  11. Well crap! I got a pop ups blocked message in Chrome and when I enabled them I got a download. My bad. What is the variable for clearing the log? I don't see it in the Help.
  12. Version 2017.03.05 does not let me download logs. Clicking any script download icons does nothing. At least now I don't get the Help when I click the first script icon.
  13. No. The active area for the Help is also way too wide on the first script. It is all the way over to the right at the script buttons. Not sure if this was a feature or not.
  14. Without the array running, there isn't anything you can do. Dockers and VMs won't run without the array running.
  15. The download log button does not appear to be working. On my first script, it turns the Help on and off.
  16. Would it be possible to add a script variable to clear the log whenever the script is run? #clearLog=true I have a weekly task I run and I don't want the log to grow. I'd just like to have the last run log show.
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