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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console? Yes, the error shows on the console also. Something like this?root@Server_A:~# ping blahblahblah ping: unknown host blahblahblah Yes. K. I don't have stderr redirected to null. Will fix at some point Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Should it be downgraded to a Warning and not an error?
  2. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console? Yes, the error shows on the console also. Something like this?root@Server_A:~# ping blahblahblah ping: unknown host blahblahblah Yes.
  3. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console? Yes, the error shows on the console also.
  4. I have this in my syslog and it also shows on the console: Jan 27 02:08:57 BackupServer root: Fix Common Problems Version 2017.01.24 Jan 27 02:08:57 BackupServer root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Unable to communicate with GitHub.com ** Ignored Not sure if this is a problem or not. It does show up as an error though. I have multiple vlans and it might be from a delay in the network coming up.
  5. Also take a look at the Tips and Tweaks plugin. There are some tweaks there that may affect VM laq. Click on the 'Help' button for more information on how things work.
  6. I have the exact same problem, alot of stuff has been put in the recycle bin folder, it seems like all files goes to the recycle bin folder even on the cache drive. And then is moved to the wrong place on my shares. The recycle bin plugin has no control over the files that are deleted. The recycle bin plugin only enables the vfs_recycle option in samba. You may find that windows is creating temporary files that get deleted and end up in the recycle bin. You will probably see that the files in the recycle bin have the same name, but a different extension.
  7. It's only my example. Look at the default script and read about the parameter that can be used by the script to make decisions on whether the drive was plugged in or the mount button was clicked.
  8. Why not just use UD? You can set up a script and just click the mount button and the script will do what you want. Add the un-mount at the end of the script and it will be automatically be unmounted. Yes totally understand. Sometimes I do things that are automated so I don't forget like early in the AM. I have a little NAS drive Dlink-323 toaster style NAS that I have connected, but unmounted currently that I sometimes re-mount and run a few backups off the server. However I've forgotten now and then and well I figured if I could automate the process some I wouldn't have to worry about it. I do plan on dropping in the script so when it is connected it just does what I need. Just looking for some more flexibility honestly. =) The reason I keep it unmounted just incase your wondering is because I can swap out the drives now and then and run scripts based on which ever drive is installed. I understand. I have a UD drive I leave mounted and use the User Scripts plugin to schedule a daily backup to the UD drive.
  9. Why not just use UD? You can set up a script and just click the mount button and the script will do what you want. Add the unmount at the end of the script and it will be automatically be unmounted.
  10. /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned mount /dev/sdX run script /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned umount /dev/sdX
  11. The Open Files Plugin is still supported and works on the 6.2.x versions of unRAID. It depends on the webGui being responsive to work. If you have problems with the webGui becoming unresponsive, use the "Fix Common Problems" plugin to troubleshoot.
  12. The SMART notification is built into unRAID and is not controlled by the UD plugin. You would have the same issue with the drive installed as an unassigned device without the UD plugin. Post the issue on the Dynamix post and see if bonienl has an answer for your issue.
  13. Check that you have the share permissions set up in Settings->Unassigned Devices.
  14. The vfs_recycle function of samba is not working in rc6. I'll post a defect report.
  15. I just ran a test and it worked. It looks like your device was unmounted and failed because of open files on the device. Other than that, I don't see any problem and the device should have been shared. If you boot up again and see the device is not shared, get a UD log and post it before you do anything else. Also post the /flash/config/smb-extra.conf file.
  16. I'd like to be able to set NFS to private on a per UD device basis. eg. The SMB share permissions are set on a global basis, not by UD device. I can do the same thing for NFS shares. UD was not designed to allow per device share permissions.
  17. The turbo mode is intentionally turned off by Tips and Tweaks because I found when turned on, it ran the processor at turbo speed all the time. I could add an option to turn turbo mode on/off as desired when the Intel Pstate driver is used.
  18. All UD devices that are marked as shared are shared with NFS in the same way - public read/write access. The /etc/exports file is modified for the UD device whenever that device is mounted. What is it that you want to be able to do?
  19. Already done Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Thank you.
  20. I don't know if you've already addressed this, but I got this email last night: From: Console and webGui login account Date: November 28, 2016 at 12:00:01 AM EST To: root Subject: cron for user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/updateApplications.php >dev/null 2>&1 /bin/sh: dev/null: No such file or directory
  21. No. Why do you want to do this? The UD mounted device is not protected by parity.
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