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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. If a user was to enter 'Drive%24' as a share name rather than 'Drive$', it would probably work. I just got bit by the package problem with parted 3.2. It was apparently compiled for Slackware 14.2 and when I tried it on unraid 6.1.9 (Slackware 14.1), it did not work because of some library dependencies and I'm sure other things that were broken. Moving the required packages to my own repository will keep things from breaking again if the 'current' packages change and I can be assured that I have the correct packages. Very messy!
  2. Actually that is not true. Attached is a graphic of a mount on unRAID to the C$ share that Windows automatically creates. But I can certainly create a windows share without the $ in the name. As I said, doesn't work for me. Username and password triple checked. mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=***,password=********* '//HANDYMAN/C$' '/mnt/disks/DiskC' mount error(13): Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs( manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) I don't know how it works for you. I can mount shares without $ in the names. Bottom line is that with this situation and the fact that the $ character is a reserved character in php, it is not worth the effort to pursue it further since you have an alternative.
  3. Those are built in shares for WinOS, such as C$ or D$, so one can not rename those. They can however create their own shares with the proper share names. I understand, but the point is the user will have to find another way. Why would someone want to mount a Windows drive (C$) using UD in the first place? The problem as best I can tell is that a share with a '$' in the name cannot be mounted with cifs, so there really doesn't seem to be much I can do except to prevent it with UD.
  4. Shares with a $ in the name cannot be mounted. I am adding code to block trying to mount a share with a $ in the name. A log entry will say that it can't be mounted. You will have to rename your shares without the $ character.
  5. So the share with the $ was created on a Windows computer? I know why that is happening and I'll see if I can reproduce. EDIT: Windows doesn't let me share a folder with a $ in the name. How did you set up a smb share with a $ in the name?
  6. Adding to his comment, the toggle for destructive mode does not seem consistent with the rest of unRAID. Would you consider changing it to be more consistent, perhaps require checking a check box with the text something like "Yes I want to do this", prior to making the Format button active. While I appreciate everyone's suggestions, there are some issues with the amount of real estate available on the UD webpage and adding more things to the webpage will make it even busier and more crowded than it is now. On iPads the display scrunches down the on/off buttons. gfjardim did the original UD layout and I think he did a pretty good job. I really don't want to redesign the webpage for very little gain. The goal of the original UD was to be able to mount a thumb drive, or USB drive and share the drive so files could be taken off the drive and put onto the unraid array. The natural progression was to add a script that would run when the drive was installed. UD has now morphed into a drive management tool - preclear, format, mount drives for VMs and Dockers, share remote mounts, and mount iso files. I don't like the idea of destructive mode being too easy and users losing data too easily. That's why gfjardim put the destructive mode in the settings page. If it were on the UD webpage, I can guarantee that someone would do the wrong thing and lose data. The destructive mode was not intended to be an everyday thing. As I said UD has morphed into something it was not originally intended to do. Although I don't have much trouble with where it is now. I contribute my time to some plugins that I deem pretty important to myself and the unraid community. I enjoy doing this because I no longer am employed in the software industry and want to keep up my skills. UD has become quite a task lately and I will do what I can to fix anything that comes up, but I don't have the time (or interest) right now to add new features to UD. I know some of you feel that LT is too slow in implementing features to unraid and try to get plugin developers to add features to get things done faster. I was recently asked about adding VM disk mounting. While I like this idea a lot, it is something that LT should implement. Some time ago I was asked to add the ability for UD to create a btrfs array. I understand the request, but this is something LT needs to do. In all my years of working on software, I have seen the 'feature creep' make a very usable software package something that doesn't do anything well. The original Norton Utilities were awesome back in the DOS days. Norton software has grown into what I consider an usable beast. Whenever I get a new consumer computer, I uninstall it immediately. I don't want to see UD get to that point. I guess the point of my rant is that I do what I can on the limited time I have, but I get zero compensation for my time and I need to feed the family. Don't be offended when I turn down requests for new features. Some make sense for UD like mounting iso files, some don't like mounting VMs. Some I just don't the have time for. Stepping down from soap box Back to reality. For the moment I will only work on problems/bugs that come up. I appreciate the feedback on issues users are having with UD, but I need more information about the issue. Please report which version of unraid you are using, and as much information as you can provide on how the problem came up. The latest issue with formatting disks was quite a drain on time until gfjardim and I determined that both of us were testing on unraid 6.2, and users were having issues with 6.1.9.
  7. After setting up a UD mount, Docker needs to be restarted for the mount to be seen by the Docker.
  8. Click on the serial number and delete the partition. Click on the red X to delete the partition. That will remove the partition and it should go back to 'Format'.
  9. Clicking on the drive serial number does not reveal anything. Do you have the destructive mode enabled in the UD settings?
  10. The format button won't show as active until you remove the preclear status file. I believe if you click on the drive serial number you will see the preclear status. There should be a red X. Click on that to delete the preclear status file, and the format button should become active. This was done so you can not format a disk while it is preclearing. UD will only know the preclear is completed by the removal of the status file.
  11. Thanks for letting me know. Today's whine: This is what the package dependency problem with unraid and plugins is all about. I did update the packages that parted 3.2 required, but it broke unraid 6.1.9, so I backed off. Package management can be quite messy. I am moving all the Slackware packages that UD requires to my github so I can manage and control the packages. There have been instances where mirror sites have not responded, and cases where the packages were updated and a version we need has been removed.
  12. I've reverted parted back to version 3.1 because of dependencies that cannot be sorted out cleanly for 6.1.9. This should solve the formatting issues. I would have thought that the parted package would manage its own dependencies, but when I load the packages that resolve the parted dependencies, it breaks unraid because unraid 6.1.9 is not compatible with the updated packages. The only thing that parted 3.2 offered was the ability to format a ntfs disk that could be mounted in Windows. I don't see that as a show stopper at this point. Please let me know if this solves all the formatting problems. The format logging has been left in UD so we can troubleshoot further as necessary. EDIT: I stand corrected. I was able to format a ntfs disk in unraid that Windows could mount with the latest version of UD. When gfjardim submitted his update to address the ntfs mounting in Windows issue, he recommended using parted 3.2, but it seems that it works fine with parted 3.1. I will do some testing on 6.2 to be sure UD is working. EDIT: I have decided to move all packages to my github repository so I can manage and control the packages required for UD. There have been some issues with certain mirror sites, and changes being made that removed some packages.
  13. I'm working on rolling back parted to the previous version (3.1). This will solve the format problems. I've tested on 6.1.9 and it is working. The only thing we will lose is UD formatting a ntfs drive that can be mounted by Windows. I don't feel that is important right now. Being able to format disks with UD is far more important. Just sit tight for a day or so and I'll have it all sorted out.
  14. Crap, I had forgotten that the plugin installs parted. I suspect that this all came about with the update to parted I recently did. I would have thought it would include its dependencies, but maybe the library is expected to be there in Linux. I've been a bit scatter brained lately because I am extremely busy at work so I'm not thinking clearly. Let me put some time into it this weekend and see if I can sort it out.
  15. Thank you for chasing this bug down. Now we know the problem is not the size of the drive or whether its is a spinner or an ssd. Is there a terminal command we can use to add the missing library? I don't know enough about the inner workings of Linux to suggest how to install the missing library.
  16. So are you saying we can't use the plugin with 6.1.9 or that we can, as long as we format and partition separately? The plugin works fine except when trying to format a drive.
  17. I have solved the mystery of the failed formats. It seems that in v6.1.9 there is a missing library and parted will not run. I could not reproduce the errors because I have been testing in 6,2 that has the missing library included. There is nothing more I can do.
  18. Those of you with the format errors, which version of unraid are you using? I think I'm seeing the problem.
  19. Apr 15 08:47:26 Reloading disk '/dev/sdc' partition table. Apr 15 08:47:26 Reload partition table result: /dev/sdc: re-reading partition table Apr 15 08:47:26 Creating a 'gpt' partition table on disk '/dev/sdc'. Apr 15 08:47:26 Create 'gpt' partition table result: /usr/sbin/parted: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Apr 15 08:47:26 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdc'. Apr 15 08:47:26 Create primary partition result: /usr/sbin/parted: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Apr 15 08:47:26 Formatting disk '/dev/sdc' with 'xfs' filesystem. Apr 15 08:47:29 Reloading disk '/dev/sdc' partition table. Apr 15 08:47:29 Reload partition table result: /dev/sdc: re-reading partition table Please try this command: /usr/sbin/parted /dev/sdc mklabel gpt 2>&1 It may prompt you for confirmation and/or generate an error.
  20. What size is the disk? 2TB Please try this command: /usr/sbin/parted /dev/sdd mklabel msdos 2>&1 It may prompt you for confirmation and/or generate an error.
  21. Here you go. Smoking gun. Apr 15 09:21:36 Device '/dev/sdd' block size: 3907029168 Apr 15 09:21:36 Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/sdd'. Apr 15 09:21:36 Clear partition result: 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 2097152 bytes (2.1 MB) copied, 0.0132899 s, 158 MB/s Apr 15 09:21:36 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table. Apr 15 09:21:36 Reload partition table result: /dev/sdd: re-reading partition table Apr 15 09:21:36 Creating a 'msdos' partition table on disk '/dev/sdd'. Apr 15 09:21:36 Create 'msdos' partition table result: /usr/sbin/parted: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Apr 15 09:21:36 Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/sdd'. Apr 15 09:21:36 Create primary partition result: /usr/sbin/parted: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Apr 15 09:21:36 Formatting disk '/dev/sdd' with 'xfs' filesystem. Apr 15 09:21:39 Reloading disk '/dev/sdd' partition table. Apr 15 09:21:39 Reload partition table result: /dev/sdd: re-reading partition table Try this command on a command line: /usr/sbin/parted /dev/sdd --script mklabel msdos 2>&1
  22. For those of you having formatting failures, please update to the latest release (2016.04.15) and try to format again. If it fails, post your UD log. I have added additional logging so we can track down the issues of format failures.
  23. I was formatting it as XFS. This is the output of 'fdisk -l /dev/sdc': Disk /dev/sdc: 3000.6 GB, 3000592982016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 364801 cylinders, total 5860533168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes The preclear partition was removed, but the new partition did not get created. Can you post the preclear report? Tell me what I need to run and I'll gladly post the results. It's a file saved to the flash drive at /flash/preclear_reports/preclear_rpt_(drive serial number).
  24. I was formatting it as XFS. This is the output of 'fdisk -l /dev/sdc': Disk /dev/sdc: 3000.6 GB, 3000592982016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 364801 cylinders, total 5860533168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes The preclear partition was removed, but the new partition did not get created. Can you post the preclear report?
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