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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. No dice, still no luck even after updating the plugin. Same behavior. Was the disk precleared with the Joe L. script? Used this plugin: Preclear Plugin http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39985 I assume this is an SSD disk? Did FS change to 'precleared' when it was done preclearing? It's a standard HD. It did say "precleared" after it was done. I tried to format and now the status is blank and no longer say "precleared" What file system were you formatting? Go to a command line and type 'fdisk -l /dev/sdX' where X is the drive designation letter and let me know what it shows. It appears that the disk did get some sort of a format because the preclear partition was changed. UD can't tell the file system so the FS is a '-'.
  2. Do you have the 6.2 beta? The line in the preclear script that triggers the "Device X is busy" calls sfdisk -R, but the version of sfdisk in 6.2 doesn't have the -R option. Yes, I do. That must be the problem. I needed dual parity. I looked around for a bit but didn't have time to dig through the whole thread for the cause. The beta version of the plugin works fine though. Are there any major differences between the normal version and beta version scripts? I looked through them and they are obviously different scripts but didn't go through the functions to see what the actual differences were, task wise. Make a simple modification to the preclear_disk.sh script. Change the 'sfdisk -R $theDisk' to 'blockdev --rereadpt $theDisk' in two places and it should work. Do this at your own risk as I do not know enough about the preclear script to know if this is the right thing to do. I found the issue with reading of the disk. Change the following: read_entire_disk( ) { # Get the disk geometry (cylinders, heads, sectors) fgeometry=`fdisk -l $1 2>/dev/null` units=`echo "$fgeometry" | grep Units | awk '{ print $9 }'` to read_entire_disk( ) { # Get the disk geometry (cylinders, heads, sectors) fgeometry=`fdisk -l $1 2>/dev/null` units=`echo "$fgeometry" | grep Units | awk '{ print $8 }'` and the pre and post reads will work.
  3. No dice, still no luck even after updating the plugin. Same behavior. Was the disk precleared with the Joe L. script? Used this plugin: Preclear Plugin http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39985 I assume this is an SSD disk? Did FS change to 'precleared' when it was done preclearing?
  4. Do you have the 6.2 beta? The line in the preclear script that triggers the "Device X is busy" calls sfdisk -R, but the version of sfdisk in 6.2 doesn't have the -R option. Yes, I do. That must be the problem. I needed dual parity. I looked around for a bit but didn't have time to dig through the whole thread for the cause. The beta version of the plugin works fine though. Are there any major differences between the normal version and beta version scripts? I looked through them and they are obviously different scripts but didn't go through the functions to see what the actual differences were, task wise. Make a simple modification to the preclear_disk.sh script. Change the 'sfdisk -R $theDisk' to 'blockdev --rereadpt $theDisk' in two places and it should work. Do this at your own risk as I do not know enough about the preclear script to know if this is the right thing to do. This got the write of zeroes working, but the pre-read is failing. Joe L. needs to work on the script for 6.2.
  5. No dice, still no luck even after updating the plugin. Same behavior. Was the disk precleared with the Joe L. script?
  6. Ok. I released a version today that might help with that issue. Give it a try and let me know if it works.
  7. On the server that works, it shows precleared in the FS spot. In the other server, the FS spot is a dash. 2TB WD drives in both cases. Precleared using the Joe L. script with plugin wrapper on the one that works, and using the new beta plugin on the one that doesn't. That may or may not be a red herring. You may have hit on the problem. The beta plugin is probably not writing the same signature and is confusing UD.
  8. I need some clarification from those of you that are experiencing disk formatting problems. I'm hearing that you have pre-cleared the disks but I don't see the 'precleared' file system (FS) in any of the screen shots provided. That designation will show when UD finds the pre-clear signature on a disk that is not formatted. I am testing with a 250 GB disk and see the signature as I expect and I can format the disk. I will test a 2TB disk next to see if maybe UD is having trouble with the larger disks. Have you been using the Joe L. script to pre-clear the disks? Do you see the 'precleared' file system (FS) designation when the disk is pre-cleared?
  9. Which version of unRaid? 6.2 beta preclear has an issue. 6.1.9 Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk That should work just fine. I am currently doing a pre-clear on 6.2 without any problems. I fixed the preclear_disk.sh script to work properly with 6.2.
  10. To create the .cfg file entry, you need to make a change that applies to the drive in question. Such as click on the serial number and change the mount point, or turn on and off the auto mount switch. Since this is a precleared drive, the only available option is the auto mount switch. [Config] common_cmd = "" destructive_mode = "enabled" automount_usb = "no" [] automount = "yes" This is the result, no serial number identifier is present like there is on the server that works. The 'Auto Mount' switch should not be available in this case. I have fixed that.
  11. To create the .cfg file entry, you need to make a change that applies to the drive in question. Such as click on the serial number and change the mount point, or turn on and off the auto mount switch.
  12. The preclear_disk.sh script is failing on v6.2 betas because the sfdisk -R is no longer supported. Preclear_disk.sh is reporting the disk as busy and will not preclear it. It looks like 'blockdev --rereadpt' is the replacement according to the sfdisk man-pages here http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/sfdisk.8.html. " Since version 2.26 sfdisk no longer provides the -R or --re-read option to force the kernel to reread the partition table. Use blockdev --rereadpt instead." EDIT: There is also an issue with reads failing. I changed the following: read_entire_disk( ) { # Get the disk geometry (cylinders, heads, sectors) fgeometry=`fdisk -l $1 2>/dev/null` units=`echo "$fgeometry" | grep Units | awk '{ print $9 }'` to read_entire_disk( ) { # Get the disk geometry (cylinders, heads, sectors) fgeometry=`fdisk -l $1 2>/dev/null` units=`echo "$fgeometry" | grep Units | awk '{ print $8 }'` and the reads will work. Joe L. - Can we get an official fix and an update from you?
  13. Do you have the 6.2 beta? The line in the preclear script that triggers the "Device X is busy" calls sfdisk -R, but the version of sfdisk in 6.2 doesn't have the -R option. Yes, I do. That must be the problem. I needed dual parity. I looked around for a bit but didn't have time to dig through the whole thread for the cause. The beta version of the plugin works fine though. Are there any major differences between the normal version and beta version scripts? I looked through them and they are obviously different scripts but didn't go through the functions to see what the actual differences were, task wise. Make a simple modification to the preclear_disk.sh script. Change the 'sfdisk -R $theDisk' to 'blockdev --rereadpt $theDisk' in two places and it should work. Do this at your own risk as I do not know enough about the preclear script to know if this is the right thing to do.
  14. I think I have it sorted out. Update the plugin and give it another try and let me know. I may have to add some more extensive logging in order to track it down if this doesn't get it. EDIT: This should also solve the SSD drive not formatting problem.
  15. Ok. I see it. The drive is not formatted, that's why the script button does not show.
  16. There seem to be two issues going on with formatting that I actually think are related. One is that SSD disks cannot be formatted, and I think in the case of spinners, the common theme is that they cannot be formatted after being pre-cleared. Has anyone had a formatting problem that is neither of these cases? I can't reproduce the problem because I can't get preclear to work on my 6.2 test server and I don't have an SSD drive to test, but I have a theory that I am working on that I will implement in the next release for those having formatting problems to try.
  17. Your disk is a 3TB disk and there seems to be an issue with formatting disks 2TB and larger. I found a 2TB in my collection and will do some testing to see if I can reproduce the issue.
  18. sdd is not visible on the dashboard. There is a feature I implemented for a user who wanted to have a disk installed as a hot standby and didn't want UD to monitor the disk. When this feature is used, it also disables the disk attributes capability. The way it works is that if there is no script file, UD thinks the drive is to just sit there and be left alone so it does not monitor the disk temperature or check for idle status. In some cases, monitoring for disk status will spin up disks. That's why this feature was requested. I'll update the second post about best practices to make a note about this feature turning off the disk attributes. Go to the edit script and choose the default scipt (which does nothing) and you should then be able to get the disk attributes. I don't understand why the unassigned disk does not show up in the Dashboard, and I don't have any ideas on what that problem could be.
  19. The sdd text is not active. There is a tooltip available for the two elements under identification, but neither the grey dot or the sdd text are interactive. Browse to the Dashboard and you'll see the smart report hand icon under the disk drive designation that is unassigned. You should be able to see the smart report from there. Nope, 2TB WD I'll have to dig up a 2TB disk and do some testing.
  20. There's no reason it shouldn't work with SSD drives. I've never tested UD with SSDs. When I can get some time and an SSD drive, I'll do some testing and try to sort it out.
  21. The four squares icon is for a file system check. It will only be active when a file check can be performed. For BTRFS, the drive must be mounted. For XFS, the drive has to be unmounted. It's the nature of the file systems. I can't reproduce the format errors you are seeing. Are you trying to format an SSD?
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