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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Udev is showing that partition as a separate device because it's an LVM partition. I'll have to study this for a while. You can turn off the format button by turning off the 'Destructive Mode' in UD Settings.
  2. Post diagnostics. Post a screen shot of the disks showing the partitions. The third device in the list is partition 3 on the device in question. Try clicking on the double arrows in the upper right hand corner of the UD page.
  3. It looks like you are referring to some UD mounts you are trying to share with NFS: Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//TARDIS/download'... Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//TARDIS/download' using SMB default protocol. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_download' '//TARDIS/download' '/mnt/remotes/TARDIS_download' Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '//TARDIS/download' on '/mnt/remotes/TARDIS_download'. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Device '//TARDIS/download' is not set to be shared. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//TARDIS/media'... Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//TARDIS/media' using SMB default protocol. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_media' '//TARDIS/media' '/mnt/remotes/TARDIS_media' Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '//TARDIS/media' on '/mnt/remotes/TARDIS_media'. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Device '//TARDIS/media' is not set to be shared. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//TARDIS/media2'... Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//TARDIS/media2' using SMB default protocol. Jul 21 15:30:24 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_media2' '//TARDIS/media2' '/mnt/remotes/TARDIS_media2' Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '//TARDIS/media2' on '/mnt/remotes/TARDIS_media2'. Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower unassigned.devices: Device '//TARDIS/media2' is not set to be shared. Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share 'ORVILLE:/volume1/media'... Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount NFS command: /sbin/mount -t 'nfs' -o rw,noacl 'ORVILLE:/volume1/media' '/mnt/remotes/ORVILLE_media' Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower nfsrahead[15686]: setting /mnt/remotes/ORVILLE_media readahead to 128 Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'ORVILLE:/volume1/media' on '/mnt/remotes/ORVILLE_media'. Jul 21 15:30:25 Tower unassigned.devices: Device 'ORVILLE:/volume1/media' is not set to be shared. Those remote shares are not set to share with either SMB or NFS. Click on the device settings (three gear icon) by the device and set the 'Share' switch on for each device you want to share.
  4. // refers to a server, and is not a share. Your attempts to enter an empty share won't work. UD accepting the " " and "/" is really a bug. The share has to be specified and be a valid share. The 'Done' button won't work until some text is entered. The share field can't be empty. Try setting up a root share on the remote server and you can then add that as a remote share which will refer to the remote shares as // that will contain all your shares.
  5. Repair. In your diagnostics, the disks show up as ata. Check the following in this order: DIsk drive cables. Both power and data cables. Change out the cables. Review your disk SMART reports. Sdc appears to have some errors. Power supply capacity. When the CryptoLUKS information gets messed, it's difficult to recover from.
  6. Interesting. I'll look ito that. At least the log should say something about that.
  7. I see some issues: Jul 17 11:08:53 DT310 unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t 'vfat' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,iocharset=utf8,umask=000 '/dev/sdd1' '/mnt/disks/ugg' Jul 17 11:08:53 DT310 kernel: FAT-fs (sdd1): utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive! Jul 17 11:08:53 DT310 kernel: FAT-fs (sdd1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck. Jul 17 11:08:53 DT310 unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'sdd1' on '/mnt/disks/ugg'. and Jul 17 11:09:04 DT310 unassigned.devices: Warning: shell_exec(/bin/df '/mnt/disks/ugg' --output=size,used,avail | /bin/grep -v '1K-blocks' 2>/dev/null) took longer than 10s! The timeout is a problem on the vfat disk. Do this: Click on the Device Settings icon (three gears), clear the "Disk Name" field and see if the 'devX' changes. The disk name should be in the form of 'devX', and not 'Dev X' in the Disk Name field. Unmount the vfat disk and run the file system check (check mark icon). What format is the unmountable disk? Linux is not seeing a partition on that disk. Can you put it into another computer and see if the file system is recognized?
  8. Both your disks are marked as 'Dev 2'. That's a problem. Do this: Post diagnostics. Reboot and see it the drives are sorted out.
  9. Yes, there are use cases where spinning down SSDs makes sense to save power. Ask users who live in Europe if it is worth spinning down SSDs since electric rates are so high there. This can be turned off so SSDs won't spin down. Right. The Device Settings are not available on a disk that is not formatted as settings are by partition. How did the disk get mounted at /mnt/disks/? I assume UD did not mount it since UD does not recognize the partition. It would be better to mount it at /mnt/addons/ if UD is not mounting it.
  10. The log shows that the Recycle Bin started fine. You probably had something going on that required another reboot and the Recycle Bin may not have been the issue. Unless you can consistently reproduce the issue, there isn't much I can do. You should also remove the unknown plugins to be sure they aren't interferring: Jul 15 08:37:00 Unraid-1 root: Fix Common Problems Version 2023.04.26 Jul 15 08:37:26 Unraid-1 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: The plugin un-get.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server ** Ignored Jul 15 08:37:26 Unraid-1 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: The plugin unraid-versionchange.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server ** Use NerdTools instead of un-get.
  11. What Governor shows on the right side. Can you switch the 'Normal' mode and see it change on the right hand side?
  12. I said to use the '-n' option, which is wrong that just checks a disk and doesn't fix anything. You have to specify '/dev/sdX' to check a disk. Run the check disk routine on the drive using UD and see if it can fix the disk. If UD can't fix it, you'll not be able to do it with the ntfsfix command manually or in a script. If you look at this ntfsfix manual, you'll see that the Linux command is not as robust as Windows. It's possible you're running into something the ntfsfix can't fix: https://linux.die.net/man/8/ntfsfix
  13. Linux is different from Windows. You can't compare them. Go to the UD webpage, click on the Help icon ('?'). Read down in the help and you'll see how to mount a UD device from the command line.
  14. You check an ntfs disk when it is unmounted. It doesn't work after it is mounted. Correct. You can't use the hard coded sdX because it changes on boot. In the UD script use this because it will adjust for 'sdX' changing: netsfix -n $DEVICE The '-n' does a repair. But you are caught in a catch 22, because the UD script is executed after the disk is mounted, so it is too late to check the disk.
  15. UD disks are spun down according to the disk spin down time for the Unraid server. It looks like you have that timer set to 45 minutes. You can set the disk spin down for the server to never spin down and then set the spin down on each disk. If those disks are formatted, Linux is not detecting a file system. I would also mark the UD disks as passed through so no UD operations will occur on them. You wouldn't want to accidentily format a disk.
  16. I am going to do some testing with two preclears running at once when the server is shutdown. I suspect there may be an issue with more than one preclear running on shutdown. I saw in one of your logs that the shutdown did pause two disks.
  17. Use these steps: Create the root share on your local machine. Name it a unique name. Click on the gear icon in the upper right of the UD page. That is the UD settings. Set SMB sHaring to how you want UD devices shared with SMB. Choose either "Private" or "Private Hidden". I don't recommend "Public" for security reasons, especially when using a root share. Click on the three gear icon by the root share device and set the "Share" switch on. Mount your rootshare. You should be able to see the root share when browsing with a PC. Go to the other server and add a SMB device. Let UD search the servers, and then choose the server. Enter Credentials and then let UD search for the shares. Choose the root share and it should then be mountable. You will potentially have an issue with auto mounting your root shares. Each server has to be on-line when the other wants to auto mount the other root share. Why are you cross sharing rootshares? I assume you're on a LAN? Just set both to share their rootshares and browse to them. If you are doing this across the Internet, you'll have issues with Internet hiccups. CIFS does not handle networking drops/errors very well.
  18. The preclear status file used to resume a preclear is written to the flash drive so it will be available after a reboot. When the server is shutting down, there is an event that stops all preclears and causes the preclear status of each disk to be written to the flash drive. The preclear status will not be written to the flash drive if the server crashes. The preclear doesn't do a continuous write to the flash of the current preclear status to minimize flash writes.
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