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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I just ran a test and see the issue also. The global settings should apply to rootshares, but it doesn't appear it does. I'll do some more testing.
  2. I think what I was trying to say is be sure the disk is unmounted properly in UD before unplugging it. There is an icon on the UD page to do a disk check. I don't think it is a good idea to do it when the disk is plugged in. That sounds like the Libvirt Hotplug Plugin is not installed. Post this issue on the USB Manager plugin forum. You can set the disk passed through in UD and then attach it to your VM. Having it set passed throuogh will prevent any operations with UD.
  3. Those are set at the global level. What issues are you having with exclusive shares in the rootshare?
  4. I don't remember you answering this post: Were sdc and sde the only drives being precleared?
  5. Yes, you can mount the remote share manually with different paramaters on the mount command, but that's not how UD mounts the remote shares. Create a folder on the remote share for NextCloud and it can control the permissions it needs, or you can set the folder permissions manually. I did answer this:
  6. Preclear paused two disks when it shut down: Jul 9 11:09:08 backupserver unassigned.devices: Unmounting All Devices... Jul 9 11:09:08 backupserver preclear.disk: Pausing preclear of disk 'sdc' Jul 9 11:09:08 backupserver preclear.disk: Pausing preclear of disk 'sde' Were these the disks being precleared at the time of the shutdown?
  7. Yes, it will use the Unraid password unless you set one specifically for the drive you are trying to mount in UD Settings.
  8. There is no way for you to control the mount permissions. Access to SMB shares on Unraid is controlled by user access (Private mode of sharing) unless you are sharing the devices Public. In that case all users can read and write the shares. What is your use case?
  9. Are both servers running 6.12? Post new diagnostics.
  10. I saw those in the previous logs. I can't find anything about those errors on the net.
  11. I suspect the net cache flush is what did it after you changed the backend database to tdb. Maybe remove users and re-add them? I guess that the good news is we made things change. Do you still see the SMB panics in the log?
  12. I was searching the Internet for the errors showing in your log and this was just an off the wall shot. A few more things to try: Try the following commands 'net cache flush' and then '/etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart'. Turn off NetBIOS. You don't need it. Turn off macOS interroperability. Turn off mover logging. It's flooding the log with discovery messages.
  13. Is your date and time set properly on Unraid?
  14. I'm not an expert at AD and the testparm output I looked at did not show any valid users. I think that's how AD works. Please post new diagnostics so I can have another look.
  15. Several suggestions: Disable Multi-channel and see if it makes a difference. I'm not sure it will work with your network configuration. Your network configuration may be an issue. You have two bonds (bond1, and bond2) each with a single NIC, but you've set the backup mode (1). Backup mode won't work with a single NIC. Since you are using AD, I suggest you install this plugin and switch to the 'tdb' database. The 'hash' database is deprecated and has been known to have issues. Caution: You will have to redo all your permissions when you reset the database. I also notice all your shares are set public. Even though you have many set as hidden, it's not really a good idea to share everything as public for security reasons. Why use AD with no permissions being set on any shares?
  16. No, there is a bug in the spin down code. Disks without partitions should not be spun down. While preclearing, it would be best to turn off spin down for the array. A fix for this will come in a later release of Unraid.
  17. I am also trying to find out why it is not auto spinning down. What I'm trying to do is determine the following: Will it spin down manually? Your answer 'yes'. Will it stay spun down or is something spinning it back up after manually spinning it down? Is it mounted or unmounted? Answering all of these questions will help me determine where to look. Just saying it is not auto spinning down is not helpful because all my disks spin down as they should. There's no way I can reproduce your issue without more info. Post diagnostics on your next post.
  18. The UD disk spin down is set by the global disk spin down - Settings->DIsk Settings. You cannot set individual spin down timers on UD disks.
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