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Posts posted by bally12345

  1. So I have been using Transmission for awhile because the ease of configuration etc... But now all of sudden my downloads keep disappearing, cant find any incomplete or failed downloads, once it does complete it disappears. Before it stayed in the GUI so you could keep track but when I go back to after a few hours to check the status I come back to blank list. Check the download folders and all empty?


    Re-installed the docker, cant find any logs. Is it possible its more of an CP issue? The download stats show 91.2 GB but I cant find anything even if I search my whole server.


    /config = /mnt/disk1/appdata/transmission
    /downloads = /mnt/disks/SERVER_Downloads/transmission/
    /watch = /mnt/disks/SERVER_Downloads/transmission/WATCH

  2. Can someone help with a permissions error I keep getting

    Cannot change permissions of /downloads/SAB/incomplete-downloads/examplefilename.rar


    Permission set to 777 and did run "Docker Safe New Permissions" but still keep getting the error. The only thing I have changed was moving from NFS mounts to SMB using unassigned devices plugin.


  3. For some reason my application name is now "modest_ritchie" after I downgraded unraid 6.1.9 plex is working but not quite sure what I done wrong.

    docker lost track somehow of the name of the app and picked one by itself


    Is there a fix? As it no longer detecting version either.

    Easiest solution is to delete the docker.img and then recreate it, and re-add your apps via CA's previous apps section.  Since you've downgraded to 6.1.9 from 6.2.x you probably should do this anyways


    Sorry to be jumping from 2 threads. Will my plex data be safe if I delete image and container

  4. Can anyone help, I have docker installed as host with privilege enabled, admin settings look fine, using my ddns, changed from PAM to local, created a new user, setup correct port forwarding but no matter what I do I can not connect either using laptop or android phone from another network.


    If I stop the service and run connectivity test that fails too. Not quite sure what else to do, I have VPN built into my router but it is painfully slow.


    I set this up last week with no issues following the instructions from this post, expect I changed from PAM to local and created new user from the web GUI:



    The connectivity test within the app doesn't work, it always fails for me too.


    All sorted now, for some reason my router wasnt saving the port forward changes, did a firmware update. Changes saved. Connected straight away!

  5. Look for some support and advice on my plex setup.


    I have got Fix Common Problem plugin installed and its telling me I need change my unassigned mounts to slave but not quite sure how.


    My general setup is MACHINE1 (AMD NEO cpu) has all data/videos etc no plugins and MACHINE2 (intel i3 cpu) has plex docker. Eventually I will probably migrate everything to a single machine but for now this will do the job.


    I have attached screenshot of what my plex docker screen looks like. Any help or tips to improve setup would be great.


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