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Posts posted by JaY_III

  1. CTRL+A

    On 3/26/2021 at 6:48 AM, Autchirion said:



    if you activate the dark mode in unraid, it is impossible to read the configuration. Could this be fixed in the next update? 🙂




    Just highlight the text you are having difficulty reading
    Or you can "ctrl + A"  and all the text is highlighted and readable

  2. As far as I can tell they are working great.

    Side note, I haven't had physical access to the drives yet as I am stuck out of country.....

    But temps do look good from what I can see, and speeds seem great, cant speak on the noise other than the wife hasn't complained.


    Unraid Parity check: 20-10-2020 21:43
    Notice [UNRAID] - Parity check finished (0 errors)
    Duration: 19 hours, 12 minutes, 36 seconds. Average speed: 202.4 MB/s


    Pre clear takes a few days, I think it was about 3.

    Value is great.  I picked them up for $386 Canadian each. 
    Not bad at all for data center drives if you ask me, and they are CMR drives and that is a must have IMHO




    My apologies for not sharing this from the get go.  Picture is worth a thousand words, or so they say

    sde is my disk 3, or should I say it was.  As disk 3 is currently being emulated by the remaining 3.

    I set smart to healthy, so I can monitor SMART without going into the details if nothing changed.....



    5 hours ago, itimpi said:

    This means that parity is no longer valid.

    Fully agree.  The system is also online right now with new data having being written, thus I would require a rebuild anyhow to the best of my understanding
    Its my disk 3 that needs to be rebuilt from the other 3 drives in the system


    8 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Actually this is a true format.


    Format just means write an empty (whatever type) filesystem to this disk. Many seem to have only a vague (to the point of being incorrect) idea of what format does.

    Some people are picky and call that a quick (fake) format as it doesn't do a traditional format of writing all zeros and scanning for bad sectors.
    Anyhow no need to split hairs over that




    Long story short is, I did not attempt to re-add the sde back and rebuild onto it.
    My new 14TB HDD's order seems to have gone through.  With any luck I will be rebuilding disk 3 in a week or so.   Changing the Parity drive after that and tripping my storage.


  4. Sorry typed / read that last post out on my phone, so missed some stuff.

    I deleted the partition in unassigned devices, changed it to btrfs, (yes i know not a true format), copied  300GB of data or so.
    Formatted it back to XFS, copied around 600 GB of data to it and it on the surface it seems to be working.

    Was monitoring SMART and wanted to see the drive if it failed as hard as its seems to think it has.

    So what worries you when someone mentions format?


  5. Well aware that drive isn't being used.

    It's been formated and pre cleared twice as I mentioned.

    No other warnings for the other disks, but I am replacing all my 4TB drives as they are about  6 years old now and fully realize they are without parity.


    Overall health of the system looks good from what I can see.    Just that drive I am concerned about.


    Think I am agreeing with that not rebuilding yet.    I should have my confirmation email on Monday and hopefully this weekend I can put the wife to work and start the drive swapping.

    I am guessing 2-3 days a precleare now.

  6. So I have a disk (Seagate ST4000VN000) that fell out of my single parity array.
    From what I gather it was during a storm with power going in and out.
    I am behind a UPS and the timing is probably a coincidence, but who knows.

    197	Current pending sector	0x0012	080	080	000	Old age	Always	Never	3376
    198	Offline uncorrectable	0x0010	080	080	000	Old age	Offline	Never	3376

    Doesn't look good I know
    So I have been running it through Preclear

    187	Reported uncorrect	0x0032	001	001	000	Old age	Always	Never	311

    And this is where I currently stand.
    Did a second Preclear and no change, SMART 187 is 311 after both runs.
    Looks like it is time to replace the drive.

    However, I am out of country and will not be able to return home for a few months.
    So my question is, would adding that drive in its current state back into the array be a bad move.

    Disks were scheduled to be replaced with larger drives anyhow (age and space running out), so I am thinking of picking up
    Toshiba MG07ACA14TE drives as I have found them for a good price.

    I may be able to get Mrs. JaY_III to swap the drive. 
    When looking at the shipping and preclear time. Finnaly convincing her to actually do it by walking her though the process over a video call, this might be a few more weeks yet.

    The turning it off option until the drives arrive, I am really trying to avoid. Not only with the Mrs. be annoyed at me, so will the little monsters losing the on demand system. Witch in turn will further anyone the Mrs. as our youngest will most likely not leave her alone to finish her workouts, never mind make dinner.  Basically you build something and now they cant live without it.


    So anyone have some advice for me?


    Thank you

  7. 2 hours ago, Cessquill said:

    Your setup must be different to mine, since I've not had any problems.

    This is the error I get without the script I posted.


    Mar 10 08:05:35 unRAID proftpd[9325]: ([]) - notice: unable to use DefaultRoot '~/' [resolved to '/tmp/FTP/']: No such file or directory
    Mar 10 08:05:35 unRAID proftpd[9325]: ([]) - chroot to '~/' failed for user 'JaY_III': No such file or directory
    Mar 10 08:05:35 unRAID proftpd[9325]: ([]) - error: unable to set DefaultRoot directory



  8. For anyone looking to get this working with unRAID 6.8.x it is actually fairly simple.


    First I would like to talk about why this plugin no longer works with 6.8.x as it is currently implemented.

    Due to the tightening of security in 6.8.x we are no longer able to execute from the flash drive.

    mountscript.sh no longer is executing and as such the FTP will not have the folder structure require to allow logins and this can be seen in the system log. So we are left with a few options to fix this mountscript not executing.
    We can manually create the file structure required as defined in the mountscript. However this does not survive a reboot, so other than testing, its not a viable option.  The go file, you might be able to use it, but that is not the intention of the go file. You may cause further issues so best to leave that alone.  crontab could work, with limitations. You need to implement crontab in a hacky way in order for your scripts to survive a reboot.


    The easy fix for 6.8.x is to use "CA User Scripts"


    Install this plugin

    add new script

    edit script

    copy the mountscript.sh into your new script. (#comments can be copied without issues)

    set to run at "At first array start only"



    either run the script now and your FTP will now work or reboot and test it.


    That's it, ProFTPD now works in 6.8.x





  9. If anyone is having troubles getting this working, here is what I did to set it all up using OpenVPN


    From the CA app, click the install button, it will bring up the settings we need to tweak to get this to work

    Step 1: Port Setup

    -> Remove :

    Host Port 3:

    Container Port: 8080


    -> Set :

    Key 8: <to a free port number you wish to run this container on>

    Container Variable: WEBUI_PORT" 

    -> Click : "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"

    Set it up as follows


    Config Type: Port

    Name: Host Port 3 (or leave blank)
    Host Port: <same as key 8 port>
    Connection type : TCP
    Description: Container Port: <same as key 8 port>

    ->Edit : WebUI


    (if you don't see this option ensure the advanced view toggle on the top right is enabled)

    change the port number to <same as key 8 port>

    Step 2: Download Dir

    -> Edit:

    Host Path 2: < location you would like to store your downloads >

    Container Path: /data



    Step 3a: VPN

    Key 1: Yes

    Container Variable: VPN_ENABLED


    Key 2: <username goes here>

    Container Variable: VPN_USER


    Key 3:  <password goes here>

    Container Variable: VPN_PASS


    Key 4: Custom

    Container Variable: VPN_PROV


    Key 8: <set in step 1>

    Container Variable: WEBUI_PORT


    Key 9:  (LAN specific, common network is <>)

    Container Variable: LAN_NETWORK


    Key 10: (defaults may work for you) <,,>

    Container Variable: NAME_SERVERS


    * Set VPN to "no" if you do not wish to setup the VPN at this time


    Click "APPLY"


    The docker will now download and unpack

    however if you have your VPN key 1 set to "Yes" the web interface will fail to load at this time as we do not have our certs setup yet.


    Step 3b: VPN cert


    Once the container has unpacked

    Go to your /appdata location

    the default install director is /binhex-qbittorrentvpn

    inside that directory you will see another directory called



    -> Copy your < vpn.ovpn > file here. This is provided by your VPN provider

    Restart the container


    Step 4: Web interface config


    ->Click on the container icon


    *Providing you set the webui port in step 1 correctly


    L: admin

    P: adminadmin



    gear Icon (options)


    Down Load Tab


    Ensure the following is set as follows:


    Default Save Path:  /data/

    your downloads will be saved to the location set in step 2


    I also like to set the following:

    <checked> Keep incomplete torrents in: /data/incomplete/

    <checked> Copy .torrent files to: /data/incomplete/torrent

    <checked> Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to: /data/incomplete/torrent/done


    <checked> Create sub-folder for torrents with multiple files

    <checked> Delete .torrent files afterwards

    <checked> Append .!qB extension to incomplete files


    Automatically add torrents from:

    Monitored Folder  |  Override Save Location

     /data/incomplete/torrent/monitor/ | Default Save Location


    Connection Tab

    Port used for incoming connections: < as per your firewall/router settings >


    Web UI


    Username: <web UI username>

    Password: <web UI pass>



    <checked> Bypass authentication for clients on localhost

    <checked> Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets : <same as key9 durring setup>

    *only do this step if you don't want to worry about passwords for LAN (local) users


    -> Click Save


    Your Done!


    Now test everything out. If all goes well you will have a working VPN'd Torrent Client

    Linux Mint downloaded at my full network speed.


    Hopefully this helps anyone looking to set this up


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. On 7/3/2019 at 8:02 PM, zonik said:

    that does seem to be what i want except i have no idea where that mountscript.sh is or is supposed to be, now i just need to figure that out

    found the script its in /mnt/flash/config/plugins/proftpd 

    mountscript.sh is stored in the plugin directory on your flash drive.


    Might be a little easier for you do this with notepad++ in windows than with nano or vi over SSH


    You can enabled sharing of your flash drive by login into unRAID

    -> Main

    ->Boot Device


    ->SMB Security Settings

    Setup the security appropriately for your needs.


    You can then access it in windows






  11. We have a problem with the update of the plugin you did yesterday.

    If you were still using the non beta plugin that does not work with 6.7.0,  the update to the 23 May 2019 build will not work.

    The beta version works great however.

    Updating the beta to the 23 May 2019 Build works.  

    I have noticed this:

    When updating the beta ProFTPd-SlrG-Dependency-1.7_x64.tar.gz rolls down to ProFTPd-SlrG-Dependency-1.5_x64.tar.gz

    From my working state, uninstalling the plugin then installing the from here:


    Will not work

    The only way I can get the 23 May 2019 build to work is from 1st installing Beta

    Then update the plugin
    However the plugin will not survive a reboot and no longer works
    Rolling back the update to beta plugin does not work until the system is rebooted
    We are then back to using ProFTPd-SlrG-Dependency-1.7_x64.tar.gz
    And all is well again

    At this time I am required to stay on the 2018.02.05.1 beta build to keep the FTP running.


  12. 9 hours ago, blade227 said:



    Currently I only have one user (the one I use to remotely FTP to my server).


    I have given myself full root access however when trying to delete files it is saying permission denied.


    I want to have full read/write access.

    I wrote a quick blurb before on how I setup shares for FTP users that you may want to check out:


    Default permissions are deny to the best of my knowledge, so you may have incorrectly set permissions.
    When you say you have given yourself full root access, are you referring to full Read / Write permissions and not the root of the file system correct?


  13. I also seem to have had some issues with adoption issues.

    This seems to have fixed it for me.


    ssh into the AP

    run this command

    set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform


    I my case I did this


    As per my system IP

    The port being what "Port used for device and controller communication" is set too in my case as 8080 is already in use by another container


    No other changes were made to the controller


    What I am not sure is why I had to redo this


    • Like 1
  14. On RC5 ftp will not start

    Removed plugin (reboot) and reinstalled (reboot) and can not get it to start

    Rolled back to 6.6.7 and FTP starts without issues

    Upgrade back to RC5 and the FTP will not start


    I tried the file listed above (ProFTPd-SlrG-Dependency-1.6_x64.tar.gz) and edited ProFTPd.plg and the plugin does not even appear on the server upon reboot


    unRaid is not spitting out any errors

    the only thing the unRAID log file shows is

    Mar 10 01:24:05 unRAID emhttpd: req (3): cmd=%2Fplugins%2FProFTPd%2Fscripts%2Frc.ProFTPd&arg1=buttonstart&runCmd=Start&csrf_token=****************
    Mar 10 01:24:05 unRAID emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart
    Mar 10 01:24:08 unRAID sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/SlrG-Common/usr/local/sbin/proftpd -c /etc/proftpd.conf


    Says ok when starting jails

    Says ok when starting ProftpD

    Screen refreshes and status: stopped


    So its trying to start it, but not other info of what is going on is being shown as far as I can see


    For what its worth my mount script does run, so we know it gets that far at least


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, dlandon said:

    Not really, but there is a 'Syslog Server' built in that can keep the log on a crash, or lockup.  Just enable the 'Syslog Server' and set the ip address of your Unraid server as the 'Remote Syslog Server'.


    Thank you for the help guys, this is working just perfect for my needs



  16. My wife informed me my HTPC wasn't working last night. However it turns out that unRAID was offline.

    I attempted to look at the log file, however it doesn't write when the system goes down. I am currently hoping my toddler just pushed the power button and not some other issue is at play. However the true reason my server was off is unknown to me.


    What I would like to see is an option to write the system log to either the flash drive or a shared drive before a reboot/power off.

    Or if this is already a feature could someone please point me in the correct direction.


    Thank you

    • Like 1

    yeah, I saw that one also but for me I don't want to mess with Sonnar right now since it works prefect.  Couch Potato just sucks for me and looking for an alternative.


    its a separate program, a fork, not a plugin with all the TV features stripped.

    I should be worth watching that project and see where it ends up

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