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Posts posted by wgstarks

  1. On 5/6/2024 at 10:27 AM, Doublemyst said:

    Are there some hidden ports, which aren't visible in the docker edit view, which have also to be changed?

    If you have changed the website portion the past you will probably need to be in advanced view mode to see the mapping for the port.

  2. 4 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

    I have tried adding the server manually. I’m not sure what you mean by long server name? I’ve been just using the IP or QR code.

    Got it. The myunraid.net address worked while the local IP wouldn’t. Not sure why I can’t connect locally though?

  3. 9 minutes ago, jbrodriguez said:

    hi, can you try adding the server manually ? if using unraid connect, try using the long server name as an alternative

    I have tried adding the server manually. I’m not sure what you mean by long server name? I’ve been just using the IP or QR code.

  4. Just got a new iPhone so had to add my server back to the app. The server is discovered without any issue but my credentials won't work. I know they're correct because I can login to the webui with them bust when I enter user root and the password in the ControlR app I just get a spinning wheel. Tried all 3 options for adding servers without any luck.

  5. 1 hour ago, Luanas said:

    Does the author of this script read the posts here, or is that just slapping the wind? Or where can I contact the developer of this script?

    Not sure what script you are trying to run but assuming you copied it from one of the posts in this thread you could tag the author of that post or just reply to that post and the person who posted the script would likely get a notification. You should be aware though that most of the scripts posted in this thread are being supplied by other users and for the most part aren’t being actively supported. If LT makes changes to unRAID that break the script then the author may not post an updated script.

  6. 1 hour ago, Elmojo said:

    where does this come in?  Where would I use the "/downloads" path instead of the full "mnt/user/downloads/"?

    The host uses the host path /mnt/user/doenloads/. The app in the container is basically sealed in a bubble. It can only see the container paths that you configure. In this case it is /downloads or /data. In your case qbittorrent is telling Radarr (for example) that it has downloaded a torrent to /data/blah/blah/ and Radarr doesn’t have a path that matches that so it can’t find it.


    According to your screenshot Radarr, sabnzb and qbittorrent are all using /data. The rest are using /downloads. You’ll need to pick one or the other if you want them to work together.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

    Would this be specified in the template or within the WebUI of the app itself?

    If in the template, then see the last screenshot above and tell me if that looks correct for the example of Sonarr.  Those are the only options I have.  If you mean within the webUI, then I'm not really sure where that needs to be set, sorry.

    It’s in the template. In the one you posted it’s /mnt/user/downloads/ but you have only posted a screenshot of one template. You’ll need to check all of them and be sure they are all an exact match.

  8. 2 minutes ago, SQK1 said:

    Some good news... moved out some data from cache drive and now can see the login screen, however my current password is incorrect apparently. Any way of fixing this please.


    If you check supervisord log you’ll see a temp password that the app created. This will allow you to login and change the password to one of your choosing.

  9. 1 hour ago, SQK1 said:


    Just in the process of moving some data to free up cache.


    I have this appdata folder... Does that look right?



    That probably matches the default setup but I choose not to download my torrents into the appdata folder since it is located on the cache drive by default (which is my smallest drive). I prefer to download the torrents to a separate share which is only limited in size by the amount of available space on my array. Here is my configuration for /data-




    If you want you can configure this share to use cache but IMHO it’s not necessary.


    Remember, if you change /data here you must also change it in every docker that uses qbit for a download client.

     Also, your first screenshot is missing OpenVPN or wireguard directories.


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