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Posts posted by scottc

  1. 18 minutes ago, wyleekiot said:


    so when it post processes it will pull each into their respective folders. what about manual imports? will i have to manually chose the path or will it already know where to put it? swmbo mandates it be dead simple....

    Yes, it wll put each into the correct folder when it is automatically processing the file.


    When you are doing manually I think it should already know the path, but I have not had to do a manual import in a long time so I am not 100% sure on that one

  2. 2 hours ago, wyleekiot said:

    can i run two instances of radarr side by side somehow? i have a /movies folder and a /kids_movies, atm everything is going into the /movies folder and i have to manually move it but then radarr tries to redownload it. 


    You dont need to run 2 instances, just map your movies folder and kids_movies


    so do something like this in your docker setup ( depending on how your shares are setup )


    /movies -> /mnt/user/movies
    /kids_movies -> /mnt/user/kids_movies


    Then in Radarr add a movie and in the path dropdown when your adding kids movies you would choose kids_movies and other movies you would choose movies  


    If you do not see movies or kids_movies in the dropdown then choose the select different path option and click the folder button to search for path and find the movies or kids_movies path

    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 hours ago, tman12 said:

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this particular issue, but the way Radarr passes a torrent from AHD (Awesome-HD) to the client (in my case, Deluge) the tracker URL is being sent with a space before 'announce'. This is causing the tracker status to report Error: Malformed announce.


    For example, when a search is performed and the file is located on AHD it is sent to the client directly or a blackhole directory and then picked up by the client. This functionality is working properly. 


    The tracker URL for example is: http://moose.awesome-hd.me/##xxxxxxxxxxxxxx /announce

    You can see in that URL there is a space before the /announce, this is causing the error. The URL should be http://moose.awesome-hd.me/##xxxxxxxxxxxxx/announce and when manually editing the URL within the client to remove the space, everything works correctly. However, this kind of defeats the purpose of having automation.


    So I'm wondering, is there something in the configuration file for the AHD indexer that is incorrect and causing that space? I haven't tested any other Radarr dockers and I'm on the latest version for both linuxserver Radarr and linuxserver Deluge. I've tried sending the file both ways, directly to the client, and to a blackhole where it is picked up - both give the same space in the URL causing an error. I also haven't seen many topics about this when searching, but I don't see how this could be limited to my setup considering I haven't changed or edited anything. 


    Any help or an update to the docker is appreciated!




    This sounds like something with Radarr itself and would not have anything to do with the docker itself.  I would post a bug report at  https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/issues

  4. 3 hours ago, KungFuCowboy said:

    I'm attempting to move from SickRage to Sonarr. Is there a way to import my indexers so that Sonarr checks the same sources? Sonarr seems to be much more limited in what's listed on install.


    You could use Jackett or Cardigann dockers for indexers

  5. Hey guys,


    somehow Radarr cant move the downloaded files.

    This is strange because the settings are 1:1 similar to the ones from sonarr and sonarr can move the files. (docker settings + radarr settings)


    Any idea what could be wrong ?


    "Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr:"


    I ran into this problem when I first installed radarr. The issue is the mapping for downloads.  Add ( or change ) the container mount point from downloads to downloaded.  radarr is looking for a directory named downloaded not downloads. 


    what i did was just add a new path variable in the docker template and mapped /downloaded to the download directory for deluge




    @scottc: I vaguely remember that when you update within the Docker and restart it, it will default to the version the Docker was built.

    But I can do that until it gets properly updated every Friday.



    Yah,  that is the one drawback to updating from within radarr, when you restart or update the docker it defaults to the version in the docker file.  I just remind myself to go update it in radarr if I update the container ( or restart the server )


    Try to update again. That solved it for me.


    Sent from my SGP771 using Tapatalk


    Yup, Latest update fixed the issue for me also


    Does this mean that there haw been an additional CrashPlan update since

    Just updated the crashplan docker and it is not starting. This is what the logs show over and over


    and that the 2nd fix took care of whatever the issue was in the first fix, or does it mean that it took 2 installs of the first (and only recent) fix to make it work?


    Also, what's been fixed/updated? I'm only 48GB into a 1TB photo backup, and it took several days for CP to settle itself down and actually start making progress. I don't want to kill off the backup if it's for something minor that won't really impact me.


    Many, many thanks to gfjardim for getting this docker working in the first place!


    There is an update to the CP docker and the update to the docker should not affect what you have already uploaded. when CP starts it should scan what has already been uploaded and start where it left off

  8. Just updated the crashplan docker and it is not starting. This is what the logs show over and over


    Sat Oct  1 14:16:32 2016
    vncext:      VNC extension running!
    vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 4239
    vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
    XKB: Failed to compile keymap
    Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config.
    Fatal server error:
    Failed to activate core devices.
    Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable.
    Must have netstat installed
    _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
    _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/Tower:1
    _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
    _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
    Xvnc TigerVNC 1.7.0 - built Sep  8 2016 10:39:22
    Copyright (C) 1999-2016 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
    See http://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
    Underlying X server release 11400000, The X.Org Foundation
    Initializing built-in extension VNC-EXTENSION
    Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
    Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
    Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
    Initializing built-in extension XTEST
    Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
    Initializing built-in extension SYNC
    Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
    Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
    Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
    Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
    Initializing built-in extension RENDER
    Initializing built-in extension RANDR
    Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
    Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    Initializing built-in extension RECORD
    Initializing built-in extension DPMS
    Initializing built-in extension X-Resource
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    Initializing built-in extension GLX
    Sat Oct  1 14:16:34 2016
    vncext:      VNC extension running!
    vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 4239
    vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
    XKB: Failed to compile keymap
    Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config.
    Fatal server error:
    Failed to activate core devices.
    Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable.
    Must have netstat installed
    _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
    _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/Tower:1
    _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
    _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
    Xvnc TigerVNC 1.7.0 - built Sep  8 2016 10:39:22
    Copyright (C) 1999-2016 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
    See http://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
    Underlying X server release 11400000, The X.Org Foundation
    Initializing built-in extension VNC-EXTENSION
    Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
    Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
    Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
    Initializing built-in extension XTEST
    Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
    Initializing built-in extension SYNC
    Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
    Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
    Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
    Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
    Initializing built-in extension RENDER
    Initializing built-in extension RANDR
    Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
    Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    Initializing built-in extension RECORD
    Initializing built-in extension DPMS
    Initializing built-in extension X-Resource
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    Initializing built-in extension GLX


    I just updated by Crashplan Docker and I'm having the same problem.


    I have the same problem. Just updated CP and VNC connection is not working and CP client also can't connect to server.

    Try to update again. That solved it for me.


    Sent from my SGP771 using Tapatalk


    Yup, Latest update fixed the issue for me also

  9. Just updated the crashplan docker and it is not starting. This is what the logs show over and over


    Sat Oct  1 14:16:32 2016
    vncext:      VNC extension running!
    vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 4239
    vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
    XKB: Failed to compile keymap
    Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config.
    Fatal server error:
    Failed to activate core devices.
    Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable.
    Must have netstat installed
    _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
    _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/Tower:1
    _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
    _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
    Xvnc TigerVNC 1.7.0 - built Sep  8 2016 10:39:22
    Copyright (C) 1999-2016 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
    See http://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
    Underlying X server release 11400000, The X.Org Foundation
    Initializing built-in extension VNC-EXTENSION
    Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
    Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
    Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
    Initializing built-in extension XTEST
    Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
    Initializing built-in extension SYNC
    Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
    Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
    Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
    Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
    Initializing built-in extension RENDER
    Initializing built-in extension RANDR
    Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
    Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    Initializing built-in extension RECORD
    Initializing built-in extension DPMS
    Initializing built-in extension X-Resource
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    Initializing built-in extension GLX
    Sat Oct  1 14:16:34 2016
    vncext:      VNC extension running!
    vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 4239
    vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
    XKB: Failed to compile keymap
    Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config.
    Fatal server error:
    Failed to activate core devices.
    Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable.
    Must have netstat installed
    _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
    _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/Tower:1
    _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
    _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
    Xvnc TigerVNC 1.7.0 - built Sep  8 2016 10:39:22
    Copyright (C) 1999-2016 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
    See http://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
    Underlying X server release 11400000, The X.Org Foundation
    Initializing built-in extension VNC-EXTENSION
    Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
    Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
    Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
    Initializing built-in extension XTEST
    Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS
    Initializing built-in extension SYNC
    Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
    Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC
    Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
    Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
    Initializing built-in extension RENDER
    Initializing built-in extension RANDR
    Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
    Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
    Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    Initializing built-in extension RECORD
    Initializing built-in extension DPMS
    Initializing built-in extension X-Resource
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo
    Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    Initializing built-in extension GLX

  10. I've been using this Sonarr docker for months and it's worked well.  I've noticed in the past few days that my unRAID box CPU utilization is stuck at around 33% and if I stop the Sonarr docker it goes to zero, then restarting the docker it behaves as normal.  Looking at the log doesn't seem to show anything happening at the time.  Any ideas how I can troubleshoot?


    Edit: this happens daily now.

    Edit:  I just restarted the docker a few minutes ago and CA confirms that it's using 30% of the CPU


    No one else is seeing this?  I've tried reinstalling the docker, both importing the backup and creating it all new from scratch.  Attached is a screenshot from CA showing it at 37% CPU utilization and using 19GB RAM.


    Not seeing this behaviour at all on my setup. Log into the webgui for sonarr and check System>Tasks, see if there is anything running?

    Never really had the time to fully investigate, but I don't actually believe that sonarr is truly using that amount of memory.  Rather its all the cache, etc that the linux base is using (http://www.linuxatemyram.com/)  and it will get released once something else requires the memory.  But if you truly are worried about it then limit the amount of RAM that sonarr is capable of using (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg492112#msg492112)


    As far as the CPU usage, I've never really seen sonarr be a pig like that unless its actually scanning or actively searching or what not.  You can also limit its CPU resources (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg492111#msg492111) for when something else requires the cpu time.


    The key question is sonarr actually working for you?


    Yeah, it does seem to be working.  That said it's worked fine for months with zero issues, but now in the past few weeks this CPU and RAM thing has started.  I could limit the Docker's access to CPU and RAM per your suggestion, but would prefer to find the underlying cause.


    Are you using the stable ( master ) or development ( develop ) branch?  I know there was an issue with the development branch that caused me to have to revert back to master,  it would get stuck in a loop of constantly running the refresh series task,  it would never fully complete & I ended up with over 20 refresh series tasks running and it was draining my system resources. As soon as I switched it to use the master branch instead of develop branch it completely mellowed out


  11. Here are the results of Normal Automatic Test i let run overnight


    System Info:  Tower
                  unRAID version 6.2.0-rc4
                       nr_requests=128 (Global Setting)
                  CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor
                  RAM: 16GiB System Memory
    Outputting lshw information for Drives and Controllers:
    Bus info          Device       Class      Description
    pci@0000:01:00.0  scsi1        storage    SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
    scsi@1:0.3.0      /dev/sdk     disk       2TB Hitachi HUA72302
    scsi@1:0.4.0      /dev/sdl     disk       3TB Hitachi HUA72303
    scsi@1:0.5.0      /dev/sdm     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@1:0.6.0      /dev/sdn     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@1:0.0.0      /dev/sdh     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472
    scsi@1:0.1.0      /dev/sdi     disk       1TB ST1000DM003-9YN1
    scsi@1:0.2.0      /dev/sdj     disk       1500GB ST1500DM003-9YN1
    pci@0000:00:11.0               storage    SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
    pci@0000:04:00.0  scsi8        storage    SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
    scsi@8:0.0.0      /dev/sdo     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@8:0.1.0      /dev/sdp     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@8:0.2.0      /dev/sdq     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    usb@1:5           scsi0        storage    
    scsi@0:0.0.0      /dev/sda     disk       4GB Cruzer
                      /dev/sda     disk       4GB 
                      scsi2        storage    
    scsi@2:0.0.0      /dev/sdb     disk       3200GB WL3000GSA6472E
                      scsi3        storage    
    scsi@3:0.0.0      /dev/sdc     disk       3TB ST3000DM001-1E61
                      scsi4        storage    
    scsi@4:0.0.0      /dev/sdd     disk       256GB LITEONIT LCT-256
                      scsi5        storage    
    scsi@5:0.0.0      /dev/sde     disk       1TB TOSHIBA MQ01ABD1
                      scsi6        storage    
    scsi@6:0.0.0      /dev/sdf     disk       120GB KINGSTON SV300S3
                      scsi7        storage    
    scsi@7:0.0.0      /dev/sdg     disk       256GB SAMSUNG SSD PM83
    Array Devices:
        Disk0 sdb is a Parity drive named parity
        Disk1 sdc is a Data drive named disk1
        Disk2 sdi is a Data drive named disk2
        Disk3 sdn is a Data drive named disk3
        Disk4 sdh is a Data drive named disk4
        Disk5 sdl is a Data drive named disk5
        Disk6 sdk is a Data drive named disk6
        Disk7 sdj is a Data drive named disk7
        Disk8 sdo is a Data drive named disk8
        Disk9 sdp is a Data drive named disk9
        Disk10 sdq is a Data drive named disk10
        Disk11 sdm is a Data drive named disk11
    Outputting free low memory information...
                  total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:       16353140     6503664     8059804      542996     1789672     8642884
    Low:       16353140     8293336     8059804
    High:             0           0           0
    Swap:             0           0           0
                          *** END OF REPORT ***


    Yay, the first Normal Auto!  Unfortunately, really bad results (I trimmed them out above, these posts are getting too long for the forum character limit).  There is a ton of randomness here, it didn't settle down at all.  Even worse, look at this:


    Test | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_requests | sync_thresh |   Speed
      1   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      767    | 110.5 MB/s     <-- nr_requests test pass 1, 10 minutes
      1   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      767    | 112.2 MB/s     <-- nr_requests test pass 2, 10 minutes 
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed
       7a |  81 |     1536    |     768     |   128   |      767    | 239.0 MB/s   <-- md_sync_window test pass 1, 5 minutes 
      17a |  81 |     1536    |     768     |   128   |      767    |  89.8 MB/s   <-- md_sync_window test pass 2, 5 minutes 


    The exact same test happened to get run 4 times, with wildly varying results.  I can't even begin to understand how that 239 MB/s result got in there, it's just so different, and high.  5 minutes at 239 MB/s is about 70 GB of data processed.  Can't imagine this is caching.


    You also posted earlier you were having power issues to your cages.  Any chance the power went out just long enough to let one test parity check run without the slow drives?  This is actually my best guess at how this could have happened, but I would have expected lots of issues (redballs) if this occurred.


    Did you notice any errors at all during the test?  They wouldn't be in the report file, just on the screen.


    If that had been a Short Auto, I wouldn't be surprised.  But this being a Normal Auto, I'm not sure what to make of this.


    Those top two tests I listed were from the nr_requests tests 1 and 2, and those run for 10 minutes instead of 5, and they "might" have produced more consistent results (or maybe that's just a coincidence).  Those bottom two tests were from Pass 1 and 2 of the md_sync_window tests, which "only" ran for 5 minutes.  Perhaps that's not long enough for your server to settle down.


    Anyone have any ideas?


    Long Auto is a big time commitment, and I'm not ready to recommend that just yet.


    If you are willing, I would recommend you run a Manual test, Start at 768, End at 768, any interval, with a time of 20 minutes.


    Repeat 1 more time.


    Because it will pre-run the 4 nr_requests, doing this will take 100 minutes each time, so if you do this twice you're looking at almost 3.5 hours of testing.


    What I'm looking for is:  Does the server settle down with longer tests? (hopefully 20 minutes will tell us), and by running the same values I listed above, we can compare 20 minute tests back to 10 and 5 minute tests.


    But if you are still having power issues, please resolve those first.





    I am going to be running to best buy today to get some new power module cables and just replace them to all the cages ( completely solve any power issues I may be having ).  then I will run the Manual tests and see what happens


  12. Here are the results of Normal Automatic Test i let run overnight


           unRAID Tunables Tester v4.0b2 by Pauven (for unRAID v6.2)
            Tunables Report produced Wed Aug 24 20:11:00 EDT 2016
                             Run on server: Tower
                      Normal Automatic Parity Sync Test
    NOTE: Use the smallest set of values that produce good results. Larger values
          increase server memory use, and may cause stability issues with unRAID,
          especially if you have any add-ons or plug-ins installed.
    Current Values:  md_num_stripes=6144, md_sync_window=2768, md_sync_thresh=192
                     Global nr_requests=128
                        sdb nr_requests=128
                        sdc nr_requests=128
                        sdi nr_requests=128
                        sdn nr_requests=128
                        sdh nr_requests=128
                        sdl nr_requests=128
                        sdk nr_requests=128
                        sdj nr_requests=128
                        sdo nr_requests=128
                        sdp nr_requests=128
                        sdq nr_requests=128
                        sdm nr_requests=128
    --- INITIAL BASELINE TEST OF CURRENT VALUES (1 Sample Point @ 5min Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1  | 327 |     6144    |    2768     |   128   |      192    | 113.0 MB/s 
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC nr_requests TEST 1 (4 Sample Points @ 10min Duration)---
    Test | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_requests | sync_thresh |   Speed 
      1   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      767    | 110.5 MB/s 
      2   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      384    | 109.6 MB/s 
      3   |     1536    |     768     |       8     |      767    | 109.5 MB/s 
      4   |     1536    |     768     |       8     |      384    | 107.7 MB/s 
    Fastest vals were nr_reqs=128 and sync_thresh=99% of sync_window at 110.5 MB/s
    This nr_requests value will be used for the next test.
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC TEST PASS 1a (Rough - 13 Sample Points @ 5min Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1a |  40 |      768    |     384     |   128   |      383    | 102.5 MB/s 
       1b |  40 |      768    |     384     |   128   |      192    | 102.9 MB/s 
       2a |  47 |      896    |     448     |   128   |      447    |  98.4 MB/s 
       2b |  47 |      896    |     448     |   128   |      224    |  95.8 MB/s 
       3a |  54 |     1024    |     512     |   128   |      511    | 103.3 MB/s 
       3b |  54 |     1024    |     512     |   128   |      256    | 109.4 MB/s 
       4a |  61 |     1152    |     576     |   128   |      575    | 103.0 MB/s 
       4b |  61 |     1152    |     576     |   128   |      288    | 106.0 MB/s 
       5a |  68 |     1280    |     640     |   128   |      639    | 108.8 MB/s 
       5b |  68 |     1280    |     640     |   128   |      320    | 109.5 MB/s 
       6a |  75 |     1408    |     704     |   128   |      703    | 105.1 MB/s 
       6b |  75 |     1408    |     704     |   128   |      352    |  99.5 MB/s 
       7a |  81 |     1536    |     768     |   128   |      767    | 239.0 MB/s 
       7b |  81 |     1536    |     768     |   128   |      384    | 109.9 MB/s 
       8a |  88 |     1664    |     832     |   128   |      831    | 110.5 MB/s 
       8b |  88 |     1664    |     832     |   128   |      416    | 107.1 MB/s 
       9a |  95 |     1792    |     896     |   128   |      895    | 109.5 MB/s 
       9b |  95 |     1792    |     896     |   128   |      448    | 111.8 MB/s 
      10a | 102 |     1920    |     960     |   128   |      959    | 112.1 MB/s 
      10b | 102 |     1920    |     960     |   128   |      480    | 113.7 MB/s 
      11a | 109 |     2048    |    1024     |   128   |     1023    | 106.7 MB/s 
      11b | 109 |     2048    |    1024     |   128   |      512    | 109.1 MB/s 
      12a | 115 |     2176    |    1088     |   128   |     1087    | 113.8 MB/s 
      12b | 115 |     2176    |    1088     |   128   |      544    | 111.7 MB/s 
      13a | 122 |     2304    |    1152     |   128   |     1151    | 113.2 MB/s 
      13b | 122 |     2304    |    1152     |   128   |      576    | 104.5 MB/s 
    --- Targeting Fastest Result of md_sync_window 768 bytes for Final Pass ---
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC nr_requests TEST 2 (4 Sample Points @ 10min Duration)---
    Test | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_requests | sync_thresh |   Speed 
      1   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      767    | 112.2 MB/s 
      2   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      384    | 111.4 MB/s 
      3   |     1536    |     768     |       8     |      767    | 110.1 MB/s 
      4   |     1536    |     768     |       8     |      384    | 110.0 MB/s 
    Fastest vals were nr_reqs=128 and sync_thresh=99% of sync_window at 112.2 MB/s
    This nr_requests value will be used for the next test.
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC TEST PASS 2 (Fine - 33 Sample Points @ 5min Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1a |  68 |     1280    |     640     |   128   |      639    | 111.4 MB/s 
       1b |  68 |     1280    |     640     |   128   |      320    | 112.4 MB/s 
       2a |  69 |     1296    |     648     |   128   |      647    | 107.0 MB/s 
       2b |  69 |     1296    |     648     |   128   |      324    | 109.7 MB/s 
       3a |  69 |     1312    |     656     |   128   |      655    | 114.4 MB/s 
       3b |  69 |     1312    |     656     |   128   |      328    | 109.8 MB/s 
       4a |  70 |     1328    |     664     |   128   |      663    | 113.9 MB/s 
       4b |  70 |     1328    |     664     |   128   |      332    | 113.6 MB/s 
       5a |  71 |     1344    |     672     |   128   |      671    | 111.8 MB/s 
       5b |  71 |     1344    |     672     |   128   |      336    | 113.0 MB/s 
       6a |  72 |     1360    |     680     |   128   |      679    | 111.9 MB/s 
       6b |  72 |     1360    |     680     |   128   |      340    | 113.3 MB/s 
       7a |  73 |     1376    |     688     |   128   |      687    | 110.2 MB/s 
       7b |  73 |     1376    |     688     |   128   |      344    | 110.1 MB/s 
       8a |  74 |     1392    |     696     |   128   |      695    | 113.7 MB/s 
       8b |  74 |     1392    |     696     |   128   |      348    | 112.2 MB/s 
       9a |  75 |     1408    |     704     |   128   |      703    | 112.6 MB/s 
       9b |  75 |     1408    |     704     |   128   |      352    | 113.1 MB/s 
      10a |  75 |     1424    |     712     |   128   |      711    | 111.6 MB/s 
      10b |  75 |     1424    |     712     |   128   |      356    | 113.7 MB/s 
      11a |  76 |     1440    |     720     |   128   |      719    | 113.6 MB/s 
      11b |  76 |     1440    |     720     |   128   |      360    | 109.9 MB/s 
      12a |  77 |     1456    |     728     |   128   |      727    |  92.1 MB/s 
      12b |  77 |     1456    |     728     |   128   |      364    |  80.6 MB/s 
      13a |  78 |     1472    |     736     |   128   |      735    |  84.4 MB/s 
      13b |  78 |     1472    |     736     |   128   |      368    |  70.8 MB/s 
      14a |  79 |     1488    |     744     |   128   |      743    |  82.7 MB/s 
      14b |  79 |     1488    |     744     |   128   |      372    |  81.6 MB/s 
      15a |  80 |     1504    |     752     |   128   |      751    |  95.0 MB/s 
      15b |  80 |     1504    |     752     |   128   |      376    |  81.5 MB/s 
      16a |  81 |     1520    |     760     |   128   |      759    |  82.7 MB/s 
      16b |  81 |     1520    |     760     |   128   |      380    |  78.6 MB/s 
      17a |  81 |     1536    |     768     |   128   |      767    |  89.8 MB/s 
      17b |  81 |     1536    |     768     |   128   |      384    | 110.3 MB/s 
      18a |  82 |     1552    |     776     |   128   |      775    | 101.8 MB/s 
      18b |  82 |     1552    |     776     |   128   |      388    | 107.5 MB/s 
      19a |  83 |     1568    |     784     |   128   |      783    | 114.4 MB/s 
      19b |  83 |     1568    |     784     |   128   |      392    | 113.9 MB/s 
      20a |  84 |     1584    |     792     |   128   |      791    | 113.3 MB/s 
      20b |  84 |     1584    |     792     |   128   |      396    | 111.2 MB/s 
      21a |  85 |     1600    |     800     |   128   |      799    | 114.7 MB/s 
      21b |  85 |     1600    |     800     |   128   |      400    | 113.8 MB/s 
      22a |  86 |     1616    |     808     |   128   |      807    | 112.2 MB/s 
      22b |  86 |     1616    |     808     |   128   |      404    | 113.5 MB/s 
      23a |  86 |     1632    |     816     |   128   |      815    |  96.7 MB/s 
      23b |  86 |     1632    |     816     |   128   |      408    | 114.5 MB/s 
      24a |  87 |     1648    |     824     |   128   |      823    | 114.9 MB/s 
      24b |  87 |     1648    |     824     |   128   |      412    | 111.4 MB/s 
      25a |  88 |     1664    |     832     |   128   |      831    | 114.2 MB/s 
      25b |  88 |     1664    |     832     |   128   |      416    | 113.5 MB/s 
      26a |  89 |     1680    |     840     |   128   |      839    | 113.2 MB/s 
      26b |  89 |     1680    |     840     |   128   |      420    | 113.8 MB/s 
      27a |  90 |     1696    |     848     |   128   |      847    | 112.3 MB/s 
      27b |  90 |     1696    |     848     |   128   |      424    | 109.8 MB/s 
      28a |  91 |     1712    |     856     |   128   |      855    | 113.9 MB/s 
      28b |  91 |     1712    |     856     |   128   |      428    | 111.6 MB/s 
      29a |  92 |     1728    |     864     |   128   |      863    | 114.1 MB/s 
      29b |  92 |     1728    |     864     |   128   |      432    | 113.5 MB/s 
      30a |  92 |     1744    |     872     |   128   |      871    | 113.4 MB/s 
      30b |  92 |     1744    |     872     |   128   |      436    | 114.0 MB/s 
      31a |  93 |     1760    |     880     |   128   |      879    | 112.6 MB/s 
      31b |  93 |     1760    |     880     |   128   |      440    | 113.3 MB/s 
      32a |  94 |     1776    |     888     |   128   |      887    | 114.8 MB/s 
      32b |  94 |     1776    |     888     |   128   |      444    | 111.6 MB/s 
      33a |  95 |     1792    |     896     |   128   |      895    | 114.2 MB/s 
      33b |  95 |     1792    |     896     |   128   |      448    | 113.9 MB/s 
    The results below do NOT include the Basline test of current values.
    The Fastest Sync Speed tested was md_sync_window=824 at 114.9 MB/s
         Tunable (md_num_stripes): 1648
         Tunable (md_sync_window): 824
         Tunable (md_sync_thresh): 823
         Tunable (nr_requests): 128
    This will consume 87 MB with md_num_stripes=1648, 2x md_sync_window.
    This is 240MB less than your current utilization of 327MB.
    The Thriftiest Sync Speed tested was md_sync_window=640 at 111.4 MB/s
         Tunable (md_num_stripes): 1280
         Tunable (md_sync_window): 640
         Tunable (md_sync_thresh): 639
         Tunable (nr_requests): 128
    This will consume 68 MB with md_num_stripes=1280, 2x md_sync_window.
    This is 259MB less than your current utilization of 327MB.
    The Recommended Sync Speed is md_sync_window=656 at 114.4 MB/s
         Tunable (md_num_stripes): 1312
         Tunable (md_sync_window): 656
         Tunable (md_sync_thresh): 655
         Tunable (nr_requests): 128
    This will consume 69 MB with md_num_stripes=1312, 2x md_sync_window.
    This is 258MB less than your current utilization of 327MB.
    NOTE: Adding additional drives will increase memory consumption.
    In unRAID, go to Settings > Disk Settings to set your chosen parameter values.
    Completed: 9 Hrs 43 Min 28 Sec.
    System Info:  Tower
                  unRAID version 6.2.0-rc4
                       nr_requests=128 (Global Setting)
                  CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor
                  RAM: 16GiB System Memory
    Outputting lshw information for Drives and Controllers:
    Bus info          Device       Class      Description
    pci@0000:01:00.0  scsi1        storage    SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
    scsi@1:0.3.0      /dev/sdk     disk       2TB Hitachi HUA72302
    scsi@1:0.4.0      /dev/sdl     disk       3TB Hitachi HUA72303
    scsi@1:0.5.0      /dev/sdm     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@1:0.6.0      /dev/sdn     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@1:0.0.0      /dev/sdh     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472
    scsi@1:0.1.0      /dev/sdi     disk       1TB ST1000DM003-9YN1
    scsi@1:0.2.0      /dev/sdj     disk       1500GB ST1500DM003-9YN1
    pci@0000:00:11.0               storage    SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
    pci@0000:04:00.0  scsi8        storage    SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
    scsi@8:0.0.0      /dev/sdo     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@8:0.1.0      /dev/sdp     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@8:0.2.0      /dev/sdq     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    usb@1:5           scsi0        storage    
    scsi@0:0.0.0      /dev/sda     disk       4GB Cruzer
                      /dev/sda     disk       4GB 
                      scsi2        storage    
    scsi@2:0.0.0      /dev/sdb     disk       3200GB WL3000GSA6472E
                      scsi3        storage    
    scsi@3:0.0.0      /dev/sdc     disk       3TB ST3000DM001-1E61
                      scsi4        storage    
    scsi@4:0.0.0      /dev/sdd     disk       256GB LITEONIT LCT-256
                      scsi5        storage    
    scsi@5:0.0.0      /dev/sde     disk       1TB TOSHIBA MQ01ABD1
                      scsi6        storage    
    scsi@6:0.0.0      /dev/sdf     disk       120GB KINGSTON SV300S3
                      scsi7        storage    
    scsi@7:0.0.0      /dev/sdg     disk       256GB SAMSUNG SSD PM83
    Array Devices:
        Disk0 sdb is a Parity drive named parity
        Disk1 sdc is a Data drive named disk1
        Disk2 sdi is a Data drive named disk2
        Disk3 sdn is a Data drive named disk3
        Disk4 sdh is a Data drive named disk4
        Disk5 sdl is a Data drive named disk5
        Disk6 sdk is a Data drive named disk6
        Disk7 sdj is a Data drive named disk7
        Disk8 sdo is a Data drive named disk8
        Disk9 sdp is a Data drive named disk9
        Disk10 sdq is a Data drive named disk10
        Disk11 sdm is a Data drive named disk11
    Outputting free low memory information...
                  total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:       16353140     6503664     8059804      542996     1789672     8642884
    Low:       16353140     8293336     8059804
    High:             0           0           0
    Swap:             0           0           0
                          *** END OF REPORT ***

  13. My short test is done,  Have power issues to 2 of my cages so will run it again once I replace the power connections for them

    unRAID Tunables Tester v4.0b by Pauven (for unRAID v6.2)
            Tunables Report produced Wed Aug 24 15:39:16 EDT 2016
                             Run on server: Tower
                       Short Automatic Parity Sync Test
    NOTE: Use the smallest set of values that produce good results. Larger values
          increase server memory use, and may cause stability issues with unRAID,
          especially if you have any add-ons or plug-ins installed.
    Current Values:  md_num_stripes=6144, md_sync_window=2768, md_sync_thresh=192
                     Global nr_requests=128
                        sdb nr_requests=128
                        sdc nr_requests=128
                        sdi nr_requests=128
                        sdn nr_requests=128
                        sdh nr_requests=128
                        sdl nr_requests=128
                        sdk nr_requests=128
                        sdj nr_requests=128
                        sdo nr_requests=128
                        sdp nr_requests=128
                        sdq nr_requests=128
                        sdm nr_requests=128
    --- INITIAL BASELINE TEST OF CURRENT VALUES (1 Sample Point @ 30sec Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1  | 327 |     6144    |    2768     |   128   |      192    |  96.0 MB/s 
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC nr_requests TEST 1 (4 Sample Points @ 60sec Duration)---
    Test | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_requests | sync_thresh |   Speed 
      1   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      767    |  98.4 MB/s 
      2   |     1536    |     768     |     128     |      384    |  98.8 MB/s 
      3   |     1536    |     768     |       8     |      767    | 101.4 MB/s 
      4   |     1536    |     768     |       8     |      384    | 101.5 MB/s 
    Fastest vals were nr_reqs=8 and sync_thresh=50% of sync_window at 101.5 MB/s
    This nr_requests value will be used for the next test.
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC TEST PASS 1a (Rough - 13 Sample Points @ 30sec Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1a |  40 |      768    |     384     |     8   |      383    |  94.1 MB/s 
       1b |  40 |      768    |     384     |     8   |      192    | 108.1 MB/s 
       2a |  47 |      896    |     448     |     8   |      447    | 108.5 MB/s 
       2b |  47 |      896    |     448     |     8   |      224    | 109.6 MB/s 
       3a |  54 |     1024    |     512     |     8   |      511    | 111.1 MB/s 
       3b |  54 |     1024    |     512     |     8   |      256    | 110.8 MB/s 
       4a |  61 |     1152    |     576     |     8   |      575    | 112.1 MB/s 
       4b |  61 |     1152    |     576     |     8   |      288    | 112.7 MB/s 
       5a |  68 |     1280    |     640     |     8   |      639    | 112.9 MB/s 
       5b |  68 |     1280    |     640     |     8   |      320    | 110.9 MB/s 
       6a |  75 |     1408    |     704     |     8   |      703    | 113.9 MB/s 
       6b |  75 |     1408    |     704     |     8   |      352    | 112.3 MB/s 
       7a |  81 |     1536    |     768     |     8   |      767    | 114.8 MB/s 
       7b |  81 |     1536    |     768     |     8   |      384    | 113.0 MB/s 
       8a |  88 |     1664    |     832     |     8   |      831    | 112.7 MB/s 
       8b |  88 |     1664    |     832     |     8   |      416    |  85.8 MB/s 
       9a |  95 |     1792    |     896     |     8   |      895    | 113.3 MB/s 
       9b |  95 |     1792    |     896     |     8   |      448    |  88.1 MB/s 
      10a | 102 |     1920    |     960     |     8   |      959    |  94.6 MB/s 
      10b | 102 |     1920    |     960     |     8   |      480    | 102.6 MB/s 
      11a | 109 |     2048    |    1024     |     8   |     1023    | 108.3 MB/s 
      11b | 109 |     2048    |    1024     |     8   |      512    | 112.7 MB/s 
      12a | 115 |     2176    |    1088     |     8   |     1087    | 108.4 MB/s 
      12b | 115 |     2176    |    1088     |     8   |      544    | 113.0 MB/s 
      13a | 122 |     2304    |    1152     |     8   |     1151    | 113.8 MB/s 
      13b | 122 |     2304    |    1152     |     8   |      576    |  96.8 MB/s 
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC TEST PASS 1c (Rough - 18 Sample Points @ 30sec Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1a | 129 |     2432    |    1216     |     8   |     1215    | 115.0 MB/s 
       1b | 129 |     2432    |    1216     |     8   |      608    |  98.0 MB/s 
       2a | 136 |     2560    |    1280     |     8   |     1279    | 112.1 MB/s 
       2b | 136 |     2560    |    1280     |     8   |      640    | 104.3 MB/s 
       3a | 143 |     2688    |    1344     |     8   |     1343    | 114.9 MB/s 
       3b | 143 |     2688    |    1344     |     8   |      672    | 112.3 MB/s 
       4a | 150 |     2816    |    1408     |     8   |     1407    | 111.2 MB/s 
       4b | 150 |     2816    |    1408     |     8   |      704    | 115.3 MB/s 
       5a | 156 |     2944    |    1472     |     8   |     1471    | 114.4 MB/s 
       5b | 156 |     2944    |    1472     |     8   |      736    | 103.0 MB/s 
       6a | 163 |     3072    |    1536     |     8   |     1535    | 113.3 MB/s 
       6b | 163 |     3072    |    1536     |     8   |      768    | 113.7 MB/s 
       7a | 170 |     3200    |    1600     |     8   |     1599    | 112.3 MB/s 
       7b | 170 |     3200    |    1600     |     8   |      800    | 112.4 MB/s 
       8a | 177 |     3328    |    1664     |     8   |     1663    | 113.2 MB/s 
       8b | 177 |     3328    |    1664     |     8   |      832    | 111.9 MB/s 
       9a | 184 |     3456    |    1728     |     8   |     1727    | 112.3 MB/s 
       9b | 184 |     3456    |    1728     |     8   |      864    | 115.0 MB/s 
      10a | 191 |     3584    |    1792     |     8   |     1791    | 113.5 MB/s 
      10b | 191 |     3584    |    1792     |     8   |      896    |  95.1 MB/s 
      11a | 197 |     3712    |    1856     |     8   |     1855    | 114.3 MB/s 
      11b | 197 |     3712    |    1856     |     8   |      928    | 111.6 MB/s 
      12a | 204 |     3840    |    1920     |     8   |     1919    | 112.1 MB/s 
      12b | 204 |     3840    |    1920     |     8   |      960    | 113.5 MB/s 
      13a | 211 |     3968    |    1984     |     8   |     1983    | 113.8 MB/s 
      13b | 211 |     3968    |    1984     |     8   |      992    | 107.3 MB/s 
      14a | 218 |     4096    |    2048     |     8   |     2047    | 106.3 MB/s 
      14b | 218 |     4096    |    2048     |     8   |     1024    | 114.6 MB/s 
      15a | 225 |     4224    |    2112     |     8   |     2111    | 112.6 MB/s 
      15b | 225 |     4224    |    2112     |     8   |     1056    | 112.5 MB/s 
      16a | 231 |     4352    |    2176     |     8   |     2175    | 113.6 MB/s 
      16b | 231 |     4352    |    2176     |     8   |     1088    | 113.8 MB/s 
      17a | 238 |     4480    |    2240     |     8   |     2239    | 112.1 MB/s 
      17b | 238 |     4480    |    2240     |     8   |     1120    | 114.4 MB/s 
      18a | 245 |     4608    |    2304     |     8   |     2303    | 113.3 MB/s 
      18b | 245 |     4608    |    2304     |     8   |     1152    | 114.6 MB/s 
    --- Targeting Fastest Result of md_sync_window 1408 bytes for Final Pass ---
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC nr_requests TEST 2 (4 Sample Points @ 60sec Duration)---
    Test | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_requests | sync_thresh |   Speed 
      1   |     2816    |    1408     |     128     |     1407    | 113.8 MB/s 
      2   |     2816    |    1408     |     128     |      704    | 103.1 MB/s 
      3   |     2816    |    1408     |       8     |     1407    | 108.0 MB/s 
      4   |     2816    |    1408     |       8     |      704    | 112.7 MB/s 
    Fastest vals were nr_reqs=128 and sync_thresh=99% of sync_window at 113.8 MB/s
    This nr_requests value will be used for the next test.
    --- FULLY AUTOMATIC TEST PASS 2 (Fine - 33 Sample Points @ 30sec Duration)---
    Test | RAM | num_stripes | sync_window | nr_reqs | sync_thresh |   Speed 
       1a | 136 |     2560    |    1280     |   128   |     1279    | 114.8 MB/s 
       1b | 136 |     2560    |    1280     |   128   |      640    | 113.1 MB/s 
       2a | 137 |     2576    |    1288     |   128   |     1287    |  96.2 MB/s 
       2b | 137 |     2576    |    1288     |   128   |      644    | 112.5 MB/s 
       3a | 138 |     2592    |    1296     |   128   |     1295    | 113.6 MB/s 
       3b | 138 |     2592    |    1296     |   128   |      648    | 112.4 MB/s 
       4a | 139 |     2608    |    1304     |   128   |     1303    | 114.3 MB/s 
       4b | 139 |     2608    |    1304     |   128   |      652    | 113.2 MB/s 
       5a | 139 |     2624    |    1312     |   128   |     1311    | 114.6 MB/s 
       5b | 139 |     2624    |    1312     |   128   |      656    | 112.5 MB/s 
       6a | 140 |     2640    |    1320     |   128   |     1319    | 114.0 MB/s 
       6b | 140 |     2640    |    1320     |   128   |      660    | 113.1 MB/s 
       7a | 141 |     2656    |    1328     |   128   |     1327    | 113.3 MB/s 
       7b | 141 |     2656    |    1328     |   128   |      664    | 113.4 MB/s 
       8a | 142 |     2672    |    1336     |   128   |     1335    | 113.6 MB/s 
       8b | 142 |     2672    |    1336     |   128   |      668    | 114.5 MB/s 
       9a | 143 |     2688    |    1344     |   128   |     1343    | 112.8 MB/s 
       9b | 143 |     2688    |    1344     |   128   |      672    | 114.3 MB/s 
      10a | 144 |     2704    |    1352     |   128   |     1351    | 113.8 MB/s 
      10b | 144 |     2704    |    1352     |   128   |      676    | 114.2 MB/s 
      11a | 144 |     2720    |    1360     |   128   |     1359    | 114.4 MB/s 
      11b | 144 |     2720    |    1360     |   128   |      680    | 114.1 MB/s 
      12a | 145 |     2736    |    1368     |   128   |     1367    | 109.9 MB/s 
      12b | 145 |     2736    |    1368     |   128   |      684    | 114.9 MB/s 
      13a | 146 |     2752    |    1376     |   128   |     1375    | 113.6 MB/s 
      13b | 146 |     2752    |    1376     |   128   |      688    | 114.4 MB/s 
      14a | 147 |     2768    |    1384     |   128   |     1383    | 113.6 MB/s 
      14b | 147 |     2768    |    1384     |   128   |      692    | 113.2 MB/s 
      15a | 148 |     2784    |    1392     |   128   |     1391    | 113.0 MB/s 
      15b | 148 |     2784    |    1392     |   128   |      696    |  90.0 MB/s 
      16a | 149 |     2800    |    1400     |   128   |     1399    | 112.6 MB/s 
      16b | 149 |     2800    |    1400     |   128   |      700    | 113.0 MB/s 
      17a | 150 |     2816    |    1408     |   128   |     1407    | 114.4 MB/s 
      17b | 150 |     2816    |    1408     |   128   |      704    | 113.4 MB/s 
      18a | 150 |     2832    |    1416     |   128   |     1415    | 114.1 MB/s 
      18b | 150 |     2832    |    1416     |   128   |      708    | 112.4 MB/s 
      19a | 151 |     2848    |    1424     |   128   |     1423    | 114.9 MB/s 
      19b | 151 |     2848    |    1424     |   128   |      712    | 113.2 MB/s 
      20a | 152 |     2864    |    1432     |   128   |     1431    | 114.8 MB/s 
      20b | 152 |     2864    |    1432     |   128   |      716    | 113.0 MB/s 
      21a | 153 |     2880    |    1440     |   128   |     1439    | 114.9 MB/s 
      21b | 153 |     2880    |    1440     |   128   |      720    | 107.7 MB/s 
      22a | 154 |     2896    |    1448     |   128   |     1447    | 113.4 MB/s 
      22b | 154 |     2896    |    1448     |   128   |      724    | 112.2 MB/s 
      23a | 155 |     2912    |    1456     |   128   |     1455    | 114.3 MB/s 
      23b | 155 |     2912    |    1456     |   128   |      728    | 113.4 MB/s 
      24a | 156 |     2928    |    1464     |   128   |     1463    | 113.8 MB/s 
      24b | 156 |     2928    |    1464     |   128   |      732    | 113.5 MB/s 
      25a | 156 |     2944    |    1472     |   128   |     1471    | 114.8 MB/s 
      25b | 156 |     2944    |    1472     |   128   |      736    | 114.4 MB/s 
      26a | 157 |     2960    |    1480     |   128   |     1479    | 113.7 MB/s 
      26b | 157 |     2960    |    1480     |   128   |      740    | 114.1 MB/s 
      27a | 158 |     2976    |    1488     |   128   |     1487    | 114.3 MB/s 
      27b | 158 |     2976    |    1488     |   128   |      744    | 112.8 MB/s 
      28a | 159 |     2992    |    1496     |   128   |     1495    | 112.5 MB/s 
      28b | 159 |     2992    |    1496     |   128   |      748    | 109.9 MB/s 
      29a | 160 |     3008    |    1504     |   128   |     1503    | 102.4 MB/s 
      29b | 160 |     3008    |    1504     |   128   |      752    | 113.2 MB/s 
      30a | 161 |     3024    |    1512     |   128   |     1511    | 114.2 MB/s 
      30b | 161 |     3024    |    1512     |   128   |      756    | 100.6 MB/s 
      31a | 162 |     3040    |    1520     |   128   |     1519    | 113.7 MB/s 
      31b | 162 |     3040    |    1520     |   128   |      760    | 104.1 MB/s 
      32a | 162 |     3056    |    1528     |   128   |     1527    | 114.1 MB/s 
      32b | 162 |     3056    |    1528     |   128   |      764    | 113.2 MB/s 
      33a | 163 |     3072    |    1536     |   128   |     1535    | 114.1 MB/s 
      33b | 163 |     3072    |    1536     |   128   |      768    | 115.0 MB/s 
    The results below do NOT include the Basline test of current values.
    The Fastest Sync Speed tested was md_sync_window=1216 at 115.0 MB/s
         Tunable (md_num_stripes): 2432
         Tunable (md_sync_window): 1216
         Tunable (md_sync_thresh): 1215
         Tunable (nr_requests): 128
    This will consume 129 MB with md_num_stripes=2432, 2x md_sync_window.
    This is 198MB less than your current utilization of 327MB. n
    The Thriftiest Sync Speed tested was md_sync_window=512 at 111.1 MB/s
         Tunable (md_num_stripes): 1024
         Tunable (md_sync_window): 512
         Tunable (md_sync_thresh): 511
         Tunable (nr_requests): 128
    This will consume 54 MB with md_num_stripes=1024, 2x md_sync_window.
    This is 273MB less than your current utilization of 327MB.
    NOTE: Adding additional drives will increase memory consumption.
    In unRAID, go to Settings > Disk Settings to set your chosen parameter values.
    Completed: 1 Hrs 16 Min 38 Sec.
    System Info:  Tower
                  unRAID version 6.2.0-rc4
                      nr_requests=128 (Global Setting)
    Outputting lshw information for Drives and Controllers:
    Bus info          Device       Class      Description
    pci@0000:01:00.0  scsi1        storage    SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
    scsi@1:0.3.0      /dev/sdk     disk       2TB Hitachi HUA72302
    scsi@1:0.4.0      /dev/sdl     disk       3TB Hitachi HUA72303
    scsi@1:0.5.0      /dev/sdm     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@1:0.6.0      /dev/sdn     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@1:0.0.0      /dev/sdh     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472
    scsi@1:0.1.0      /dev/sdi     disk       1TB ST1000DM003-9YN1
    scsi@1:0.2.0      /dev/sdj     disk       1500GB ST1500DM003-9YN1
    pci@0000:00:11.0               storage    SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
    pci@0000:04:00.0  scsi8        storage    SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon]
    scsi@8:0.0.0      /dev/sdo     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@8:0.1.0      /dev/sdp     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    scsi@8:0.2.0      /dev/sdq     disk       3TB WL3000GSA6472E
    usb@1:5           scsi0        storage    
    scsi@0:0.0.0      /dev/sda     disk       4GB Cruzer
                      /dev/sda     disk       4GB 
                      scsi2        storage    
    scsi@2:0.0.0      /dev/sdb     disk       3200GB WL3000GSA6472E
                      scsi3        storage    
    scsi@3:0.0.0      /dev/sdc     disk       3TB ST3000DM001-1E61
                      scsi4        storage    
    scsi@4:0.0.0      /dev/sdd     disk       256GB LITEONIT LCT-256
                      scsi5        storage    
    scsi@5:0.0.0      /dev/sde     disk       1TB TOSHIBA MQ01ABD1
                      scsi6        storage    
    scsi@6:0.0.0      /dev/sdf     disk       120GB KINGSTON SV300S3
                      scsi7        storage    
    scsi@7:0.0.0      /dev/sdg     disk       256GB SAMSUNG SSD PM83
    Array Devices:
        Disk0 sdb is a Parity drive named parity
        Disk1 sdc is a Data drive named disk1
        Disk2 sdi is a Data drive named disk2
        Disk3 sdn is a Data drive named disk3
        Disk4 sdh is a Data drive named disk4
        Disk5 sdl is a Data drive named disk5
        Disk6 sdk is a Data drive named disk6
        Disk7 sdj is a Data drive named disk7
        Disk8 sdo is a Data drive named disk8
        Disk9 sdp is a Data drive named disk9
        Disk10 sdq is a Data drive named disk10
        Disk11 sdm is a Data drive named disk11
    Outputting free low memory information...
                  total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:       16353140     6444848     8227220      528572     1681072     8753760
    Low:       16353140     8125920     8227220
    High:             0           0           0
    Swap:             0           0           0
                          *** END OF REPORT ***

  14. Any reason why I am continuously getting

    Received packet from invalid interface.

    from my Plex Logs when running docker logs plex?


    What version of Unraid you using?  I used to see this in my syslog a few releases back, I remember it being harmless and that archedraft and I both saw the same thing.


    I have not seen those in Plex logs, however they have been sighted in UnRaid logs and IIRC they are harmless communication with windows 10 pcs (vague recollection)? You should not have them with the latest 6.1.9 version as they have been suppressed.


    I am using 6.1.9

    No Windows 10 PC's in the house. No Windows machines at all actually.

    When I open up my syslog in the unraid gui this is pretty much the only log I see repeated to infinity....and it is definitely coming from Plex.


    Issue persists with v1.0


    Do you share your plex server with anyone that could be using a windows machine to view content?  I am not seeing this issue on my system at all

  15. I had no problem updating to v1.0.0  all I did was restart the plex docker


    from my logs


    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_dbus.sh...

    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/20_apt_update.sh...

    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_update_plex.sh...

    Target version: set by: latest\plexpass

    Upgrading from version: to version:

    --2016-06-24 08:55:22--  https://downloads.plex.tv/plex-media-server/

    Resolving downloads.plex.tv (downloads.plex.tv)...,, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:709, ...

    Connecting to downloads.plex.tv (downloads.plex.tv)||:443... connected.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

    Length: 99524576 (95M) [application/octet-stream]

  16. Update


    I deleted my docker file, re-created it and re-pulled DelugeVPN (using my saved templace so I didn't lose any settings) successfully, this also fixed the "Update button always being there. So try that, delete your docker file, re-create it and re-pull your dockers.




    Hi thanks did that and i can pull the docker image down now. I installed it last night and works fine.

    However i am getting the update message again this morning. I update it then when i check for updates again it says it needs updating?

    @naturalcarr are you getting update messages since your reinstall?

    Yeah I still get it when I mount my array, but that's it, so as long as my server and docker are on and enabled, it's not an issue.


    Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


    I get the same thing. It is fine till I reboot the server or click the check for updates button.

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