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Posts posted by snuffy47

  1. Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
    Phase 2 - using internal log
            - zero log...
    Log inconsistent (didn't find previous header)
    failed to find log head
    zero_log: cannot find log head/tail (xlog_find_tail=5)
    ERROR: The log head and/or tail cannot be discovered. Attempt to mount the
    filesystem to replay the log or use the -L option to destroy the log and
    attempt a repair.


    Well it would seem it asked to use -L  :(


  2. Hello,


    Well it seems I have myself in a pickle.  Pretty sure Disk 7 is failing and when I was getting ready to change it out also noticed that Disk 1 is indicating that its unmountable.


    Did find a post on running a file check in maintenance mode but does not see to work.


    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
            - block cache size set to 1867992 entries
    Phase 2 - using internal log
            - zero log...
    Log inconsistent (didn't find previous header)
    failed to find log head
    zero_log: cannot find log head/tail (xlog_find_tail=5)
            - scan filesystem freespace and inode maps...
    sb_fdblocks 111061741, counted 113015432
            - found root inode chunk
    Phase 3 - for each AG...
            - scan (but don't clear) agi unlinked lists...
            - process known inodes and perform inode discovery...
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 3
            - agno = 4
            - agno = 5
            - agno = 6
            - agno = 7
            - agno = 8
            - agno = 9
            - agno = 10
            - agno = 11
            - agno = 12
            - agno = 13
            - agno = 14
            - agno = 15
            - process newly discovered inodes...
    Phase 4 - check for duplicate blocks...
            - setting up duplicate extent list...
            - check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks...
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 3
            - agno = 4
            - agno = 5
            - agno = 13
            - agno = 14
            - agno = 10
            - agno = 7
            - agno = 9
            - agno = 8
            - agno = 11
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 6
            - agno = 15
            - agno = 12
    No modify flag set, skipping phase 5
    Phase 6 - check inode connectivity...
            - traversing filesystem ...
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 3
            - agno = 4
            - agno = 5
            - agno = 6
            - agno = 7
            - agno = 8
            - agno = 9
            - agno = 10
            - agno = 11
            - agno = 12
            - agno = 13
            - agno = 14
            - agno = 15
            - traversal finished ...
            - moving disconnected inodes to lost+found ...
    Phase 7 - verify link counts...
    Maximum metadata LSN (8:394) is ahead of log (0:0).
    Would format log to cycle 11.
    No modify flag set, skipping filesystem flush and exiting.
            XFS_REPAIR Summary    Fri Feb  3 13:28:28 2023
    Phase		Start		End		Duration
    Phase 1:	02/03 13:28:23	02/03 13:28:23
    Phase 2:	02/03 13:28:23	02/03 13:28:24	1 second
    Phase 3:	02/03 13:28:24	02/03 13:28:26	2 seconds
    Phase 4:	02/03 13:28:26	02/03 13:28:26
    Phase 5:	Skipped
    Phase 6:	02/03 13:28:26	02/03 13:28:28	2 seconds
    Phase 7:	02/03 13:28:28	02/03 13:28:28
    Total run time: 5 seconds


    Think I need to cross my fingers and figure out what is going on with Disk 1 before monkeying with Disk 7




  3. I plan to do something the 8TB and 2TB wasnt sure what but will preclear and see what happens


    Event: Unraid Parity check
    Subject: Notice [TOWER] - Parity check finished (0 errors)
    Description: Duration: 19 hours, 51 minutes, 6 seconds. Average speed: 112.0 MB/s
    Importance: normal


    The other 2 with UDMA CRC error count 30 and 21 will monitor


    Well it was a mess but with your help trurl and the UNRAID community looks like I am back to a healthy status

  4. Quote

    The pending sector on disk2 I hope doesn't cause problems for disk1 rebuild.

    Me too :) 19hrs and we will know 


    The items like the Pending Sector amount is there a Ok - Not ok but change very soon number that I can use to ensure I donnt get intot this agian


    Or I guess I am really asking when there is orange lines - When do I pull the trigger to replace though will likely be a moving target just looking for a best recommendation - lets say not critical data Not saving baby monkeys here - I do have critical data though hahaha 

  5. Okie Dokie


    I still have a thumbs down on Disk 1 and before I had the crazy Disk 3 failure we were targeting Disk 2.


    Attached the display of disk 1.  If I was ignoring things in the past need to understand better what I can acknowledge and what I should be proactive about.  Alot of the 2GB are older for sure


    Really appreciate all the help 




  6. Still easily 7 hours to go


    Been watching this thing like a hawk as it my first cherry on suspected failure and on top of that possible more at risk HD failures


    I need to call it a night :( I posted my log just for poops and giggles but will say I miss the ignore and no problems that has been the norm on my end


    Really appreciate the help on here.  I implement every suggestion from my past problems just not experienced enough to understand the warnings


    Also want to add I have a replacement for disk 1 but I am struggling with replacing it as it is one of the newest drives in my array and damn its 8TB - will say less then 1 year old - that might be putting the cart before the mule but damn it hurts



  7. Well things are rebuilding.....


    Watching the drive I am very unsure why this is so high - its what the old drive indicated as a failure mode but the new drive is not flagging anything 

    1    Raw read error rate    0x000f    079    076    006    Pre-fail    Always    Never    74902826


  8. Well your suggestion worked :)


    My drives are in hand I am going to exchange 3 now


    One thing that popped up that I have never seen before is this which guess it means things are really messed up





    Event: unRAID file corruption
    Subject: Notice [TOWER] - bunker verify command
    Description: Found 7 files with BLAKE2 hash key corruption
    Importance: alert

    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/A-X-L (2018)/A-X-L (2018).mkv is corrupted
    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/50 50 (2011)/50 50 (2011).mkv is corrupted
    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/Aquaman (2018)/Aquaman (2018).mkv is corrupted
    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/Postcards from the Edge (1990)/Postcards from the Edge (1990).mkv is corrupted
    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/Legend of Tarzan, The (2016)/The Legend of Tarzan2016.ISO is corrupted
    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/Mandy (2018)/Mandy (2018).avi is corrupted
    BLAKE2 hash key mismatch, /mnt/disk3/movies/The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (2008)/The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (2008).mkv is corrupted


  9. Well I can not win for losing on this one....


    Just had another crazy storm roll through and I am having problems Mounting my external drive I was using to back up some of my data


    the messages I get are



    Sep 7 18:56:19 Tower unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sdn1'...
    Sep 7 18:56:19 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t 'ntfs' -o rw,auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 '/dev/sdn1' '/mnt/disks/ST4000DM004-2CV104_ZFN3XMJZ'
    Sep 7 18:56:19 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/sdn1' failed: '$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0). Failed to mount '/dev/sdn1': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for more details. '


    Any help is appreciated

  10. Well arent I in a mess


    I wasnt having any problems up to the power outage knocking my MOBO out but guess need to learn how to read the HD counts better.  You get use to no problems and then you ignore things 


    The data back up will take another day :(  


    Do I toss a dart at the wall and try replacing Disk 3 first..  The 2 TB drives and 8TB I ordered wonnt be here till mid week




  11. Update


    Not sure if it was the correct approach but I had 2 disks that would allow me to back up lets say would rather not lose files but would rather not...  Crazy part is 3/4 of my data is media that falls under that category.  My do not want to ever lose I keep a external back up already


    Order some new drives if replacement is required also as backing up files used my spares.  Like I said maybe not the best idea but still not sure what is causing all the problems

    The RAW error reads have seemed to stop now that I canceled the parity check


    General Plan at this point and hoping if I am off track that the more experienced may correct :)

    1. Back up Data

    2. Check Connections on every thing and run a few days.  Struggling with this as I feel there is failing hardware but maybe not

    3. If problem continues change drive 3 - Hope it rebuilds - run for a few days

    4. Have not went past that :) - 





    In Painic mode.....


    Have not opened up box or changed anything yet 


    What I started was to SMART Test disc 1 and disk 3 with the intentions of testing all my drives and posting.  These are attached though my server started a schedule parity check that I forgot to turn off :(


    Disk 3 is spitting out a ton of Raw Read Errors 


    I am wondering if there is something lose ;(  The 1 item I should note I do have a 5 disk 5.25" insert.  I was thinking I should emliminate this out of the system as it is old but I am 1 slot shy in my server to do that


    Going to back things up now guess go from there



    RAID Forums.zip tower-smart-20210902-1327 (1).zip tower-smart-20210902-1327.zip

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