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Report Comments posted by brainbone

  1. Yikes!  I'm behind the curve here.  I updated to 6.7.2 from 6.6.6 a few days ago, before seeing this information.


    I've not yet had any corruption, but I'm a little worried.   Glancing over this and related threads, so far it seems like only those storing SQLite DBs directly on disk rather than on SSD/Cache are seeing this issue.  Is that correct, or are there reports of people storing appdata on cache with this issue?  


    Having all my dockers in appdata, and having appdata set to cache only, am I immune to this issue, or should I roll back to 6.6.7?


  2. 7 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    Guys. Lets get this straight.

    It is a problem, so thank you for reporting this.

    And it needs to get resolved regardless of the priority set to it here.


    And the reason I answered "not true" is because a properly set up cache will overflow to the array. There is no data loss. It surely is 'inconvenient' that data stays on the cache longer than expected but this is NOT lost data.



    The is a critical enough issue where you really should remove 6.6.4 from the stable release category. 

  3. 1 minute ago, bonienl said:

    Not true

    If you're not running a cache drive mirrored, yet expect data on the cache drive to be flushed to your protected drive pool nightly, but then a week down the line your unprotected cache drive dies, everything you expected to have been flushed to the protected drive pool but wasn't is now lost. 


    I would call that data loss.


  4. I'm having the same issue on 6.6.3.  Set to run weekly, but it's running daily.   My 6.5.3 is still running weekly fine.


    I've tried multiple changes to the scheduler with no luck. 


    # Generated parity check schedule:
    0 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd check  &> /dev/null || :


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