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Posts posted by RAINMAN

  1. Password protect the root account would be a good start.  It's in settings somewhere....


    I've look through the settings on the webgui and cant see anything related to SSH.  I can add a password easy enough from the console but will that withstand a reboot? or will that setting get wiped out? 


    Also looking to change to a non-standard port.  Probably would be the same question.  I can do it in console but will that setting hold?

  2. They connectors are keyed one way.  So that strip mounts one direction.  From bottom to top.  At the top is the connector to attach to the existing cable.  So I will need to run the power cable from the power supply at the bottom of my case all the way to the top and then use this splitter to run down the hard drives.  Just looks messy.  Its possible, but not clean.

  3. Maybe not necessary but can you create a DHE parameter and add the following to the Nginx config for a more secure SSL configuration?


    cd /etc/ssl/certs
    openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096


    To the server section of the owncloud.site nginx file:


      ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;
      ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
      ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
      ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
      add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; pr$


    I added it to mine but I think if I update my docker it will get wiped...


    I got an A+ rating now :)





    Edit:  Also, how can I add my own SSL certificate so I dont have the SSL errors?  I dont see a place to add one.



    I can't help you with the cron job issue.


    On a previous post about SSL certs I was directed to install it in the ownCloud folder itself and haven't had any issues. As an example I placed it here in my ownCloud installed path: /mnt/user/docker/owncloud . I winscp'd into that directory and copied it there.


    Hope this helps.


    This worked perfectly.  I just replaced the existing server.key and server.pem files and now I have a verified connection.  Very nice.



    Any way we can get access to install theme support?  Looking to make a few modifications.

  5. I'm also trying to set the update to CRON but how do I add a cron job to this docker?  Any ideas?  I'm new to this whole docker thing.


    Edit:  Also, how can I add my own SSL certificate so I dont have the SSL errors?  I dont see a place to add one.


    Edit2:  I logged into the main unraid server and just set a cron job on that and set the cron setting to webcron.  If there is a better way I am open to it still.  Feels like a hack job.


    # Cron For OwnCloud

    */15  *  *  *  * wget --no-check-certificate -O /dev/null -o /dev/null

  6. I had all my folders public and its been working well forever.  I decided to create a new user and create a user share for that user.  Its set as private.  When I go to access it from the windows 7 laptop (on a domain) or my windows 10 desktop (not on a domain) it prompts for a username and password which I enter as I configured in unraid.  I tried just scott, I tried .\scott, I tried workgroup\scott, nothing seems to work.  it always gives me an access is denied message.  If I sent the security of the folder to secure or public I can access the folder fine.  I am not sure what else to try.  any suggestions?

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