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Everything posted by Marv

  1. Hi Mettbrot, the plugin isn‘t starting with the latest release anymore. Had to revert back to 4.2.4-10
  2. I solved this issue by adding the following lines to my nextcloud nginx cfg under appdata/nextcloud/nginx/site-confs/default # Fetch forwarded remote IP address instead of IP address of docker0 bridge interface real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For; set_real_ip_from; real_ip_recursive on; this way you can leave brutforce enabled if you're not using fail2ban, which works for me aswell now
  3. Hi, my Nextcloud data share has always been the only share which only had one specific disk associated with it. As that disk runs out of space I'm asking myself if there's any downside in simply including all disks now? Maybe that's not convenient for Nextcloud!? If it's not an issue, what split level are other people using here?
  4. Just wanted to confirm that all is working for me now since the update. Thanks a lot!
  5. okay thanks. When I want to remove the hash values added by the automatic protection from the extended attributes from folders I wanted to be excluded actually... Do I just need to use the clear feature after re-applying? Does the plugin need the stored hashing results on the flash drive for this? Because I deleted most of them.
  6. As custom folder I just entered "Recycle.Bin". The other folders are selected via the drop down menu. When re-applying the settings the format changes as I posted here using "ps -elf | grep dynamix.file.integrity": Can't test right now with your inotifywait command above as I'm not at home. But should be the same I guess. After rebooting the server I get commas again. edit: Output after re-applying: inotifywait -dsrqo /var/run/hash.pipe -e close_write --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(.*\.Recycle\.Bin/|Backup/|Downloads/|ISOs/|Kodi/|Nextcloud/|Recordings/) --format %w%f /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 I have no idea why it doesn't keep the settings
  7. Getting this: inotifywait -dsrqo /var/run/hash.pipe -e close_write --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/Backup|Downloads,ISOs,Kodi,Nextcloud,Recordings --format %w%f /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3
  8. So after rebooting my server I checked my excluded folders again and unfortunately I get: /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/scripts/watcher A -b2 Backup|Downloads,ISOs,Kodi,Nextcloud,Recordings So the plugin still saves daily files to my flash drive containing file paths and hash values from all disks and shares. Can someone please confirm if this is how its supposed to be and if the auto hashing ignores the excluded folders?
  9. ok thanks a lot. Now I get: /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/scripts/watcher A -b2 (.*\.Recycle\.Bin/|Backup/|Downloads/|ISOs/|Kodi/|Nextcloud/|Recordings/) So whats the best way to remove the hash values added by the automatic protection from the extended attributes of files from these folders now? Just use the clear feature? Does the plugin need the stored hashing results on the flash drive for this? Because I deleted most of them.
  10. Ok thanks. So I get: /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/scripts/watcher a -b2 Backup|Downloads,ISOs,Kodi,Nextcloud,Recordings
  11. So I need to use: /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/scripts/watcher a -md5 and the output would be the excluded folders? I don't get any output from this so I guess my exclusions are not recognized?
  12. Sorry, that's not what I meant or I just understand you correctly Maybe I was a bit unclear. So I excluded all but my media share in the plugin settings. I did that before the initial build was done. After writing the hash values to the extended attributes I did an export. Each file created for each disk only contained the file paths and corresponidng hash values from my media share. So I think the exclusion worked properly. What I also did was enabling 'Save new hashing results to flash' besides the auto monitoring of new and changed files. Now each day I get a file saved to my flash drive containing file paths and hash values from all disks and shares. And that's what I'm wondering about. Shouldn't these daily files (just like the export files) only contain information from my media share?
  13. Anyone? Just wondering why also files from excluded shares are getting monitored.
  14. Hi, I've enabled 'Save new hashing results to flash' and get entries from all disks and shares listed there. As I've excluded all shares but my media share in the plugin settings I'm wondering why this happens. Shouldn't the plugin only monitor the not excluded shares? Maybe I just don't understand the setting correctly. Just started using your plugin.
  15. Sorry I think I expressed myself not correct. I'm not able to reach the container via port 5800 but in the container settings the WebUI is specified with: http://[IP]:[PORT:5800] Still when opening the WebUI via my server's dashboard it opens correctly with port 7807. Why is this working when the docker settings are not correct? Hope this makes sense
  16. Hi, thanks for this container. Works like a charm. Just one quick question. I'm using your default container settings with 5800 --> 7808 (app to host) Now I'm a bit confused why it's possible to reach the container with: http://<HOST IP ADDR>:5800 Shouldn't I only be able to reach the container when typing port 7808 there? Thanks for clarifying
  17. Hi, thanks for clarifying. So wakeup works like I thought. But for the login at the top right corner.. I can't login with the superuser credentials there. The admin user works but the superuser only works for me before adding the other accounts. Are you able to login as the superuser from the tvh webUI?
  18. Hi Mettbrot, playing around with your great plugin for a view days now but as I'm completely new to Tvheadend I have a few questions: When setting up the server for the first time I get asked for the superuser login credentials every time I try to access the webUI. But after adding my users this does not happen anymore. I'm using a wildcard user (*) for my local clients without admin rights which is allowed to access the server from my local network and an admin user which of course has admin rights and is also allowed to access the server locally. So when opening the webUI I don't get asked to login anymore but the webUI shows me an unauthorized login and I'm allowed to see the EPG. Am I right that I get logged in to the wildcard account automatically here? I can also login to the admin acount and am able to see the configurations tab afterwards. But I'm just wondering if this is the normal behaviour. Does the superuser login isn't needed or asked for anymore after setting up other users? The superuser login credentials aren't working aswell via the manual login which I'm using to login to my admin account. I also got a question regarding your wakeup script. When using the first command you posted above without having an actual timer already setup I don't have any log file inside my dvr folder /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tvheadend/scripts/tvheadend_wakeup.sh "$DATADIR/dvr/log" So I'm assuming I can only use your command when having setup a scheduled recording already so that the the above command can write the timer to the file system right? So when does the script gets executed normally? Is it when unraid powers off? Hope this all makes sense to you and you can clear up my noob questions. Thank you
  19. After upgrading to the latest container my Emby server is stuck (even after rebooting) with the following log entry. Cannot open assembly '/usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe': No such file or directory. Is there another update comming to fix this?
  20. You don't have to setup fail2ban on the Nextcloud Docker. You need to map the location of the Nextcloud log file in the Letsencrypt container and then you are able to setup individual filters and add them to your jail.local file inside the Letsencrypt container itself.
  21. You don't have to change anything in the Emby settings to get it working like this.
  22. OMG thank you its working finally. I already found this solution before but placed the lines in my default config file of the Letsencrypt container and not inside the one from Nextcloud. Thanks for your post This is how my emby locaton looks like. Only difference is the '/emby' after the port. Strange that movie playback works for you though. location /emby { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; }
  23. Thanks! Got it working for Emby. Unfortunately my Nextcloud container does not see the real remote IP from a user when logging in but always the Docker network IP This way whenever a user gets a ban all other users get a ban aswell. I already specified my problem a few weeks ago in the Nextcloud thread. I guess this has something to do with Nextcloud running in bridge mode maybe!? Does anyone gets the real remote IP reported in the Nextcloud logs or is there some setting for Nginx that would be the solution? I think it's really strange that Nginx passes the remote IP through Emby but regarding Nextcloud it's not working. I really want to setup fail2ban for Nextcloud aswell.
  24. Oh wow didn't know this is possible and unfortunately I have no idea how the container path would look like Or do I just need a host path here (e.g. /mnt/user/appdata/emby/logs) and leave the container path empty?
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