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Everything posted by nathanrogers

  1. Oh definitely, it's awesome, thank you binhex . But thank you to you also for helping me fix this problem I had
  2. This should be Thank you guys very much! That's fixed it. I owe you
  3. The IP address is, and it says the same under eth0 when I run that command. There is this warning in the log, I'm not sure if this is the issue, what it is or how to fix it: [warn] iptable_mangle module not supported, you will not be able to connect to ruTorrent or Privoxy outside of your LAN [info] Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host:- '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle'
  4. Hi, I'm wondering if someone could help me. I installed delugevpn but when I try to access the Web UI deluge won't work and my brower says "This site can’t be reached". However, when I change the VPN setting to no, it then works fine. These are some of the things I have done to try and fix it: - I've checked my username and password, and I'm using pia, but it still won't work. - The username is definitely the username I use to Log in PIA account - I've changed the location for pia server to see if it might be that - Tried reinstalling it a quite a few times. - Changed my pia password so that it doesn't have characters such as !@£$% I've uploaded my supervisord file to this if that is any help. (Omitting the username and password for obvious reasons.) Thanks supervisord.txt
  5. Yeah, I was just being lazy at the time. But, anyways after removing mkvToolNix and readding it, force update now works on the container without an issue. Same thing would probably with this container. No clue as to why it happened. How do I do that remove and add of the mkvToolNix? Does that fix the issue I'm facing? Thanks Its not mkvToolNix that's your issue. Its Plex. Just click on the container and say remove (container and image) and then add it again (Add Container, User Templates, my-Plex) update problem will probably be fixed Ok thank you!
  6. Yeah, I was just being lazy at the time. But, anyways after removing mkvToolNix and readding it, force update now works on the container without an issue. Same thing would probably with this container. No clue as to why it happened. How do I do that remove and add of the mkvToolNix? Does that fix the issue I'm facing? Thanks
  7. What version of unRAID? The docker management page is not a plugin anymore and hasn't been for a long time. When is the last time you successfully updated plex? It's the latest version of unraid, 6.1.7. And the last time I updated it must have been around September so it wasn't that long ago really.
  8. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone on here can help me with an issue I'm facing updating Plex. I have updated my Plex container a couple of times before so I know that there originally wasn't a problem with updating Plex in the past on my system. The problem I'm having now is that the Plex container says that it is up-to-date, although I know there is a new update available under the limetech/plex repository I am using. I have tried to force the update, and it isn't working. I gives me this message: I have tried to search ways of fixing this but I have been unsuccessful. I would be grateful if there's anyone out there that can help me with this, thanks!
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