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Report Comments posted by GreenEyedMonster

  1. 27 minutes ago, doubleohwhatever said:

    I know this likely won't matter to anyone but I've been using unraid for just over ten years now and I'm very said to see how the nvidia driver situation has been handled.

    While I am very glad that custom builds are no longer needed to add the nvidia driver, I am very disappointed in the apparent lack of communication and appreciation from Limetech to the community members that have provided us with a solution for all the time Limetech would not.

    If this kind of corporate-esque "we don't care" attitude is going to be adopted then that removes an important differentiating factor between Unraid and Synology, etc. For some of us, cost isn't a barrier. Unraid has an indie appeal with good leaders and a strong community.

    Please understand how important the unraid community is and appreciate those in the community that put in the time to make unraid better for all of us.

    Totally agreed!  

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