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Everything posted by bakes82

  1. Yup still happening for me. Its only happening for 1 share though which is odd.
  2. Even if I just use one set (Excluded, or Included) the one share is still writing to the two disk I dont want it to.
  3. I have a share set up to exclude a couple of disks, but it doesnt seem to be excluding them and data is still constantly being written to them? Fixes? here is my cfg for the share # Generated settings: shareComment="" shareInclude="disk1,disk2,disk3,disk4,disk5" shareExclude="disk6,disk7" shareUseCache="no" shareCOW="auto" shareAllocator="highwater" shareSplitLevel="" shareFloor="0" shareExport="e" shareSecurity="public" shareReadList="" shareWriteList="" shareExportNFS="-" shareExportNFSFsid="0" shareSecurityNFS="public" shareHostListNFS="" shareExportAFP="-" shareSecurityAFP="public" shareReadListAFP="" shareWriteListAFP="" shareVolsizelimitAFP="" shareVoldbpathAFP=""
  4. Here is my modified script, it runs as a cron every 1 min. It looks in the watch folder for files and then removes it from the watch folder after being transcoded. It also checks to make sure only 1 instance of the script is running. #!/bin/bash # check if we are the only local instance if [[ "`pidof -x $(basename $0) -o %PPID`" ]]; then echo "This script is already running with PID `pidof -x $(basename $0) -o %PPID`" exit fi ########### EDITABLE VARIABLES ########## DEST_EXT=mp4 PRESET=Roku ######################################### ##### DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE ############### SRC=/Watch DEST=/Output HANDBRAKE_CLI=HandBrakeCLI IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") for FILE in `ls $SRC` do filename=$(basename $FILE) extension=${filename##*.} filename=${filename%.*} $HANDBRAKE_CLI -i $SRC/$FILE -o $DEST/$filename.$DEST_EXT --preset $PRESET chown nobody:users $DEST/$filename.$DEST_EXT rm -rf $SRC/$FILE done
  5. How would we add a cron/job that would run the convert script every min? I have the same problem above, if you copy in multiple files it only converts the first one.