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Everything posted by Bjonness406

  1. Updated dynamix webgui in plugins? ha. works like a charm. i tried installing it 2 weeks ago but got the same problems i did earlier today. wonder why that might have been. A problem when calling a docker when you spaces in volume mappings.
  2. Can you try a popular torrent? A Linux ISO file or something? Post some screenshot, it is easier to help you then for other people
  3. If you disable the VPN does it work? If so, you do not have your VPN set up correctly. Follow the directions in the second post of this thread. Thanks, config my vpn and it worked great. Now i have another problem, i have my data location set to /mnt/usr/downloads but when i get into deluge it is pointing to /home/nobody/Downloads. If i set it to /mnt/usr/downloads i get a permission denied error?? Thanks Go into your unRAID server, and edit the deluge docker. Go to volume mappings and set "Container volume" to /data and "Host path" to /mnt/usr/downloads with read/write. Then go into deluge and set the data location to /data That worked, have everything up and running. Using airvpn and maxing out my connection BOTH ways 100/10 Line Thanks Should this not be /mnt/user/downloads ?? Yes it should, misstype. Sorry
  4. Unfortunately this doesnt seem to have worked. Deluge is slow to stop and delete torrents i think, try to let it stay over the night.
  5. If you disable the VPN does it work? If so, you do not have your VPN set up correctly. Follow the directions in the second post of this thread. Thanks, config my vpn and it worked great. Now i have another problem, i have my data location set to /mnt/usr/downloads but when i get into deluge it is pointing to /home/nobody/Downloads. If i set it to /mnt/usr/downloads i get a permission denied error?? Thanks Go into your unRAID server, and edit the deluge docker. Go to volume mappings and set "Container volume" to /data and "Host path" to /mnt/usr/downloads with read/write. Then go into deluge and set the data location to /data
  6. Yeah, but I actually read the stickies and post them properly.... If there are any mods here, just delete that thread
  7. Can you try the following, download and unzip the attached file docker.zip and copy the docker script to: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts Make sure the docker script is executable (chmod +x /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker) if needed. Like to hear your feedback. Pretty good timing bonienl, whilst you were fixing this I was posting a defect report... ... Just did the same, haha :P https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47186.0
  8. Can you try the following, download and unzip the attached file docker.zip and copy the docker script to: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts Make sure the docker script is executable (chmod +x /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker) if needed. Like to hear your feedback. I really dont want to just try out things on my main server, sorry. Maybe someone else can test this?
  9. I dunno.... I'll go and get my crystal ball out of the car.... I'm just investigating my theory with my Unraid-VM.... Tell us what you find out Hehe, I know you don't know exact time, was just wondering what I could expect. Hope for a hotfix in a couple of days.
  10. Yes, upgraded unRAID version at the same time I changed docker.. How long will it take limetech to fix this? (if it is their fault)
  11. Do you have any spaces in the volume mappings? I am having a problem with this, could be v6.1.9 error? Try to add the image again from "Templates-user"
  12. It does, as I've used spaces in them before... I tried to switch from Limetech image. Then I add a space I get this error message, if I remove it it works fine. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="PlexMediaServer" --net="host" -e PUID="99" -e PGID="100" -e VERSION="latest" -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -v "/mnt/disk1/appdata/plexmediaserver":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Movies/":"/Movies":ro -v "/mnt/user/Tv Shows/":"/Tv Shows":ro linuxserver/plex Unable to find image 'Shows/:/Tv:latest' locally Invalid namespace name (Shows). Only [a-z0-9-_] are allowed. The command finished successfully!
  13. I tried to switch to this dokcer image, why does it not accept spaces in "host path" or "Contrainer volume"? (/mnt/user/Tv Shows/ and /Tv_Shows)
  14. As a rule, no, although once a month we update the base image which will cause it to show up, but for app updates then a container restart, unraid array restart or docker service restart is required. Thanks! Do you update the base image then it has been no updates with the docker itself?
  15. I did not find a Linuxserver general thread, so I post here istead. Still relevant. I am not using any dockers from Linuxserver atm, but I am maybe switching to. I have heard that to update dockers, you have to restart it. If I go to the docker tab on my unRAID server, and click "check for updates", will the new update show up there?
  16. There is already a docker from linuxserver, and it is just a simple docker. Why not just use that?
  17. I am not interested myself, but maybe someone else are But why do you want to switch from deluge? What is the difference?
  18. Set deluge to stop seeding torrent after a 3.0 ratio and go to Sonarr and click on advanced view, then you can set Sonarr to delete files after it is downloaded. Sonarr will delete it as soon deluge stopp seeding the torrent then. (not my pictures, I am on iPad so just found some random online)
  19. No problem man Not my fault for once hehe Thanks for an awesome dokker
  20. It goes instant for me, no waiting before Crashplan desktop appers. In the first post you say: Since I updated the docker, I don't have any variables to edit (in Environment Variables under advanced view). I added RDP_PASSWD in Variable Name, and "Test" in Variable Value, but I still can connect without password. What am I doing wrong. I dont have the WEB_PORT Variable either then, do I need that? Or only if I want to change port? Any other Variables I need?
  21. If you haven't deployed it yet, you can use the new template from Community Applications. No mods are needed. Do I load CrashPlan or Crashplan-Desktop if I'm a new user of this? Just Crashplan now, crashplan-desktop was before. In the next release. Awsome Done. See the OP. Thanks man Awesome
  22. Thanks for your good work gfjardim, keep it up Would it be possible to protect the VNC client with password?
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