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  1. I did a bit more digging, and I found that this was due to a missing masquerade rule for the containers. Only found that out after the explicit "allow port 53" rules didn't get _any_ packet matches in pfsense. Not sure how that got lost, but adding it back immediately got everything working normally again. Thanks for the help!
  2. Most recently, I've not been setting that env var and it gets populated as If I try using NAME_SERVERS=, as a test, there is no change in behavior.
  3. Followed Q16, no change. Router/host firewall is not blocking, updated the config files, tried a different port, and tried using an IP instead of hostname. Still hangs here: and then gives the "Error: error sending query: Could not send or receive, because of network error" error before repeating the inactivity timeout message. I am confident my ISP is not blocking as I am able to connect to the VPN on the host, just not in the container.
  4. Did a bit more digging, and trying a few other VPN servers. I'm now getting this: It looks like this is some kind of DNS failure within the container, but I can't replicate it on the host. DNS is working peachy host-side. I even did a static mapping of the VPN server to a resolvable IP and the drill lookups still hang/fail.
  5. I've had this issue on and off with the sabnzbdvpn image for a while now, and just recently I've been unable to workaround it anymore. The issue is twofold. First, starting the image does not start sabnzbd for me. As in, there is not even an attempt to start it in the logs: And it will just sit there, forever, cycling on the inactivity timeout. I can manually start the sabnzbd process by exec'ing into the container and running '/opt/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -f /config/sabnzbd.ini'. This launches sab and I can access the webUI. However, now I have a second problem - as of today, when trying to relaunch the container and start sab manually again, while sab launches it now reports it has no public IPv4 address. I am able to ping external addresses via IP address, but not using an FQDN.
  6. I was able to exec into the container and manually start sabnzbd without issue. I also confirmed the VPN is properly functioning as exec'ing a curl against whatismyip.akamai.com shows the expected VPN address. So it seems that, for one reason or another, nothing is launching sabnzbd when the container starts, even though the VPN setup is successful.
  7. I recently did a server rebuild, and I'm trying to re-deploy the sabnzbdvpn container, however it appears to hang during the VPN setup. According to logs output, it is always hanging here: ------8<----------- 2019-11-08 16:12:38,866 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] Application does not require external IP address, skipping external IP address detection ------8<----------- There is no activity after that, no matter how long I wait. I'm passing VPN_PROV=pia and VPN_REMOTE=swiss.privateinternetaccess.com along with the standard set of env vars.
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