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  1. Nope just standard docker access through unraid or organizr. I installed the webapi plugin that Organizr asked me too but it shows up as [objectlist] when i try installing it. Not a terribly big deal i just wanted to have deluge on the homepage.
  2. Yep! http://ipaddress:port/ and then the password for the deluge docker. Organizr says to install a webapi plugin, but whenever i install it for Deluge, it doesn't do anything which is why im confused. Thanks for the help!
  3. I entered the IP with port and the password for deluge and this is the error im getting in Organizr V2 "could not log in due to curl error (. 56): Recv failure: connection reset by peer"
  4. Has anyone ran into an issue where they can't check the box next to WebUI? I'm trying to get Deluge to show in Organizr and it needs WebUi active.
  5. I know you're probably getting bombarded but could you create one for Conan: Exiles if you feel like it? If not no big deal, thanks for all the hard work!
  6. It should be Linux, I'll check and make sure the old server is updated to the latest version and let you know. Thanks!
  7. Sorry one more question, i have another teamspeak server that i wanted to transfer to this docker... is that possible? What files do i need to have? Basically i have all the files, but when i drag them over into the docker folder so that i can migrate channels, icons, permissions, nothing shows up on docker restart... just a blank fresh server,
  8. Thanks for the docker, works great and was easy to setup! I just had one question... is it possible to get set up this docker twice? Is it as simple as just making a new docker with a different port? I was hoping to host both my brothers and my own teamspeak off my server. Thanks!
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