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Everything posted by Rembro

  1. Not bad at all for that Rosewill: a fair price For those who love a good warranty: 5 years for Corsair and 2 years for the Rosewill
  2. Single rail of 54 Amps and 80 Plus Bronze !! 69 Dollar and free-shipping : Not bad. You're planning a +- 20 drive build ? Maybe you could also consider the TX650 V2 from Corsair , after the rebate only a 10 dollar price difference with the Rosewill http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139020
  3. If you already got this powersupply and wanna re-use it that would be great and a cost saver for your UnRaid build When you are planning to go all the way from start and connect directly 10 to 15 or more drives , please buy another one. The power supply we talked about in this topic is the Corsair CX430. This one has 28 A on a single rail. You can hook up savely 10 maybe 11/12 green drives. 14 A = like ''joeshmoe1'' said: 4 green drives, maybe 5 would be a safe maximum for that power supply
  4. ;D When i read about you having that type from Brennenstuhl i checked the test on hardware info again. just check that line with ''Desktop PC soft-uit'' , you see that it measures 31,46 watts I also know that Brennenstuhl is a very good and reliable brand with normally accurate equipment. but this specific model has only problems with lower wattages. Higher wattages are pretty good. The Kijkshop Cresta is a €10 piece of toy with way too small digits and definitily would not buy normally , until i read about the multiple good reviews for it's low price.
  5. If only i also have had the V2 ,, we could make sure you're not the only one or maybe more people would have this issue :-)
  6. @Joe - could not write it down better,, if you al count that ''standby'' usage together in a today's household most people will be surprised what the yearly cost would be. @Rob I just did the test with my CX430 (non V2) server turned off : power supply button on = between 1 and 3 watt server turned off : power supply button off = 0 watt this is weird comparing with your test results
  7. @Rob , seems to me there is a power leakage somewhere or a faulty measuring. 30 watts, even with the power button from the power supply off? that seems not normal to me. I have the CX430 (before v2) and a cresta RC-1106 watt-meter http://www.cresta.nl/index.php?Itemid=2&option=com_zoo&view=item&category_id=25&item_id=138〈=nl http://www.kijkshop.nl/product/21159/295-1276/merkenshops/cresta/cresta-energiekostenmeter-rce-1106/ My Un-Raid server is just having his montly parity check,, but will measure mine with power button off and come back to you on this tommorow. What kind of measering device / watt-meter do you use? i read that there a lot low budget watt meters on the consumer-market which have huge differences in measuring wattage comparing actual usage. especially with lower wattages example actual use 50 watts ( by an professional labo device) Brand A says 70 watts ,, and Brand B says 25 watts. Reading from your e-mail adres you're from NL , so you can read this. http://nl.hardware.info/nieuws/14165/testresultaten-energieverbruiksmeters English: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnl.hardware.info%2Fnieuws%2F14165%2Ftestresultaten-energieverbruiksmeters&lp=nl_en&btnTrUrl=Translate
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