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Everything posted by Bungy

  1. I tried compiling from source before and got the same exec error after satisfying the x and free type dependencies. I'll give it another shot though with your docker file. Thanks!
  2. I'm very glad to see the pros are all stepping in to help! The problem seems to be a bit different then I originally thought. I was able to get 64-bit windows programs to run using wine64. The blueiris installer is able to install 32 and 64 bit versions of the software. However, for compatibility, the installer itself is a 32-bit program and I can't run it using wine64.
  3. lol glad my failed attempts are at least spreading knowledge!
  4. Are you running the command as docker exec -it <NAMEOFDOCKER> <COMMAND> ? then it wouldn't matter if its 32/64bit because the command is running in the docker I'm running docker exec -it <NAMEOFDOCKER> /bin/bash Then from inside the docker I'm running the 32-bit executable. I wonder if I need to install some kind of multi-arch library inside the docker.
  5. That's what I figured. I was hoping that running inside a docker would help with this problem. I guess since dockers run on the host's kernel the 32-bit docker executables also won't run.
  6. I am working on building a docker to run blueiris security camera software. This is windows software that has the ability to run on linux using wine. I have successfully run a dockerized x11 server including vnc. I am able to install wine in another docker and show applications such as notepad and explorer on the vnc server. I am also able to get blueiris to install inside the docker but only if I use boot2docker. Using the exact same docker on unraid, running wine gives me the error: bash: /usr/bin/wine: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error Interestingly if I install wine directly on unraid, I get the same error. However, I am able to run the 64-bit version of wine (wine64). I tried to just use this as the solution for unraid users, but the blueiris.exe file won't run with 64 bit wine. I get the error: wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\tmp\blueiris.exe My guess is there are some modules not included in unraid that is causing bad interpretation of the 32-bit wine executable. If anybody has any thoughts as to the problem or any paths forward, please let me know.
  7. It looks like is your VPN and is your LAN. Is that correct? Try setting "Should clients be allowed to access network services on the VPN gateway IP address?" to yes. What are your dns settings on that same page? Also, can you ping other machines on the LAN when connected through the VPN?
  8. Do you have your openvpn set up under routing or NAT mode? Can you post some screenshots of your settings?
  9. My guess is that since your router is resolving LAN hostnames, it may be doing this through the WINS or NetBIOS instead of DNS. I'm guessing it is acting like a DNS server for your LAN, but isn't accepting requests from other networks (i.e. openvpn). I'm guessing the router-based lookup tools failed because it's using the DNS server assigned for it's WAN ports instead of the DNS server it is running locally. You can try setting openvpn to assign a WINS server address to its clients. You can also try enabling NetBIOS. Also make sure your router is set as the first DNS server. The clients only use the 2nd dns server if the first one times out. I can help you with a LOT more specifics if you flash your router to a DD-WRT firmware. I'm much more familiar with those than TP-LINK.
  10. I was imagining that to be a manual step that would be done when first building the server and updated when the server is modified. I mainly want it because I can never remember how I have my wires plugged in. Automation seems nice, but I agree, I don't think it's attainable.
  11. Would it be possible to add a field to the layout to define which SATA card the drive is plugged into? This would be very useful for debugging bad cards and keeping track of what is going through the PCI-E card(s) and what is going through the motherboard. I suppose this can be done in the notes section, but it seems this should be specific to the tray and not to the drive.
  12. Tried a lot of different things, never got it to work. I'm using the ip addresses, no big deal I think my problem is that the client's can't access my dd-wrt router, which is what handles the lan dns hostname resolution. I think the options are to switch to bridged mode or somehow allow the 172.X.X.X subnet to talk to the router. I got it to work by re-enabling NAT, which allows my VPN clients to communicate with my router. I then set the primary DNS server to my router's ip address and the seconday to google's The problem I'm having now is my VPN clients can't connect to any resources on the lan other then unraid and my router. I feel like I'm spamming now. It turned out to be a windows firewall issue. I resolved it by allowing connections through "public" networks. I thought the traffic would look like it's coming from the local network, but this is not the case probably because of the 172.X.X.X ip address. That's interesting. I'll look into it, too. In my experience, I have no problems accessing the router on the client machines (they can access all three of my routers, including the one running the dhcp server for the lan). I had the dns set to use the dhcp router ip as well, but no local name resolution. I'll try the Windows firewall settings I was able to communicate with all lan devices once I turned NAT back on. I was trying to use the routing tables instead, but that attempt failed. Turning off the windows firewall was only to allow rdp connections to my windows machine and won't help with resolving hostnames. Try assigning a dns suffix on your router if it supports it. Then tell your openvpn server to assign the same suffix to its clients. If you set it to "home" you would lookup the hostname like "ping tower.home". I think it also helped me that my router runs dnsmasq.
  13. Tried a lot of different things, never got it to work. I'm using the ip addresses, no big deal I think my problem is that the client's can't access my dd-wrt router, which is what handles the lan dns hostname resolution. I think the options are to switch to bridged mode or somehow allow the 172.X.X.X subnet to talk to the router. I got it to work by re-enabling NAT, which allows my VPN clients to communicate with my router. I then set the primary DNS server to my router's ip address and the seconday to google's The problem I'm having now is my VPN clients can't connect to any resources on the lan other then unraid and my router. I feel like I'm spamming now. It turned out to be a windows firewall issue. I resolved it by allowing connections through "public" networks. I thought the traffic would look like it's coming from the local network, but this is not the case probably because of the 172.X.X.X ip address.
  14. Tried a lot of different things, never got it to work. I'm using the ip addresses, no big deal I think my problem is that the client's can't access my dd-wrt router, which is what handles the lan dns hostname resolution. I think the options are to switch to bridged mode or somehow allow the 172.X.X.X subnet to talk to the router. I got it to work by re-enabling NAT, which allows my VPN clients to communicate with my router. I then set the primary DNS server to my router's ip address and the seconday to google's The problem I'm having now is my VPN clients can't connect to any resources on the lan other then unraid and my router.
  15. Tried a lot of different things, never got it to work. I'm using the ip addresses, no big deal I think my problem is that the client's can't access my dd-wrt router, which is what handles the lan dns hostname resolution. I think the options are to switch to bridged mode or somehow allow the 172.X.X.X subnet to talk to the router.
  16. Has anybody been able to access any of the machines in their local lan from the VPN client using the hostname? I.E. "ping tower" from the OpenVPN client
  17. I'll try to create a branch that includes python 2. I'm not sure when I"ll get to this, so if you get to it first, feel free to send me a merge request. Ice_Black, python2.7 and python 3.4 are installed by default, but the symbolic link for python points to python 3. Can you change your scripts to use "python2" instead of "python"? Alternatively, there is a symbolic link in /usr/bin pointing python to python3. You could easily change it to point to python2 instead. unlink /usr/bin/python ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python I'm happy to make a branch that has python2 as the default, but if it's easy enough to change your scripts, then I think that is the cleaner solution.
  18. It looks like gitlab is up and running correctly. My guess is you're trying to connect to the web gui on the wrong port. Which ports did you assign to the container and what port is gitlab set to use? This is based on your environmental variable for "GITLAB_PORT" and whether you're using HTTPS ("GITLAB_HTTPS=true"). For more information, you may want to look at sameersbn's documentation (https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab). He's the one who wrote the docker container. I simply provided a template for unraid users.
  19. I'll try to create a branch that includes python 2. I'm not sure when I"ll get to this, so if you get to it first, feel free to send me a merge request.
  20. Awesome. I'm glad people are using it. I didn't expect that one to get any traction and kinda just built it for myself. What controller software are you using? I haven't found anything that handles RF dimming gracefully. I had to write my own modifications to the openhab mochad binding, and these changes still haven't found their way into the master branch.
  21. Yep exactly. You would make openhab a privileged server and share the USB drives. I currently do this using my mochad docker, which communicates with a USB x10 controller.
  22. Yeah, if you specify the config directory mapping, then it expects you to provide all the configurations. If you remove the mapping, it should load the demo configuration. Otherwise, you can manually load it using the demo files found here (https://openhab.ci.cloudbees.com/job/openHAB/) Hope that helps!
  23. Yep, just for the extra layer of protection.
  24. Whew! I'm glad it worked out for you!
  25. John, it looks like something is wrong with the /data volume mapping. Where did you set up /data to map to?
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