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Posts posted by trurl

  1. Folder for emoncms /var/www should be now persistent so you can modify settings.php.



    I've also created docker for Logitech Media Server because the one from gfjardim hasn't been updated for ages and added Flickr uploader for uploading photos to flickr. You have 1TB for free.

    Thanks for LMS. Using it now. Not clear how it is different than gfjardim though. I see it has a newer phusion. Is that the only difference? Do you plan on doing more with it? Here is an old request for adding the airplay plugin ;)
  2. I'm going to move this to the 6.1 Verified forum, but please send me a PM if anyone discovers an incompatibility that I haven't yet.

    So did you already test it with the PhAzE plugin mentioned in the link I gave above?


    I can well remember the bad old days of v5 when syslogs were full of plugins installing one version of something, then another plugin comes in and deletes all that so it can install a different version.

  3. Hi all,

    I have some problemos starting the container and I bet it has something to do with permission of folders. I try to attach the folder /db to /home/username/docker/mythtv/db and /home/mythtv to the /home/username/docker/mythtv. So my run looks like:

    docker run \

        --name=mythtv \

        -v  /home/username/docker/mythtv/db:/db \

        -v /home/username/docker/mythtv:/home/mythtv\



    It has worked on other images, bit this one has me stuck and it stops and tells me waiting, waiting etc, could some gentle sole push me in the right direction? Ohh, yes i am a virgin at docker but keen to learn.


    Thanks in advance,


    You say it has worked on other images? Are you sure you've really tested that well? In general, you're doing it wrong.


    In unRAID, most of the "usual" Linux locations are in RAM, will not survive a reboot, and have limited space anyway. There are really only 2 places you can store something.


    1) /boot is your flash drive. This is mainly intended for saving configuration and some people use if for scripts or other small files that aren't written much.


    2) /mnt is the mount point for your disks and user shares.


    Please see the Docker FAQ and other stickies in the Docker Engine section.

  4. Could anyone suggest some helpful tutorials on configuring port mapping in a docker app. I'm trying to setup Flexgit and I'm failing to understand what ports need to be accessible inside to outside and how they should be mapped. Would it be e.g 80 inside 80 outside and 443 inside 443 outside etc.? Thanks in advance.

    I don't use that docker, but in general, you shouldn't change the container port since that is what the application is expecting to use. You set the host port to some port that isn't already being used. 80 is already being used by the unRAID webUI.
  5. Looks like the other Transmission docker here would also get the latest at PPA so would have the same problem.


    Just tried PhAzE plugin and for now at least it is getting 2.82. I just made another copy of the appdata for it to use, and then went into the app and set it to use the "unmapped" path to the downloads, and also did Set Location on each of the existing torrents. So I am at least back to seeding now. May wait a while before starting any new torrents and hopefully this will be resolved soon.

  6. Private trackers have banned 2.90, not just for OS X but for Linux and Windows too (since they can't differentiate between the OS from what the tracker sends).


    OSX has ransomeware





    Any idea if we'll see an update for unRAID? I don't want to change torrent clients because of 2.90 getting banned.

    The github page doesn't mention any way to specify the version like it does with Plex. This is pretty much a catastrophe for me and my seeding requirements.


    According to Transmission website there is a version 2.92 available now. I tried restarting the docker hoping it would give me the latest version but no, still stuck on 2.90 which is banned. The docker log starts out looking for fastest mirror so maybe the mirror isn't up-to-date.

  7. Thanks for the plugin, I have a issue though.


    I added a Remote SMB, (just some movies on another computer)

    I added it to PLEX docker, but within PLEX it would see the Remote SMB DIR, But it will not see whats in it, so it can't see the Movies within it.

    I doubled checked the Plex docker to make sure it's correct and it is.


    It mounts fine I can WinSCP into the unraid and go into /mnt/disks/XBMC-PC_e/Movies2  I see everything in the DIR and copy/past/move everything etc


    Don't know what I did wrong.


    I also didn't add any scripts to the Remote SMB, do I need to?



    Dockers cannot see anything mounted after the docker service started. Restart the docker service from Settings - Docker.
  8. Attached is my full diagnostic server log.  I found out that drive 1 is having some sector issues, but nothing showed up on the dashboard.  I will be replacing it later today.  However, I don't think this has anything to do with not being to re-instal Plex.


    Would I need to delete everything related to Plex from the config and appdata folders?  I've tried to install LimeTech and 2 other Plex plugins via docker, and I am not able to get to install.  Thanks for all the help.

    Update your sig, obviously you are not running V5.


    Are you sure your docker img isn't full?


    I updated unRAID and then updated this Plex container and no issues for me.


  9. What does everyone think about cleaning up the installation of this whole thing by having the plugin install the script?


    I am well aware of the objections originally raised when Simplefeatures tried to introduce a preclear plugin but it's not clear they still apply. Joe L. isn't doing any support lately, and there are actually 3 versions of the script out now. I assume the bjp999 faster preclear is derivative of Joe L.'s original script, and gfjardim has posted what I assume is a derivative of bjp999's script that adds notifications.


    Rather than being a support issue for Joe L., which was his originally stated concern, this plugin has turned into a support issue for the rest of the community and most of that could be cured by having the plugin install gfjardim's version of the script posted in reply #200 of this thread.

  10.   Users wishing to use my work can continue to download it directly from my homepage.


    How am i suppose to use your work when I don't know how to make a docker?  John did a great job using "your work" so I and others can install it.  You should be happy that we are using it.

    He has a paypal donate button on his page that nobody will know about if they don't have to actually go to the  page to download it.
  11. I have installed this docker and did the initial library scan and all was fine. Set plex to automatically add new items to library. It's not doing that though. Also it's not adding anything new if I manually update the library.


    My docker folders that I added to plex are


    /movies        =        /mnt/user/movies

    /series          =        /mnt/user/series


    That's the only thing I added to the docker install. Configuration folder is default of /mnt/appdata/plex


    Any ideas?

    This definitely works for me. Are you sure the new stuff is in those locations and it is plex-compatible? Sounds like some issue you're having with plex itself rather than with this docker. Have you searched at the plex website?
  12. One other thing that might help some people. If you're not already familiar with some particular application, and there is a version available that will run on your PC, try it that way first. After you are familiar with it you will have a lot less to figure out when you try to make it work as an unRAID docker. Most every application I have installed as a docker is one that I had used before on my PC.

  13. lboregard and anyone else involved in this, please consider putting any code in a code block like this

    ls -la /boot

    then the other user can just select, copy, and paste it. Would have saved quite a lot of posts trying to fix syntax errors. The code block is the button with the # on it.

  14. RobJ, I just read your procedure and think I understand it. The one thing I wanted to double-check is that at no point a New Config is mentioned. I thought I had seen that unRAID would let you swap drive numbers without a New Config, but I had also seen other posts that seemed to indicate New Config was necessary but you could trust parity so it was OK. And I thought I had even seen a recent post that seemed to indicate that unRAID would not let you Start because of the swapped disk assignments.


    So if I have read you correctly a New Config is NOT needed. I guess the tricky part in all this is to be sure to change the "expected" format to the actual format of the swapped drives. Since I have already converted all my drives to XFS I will not be testing your procedure.


    Looks like a wiki! And since this is a sticky maybe a link in the first post.


  15. Another option would be a single button (like the array shutdown, sleep, reboot addon) where you can add different commands to it and be able to drag them up/down to arrange a the user needs.


    Prime example is the Muximux container where you can put the link in the side dropdown



    Making core parts of the UI user configurable will only make support more confusing than it already is.
  16. Make sure disk3 is included or not excluded in the Global Shares Settings, and also that disk3 is included or not excluded in the settings for that specific user share.


    Include means "only these disks", Exclude means "except for these disks". If both are blank then none are excluded and there is no limit to the disks that are included. So both blank means include all.


    If that doesn't clear things up try stopping and starting the array since array start is when the user shares are actually instantiated.

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